Tree of Savior Forum

KToS 28/7/16 Swordsman Buffs

So bascially the damage for skills at max level is now:

Barbarian :
Stomping kick 15 : 1011 -> 2374 dmg, 3 overheat
Embowel 15 : 970 -> 2701 dmg
Giant Swing 5 : 1067 -> 4512,8 dmg

Vertical slash 5 : 690 +10% per debuff -> 1780 dmg + 30% per debuff, 2 overheat

So that’d mean stomping kick and embowel at max level hit harder than maxed Seism (1752) or maxed Cleave (1364, higher when used on stunned)?

Seism have a damage multiplier. (+50 or +70% I forgot)
Cleave with stunned bonus is higher as well (+150%)

Either way it’s unlikely for either skill to get picked except for c1 barb.

They’re Strike/Pierce type, whereas the typical 2H route focuses more on Slash (Cleave debuff)

still no love for corsair c3 :frowning:

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There was a patch a few weeks ago (14/07/16) that made pistol shot being 2x overheat. The week before they increased its base damage
- Skill Damage Increased 267.32 → 534.64
- Damage Per Level Increased 71 → 92.3
Not much, but at least something

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dude u can trap someone for 19 secs with like 4 cd with ur hook and shoot the guy to death, corsair 3 is a monster if u use it in pvp lol, go to 2vs2 arenas with max hook,try it out

It’s usage is quite very situational outside 1v1 and 2v2.
At least it be great if corsair/squire can get an attribute to let them move freely after disabling the target at the cost of it’s duration being reduced, or hook&chain usable on bosses when using maxed out attribute.

yeah, out of 1v1 or 2v2 its not as usefull, but if u manage to go in 2v2 and trap both enemies u have an easy win.

i see corsair as the “capitain”, so u put the flag and hook the enemies, while ur crew kill them

So what’s a build to go preparing for these buffs?

Seems like

Sword / Highlander C3 / Barb C1 / Doppel C3


Sword / Highlander C1 / Barb C3 / Doppel C3

Not to say other build wont benefit more/less from the changes as these ones, but chances are these will be the builds you see the most often ^o.o^

I don’t think post buff Sword C2 is bad at all into Barb.
Pain barrier is simply too legit, and 30% Restrain is passable. Slot in concentrate and you’re good to go.

In response to your statement in the reset thread, Guardian getting a -14%atk at lvl1 is easily offset by what was already stated here in the thread which follows
-High: by some cases H3>P1 is taken, Crit damage boost in 2hnd sword usage, Crossguard pierce damage boost when staggering enemies, SkullSwing for armorbreak.
-Barbs: Cleave debuff slash damage increase(3overheat), Warcry atk increase and def reduction on enemies, Frenzy atk increase/stack.
-Hopps: FINESTRA crit boost(aoe ratio is a massive bonus), spear lunge debuff pierce damage increase(2overheat)
-Rode: ShieldPush deff reduction debuff, Slithering and HighKick strike damage increase.
-Catas: don’t particularly get Pelt in their builds anyway.
Corsair:JollyRoger atk buff/stack(not really reliable atm).
-Dopps: DOV lvl1 neutralizes it, R3 gives them Zwerchhau(their personal version of Cleave).
-Fencers: Aggression att., Attaque Coquille debuff(pierce def ignore),R2 has Prepration making next pierce move inflict double damage , R3 gives them EpeeStance that massively spikes crit damage by x3-4.5 and BalestraFente a crit resist reduction debuff on targets in hit.
-Goons:BigGameHunt att., R2 Serpentine debuff giving a 100% increase in melee damage, Dethrone’s bonus damage based on target size.
-And generally, DEX, like someone said here before crits do 150% of original damage, SW’s Concentration’s new scaling can possibly give a boost in atk depending on the players stat.

TL;DR: Devs seem to be banking in the new atk bonus of STR so players will get DEX for Crit together with damage increasing debuffs for SW balancing, I still do think we need a ‘hp recover timer reduction’ attribute to cover for our bigger hp regening at same pace as other classes.

I was referring to PvE ones that go Pelta / Hoplite C2 / Cata/Dragoon

I don’t think I’ve heard of a PvP Cata that goes Pelt, because Sword C3 is way better for PvP than Pelt is. Since Highlander’s Cross Guard is restricted to 2H sword, PvE catas have a choice between Pelt and Sword C2, and Pelt was the obvious better choice due to Guardian Evasion boost and Swashbuckling.

Some people have invested points into Guardian to increase the duration, but they’re going to be screwed over by losing tons of attack per level invested after the change.

I understand where you’re coming from with your points, but in the end, it’s a nerf. Instead of losing 14 patk, we are losing 14% patk. Especially a big deal for high str builds. And even then, 1 could argue that the str buff makes up for it but you can’t say the same for dex builds.

It’s not enough of a nerf to make me reroll but there is nothing positive about the change at face value imo. Ofc, we don’t know the exact values for it yet and hopefully the def % buff will be greater than the atk % debuff.

Lastly, I still think that guardian should not have a penalty on it. But that’s just me.


tbh. this skill is kinda suck even the damage is increased. the animation is too slow and sometimes it causes you character to freeze for a couple of seconds. also the reason i re-rolled again (coz dont have to spend skill reset pot just for that)

i’d rather want war cry with aoe damage attribute (stomp) than those other 2 less-used skills from barb.

planning to get dat character slot and make another swordie

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or u can get corsair 2 and shinobi and go invisible, easier to use hook, but it last like 14 secs. but u can also combo the kunai+bunshin with it

P/Hop2/Cata/Goon that’s +100 already in crit with Finestra10 saving you 77points in dex to pump somewhere else like str or con/spr, Cata’s mobility being cavalry class makes em’ great pvp threats specially with the introduction of Lancer, but yeah, I was a biased not looking into Cata’s PVE potential.
I do agree it’s pretty much a nerf all around when Highguard already shoots down your atk by -50%, just had to point out there still way to offset the said nerf , I guess Devs has some plans(?) on making some sort of raid boss where Pelt face tanking to keep aggro is a must.
When I got it on my barb I did notice it has a short CC(grabbing target) like effect in the stabbing animation part, it would be better if it has faster animation action, farther knock back on the kick and maybe 2 or 3 overheat.

lol, people complaining about a defensive skill (guardian) from a defensive class (peltasta).

Clearly it was meant to be for offensive classes to begin with.


Where was said “pelt is counter offensive class”? Coz new skill give exzctly that.

Pelt’s been a defensive class since day 1.

People complaining about the change for guardian clearly wanted a defensive cd with no drawback