Tree of Savior Forum

KToS 28/7/16 Swordsman Buffs

Dude now i dont know if i go for high3>barb1>doppel or high1>barb3>doppel
-croscut+skyliner = bleed + big dmg - consider str buff for bleed
-moulinet = big dmg - str buff too, later on with green gems this one will crit a lot
-skull swing = ultimate boss debuff
-vertical slash = ultimate boss dmg, with all those debuffs on bosses

-Frenzy + warcry = can combo well with doppel multihit skills and DOV
-seism = good AoE stun
-giant swing = new buff and sht
-pouncing = dont know about this one

both get cleave and helm chop (barb can have it higher level tho)

i dont know if the warcry + frenzy combo is better than crosscut+skyliner / skull swing / vertical slash combos.

AAAAAA cant decide, i want go back to the game but i just can decide =*(

Not like i’m going to waste Highlander 50% critical attack bonus for a taunt. Now we have even less reasons to pick peltasta. Let the taunting/tanking job for the actual tanks.

K 20 characters /////

There’s always the possibility that IMC is trying to prevent OP interactions with later ranks skills.

Both provide ups and down. Pelt makes grouping and solo grinding easier and faster. Highlander adds a bit more damage when you crit and cross guard if pierce attacks is your thing.

But peltasta has its uses limited for pure dps swordsman, at 280 you will not be a complete dps, neither a good tank as swashbuckling 5 will not be as useful as a swash 15 for endgame content like earth Tower. Tldr you wont be good in neither situations.

Heh, soon it will be ‘nerf swordsman’ all over again in the forum (as of now many doppel is getting top score in mission already). Finally my ele 3 warlock is safe.

Highlander = good sustainable DPS

Barb = good burst

Just pick the side you like

its not a bit more dmg, with the new str buffs and ppl going high str builds, the critical bonus will be BIG later on

When I said “instead of nerfing qc why not buff swordsman?” On that “nerf QC/MA” post, some guy told me it was a fail logic… Seems like people are enjoying this fail logic now.

Soon they will be complaining about swordsman.

Soon? There was a thread named “ToS = Tree of Swordsman” as soon as they released swords r8 info. This forum is so predictable.

I hope that they actually played the game before complaining about anything.

I had been repeatingly telling peoples that elememe doesn’t has high single target DPS, and there are many class that outdid them. Finally this statement is cleared by the mission ranking.

The reason why some elememe is beating them in term of DPS is not because of the class, it’s that they are trying to compare their 0 attribute skill to a certain elememe with 80 to 100 attribute.


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Full INT Hoplite, BE DIFFERENT, BE HOPLITE. :wink:


Guardian nerf killed my build. Damn

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dude i have to delete my 2 chars after all the changes

I’ll lose like 140ish evasion without guardian. Bruhhh