Tree of Savior Forum

KToS 28/7/16 Swordsman Buffs

I like how people cry about Pelt getting good def bonus :smiley: Its just that you wanted to play DPS swordie but took tank rank there to justify your “tanking” instead of being true to yourself and going full dps. Anyways… i know i know “taunt taunt taunt”. This actually promotes on making real tank chars such as pelt3 etc. I hope they buff other pelt skills too especially c3 ones.
Well i was hoping for bigger % increases. for example 50% more def and esp. magic def too! pelts need boost on that to be true tanks.

Also Swashbuckling should get new attributes at c2 and c3. Such as better aggro and debuffs or something… Heck make swashbuckling c2+ skill. That would make c1 useless for those who dont want to go tank route. I think it was mistake that they made swashbuckling c1 skill.

They really should buff c2 and c3 on pelt to make it more appealing. Atm its just Taunt slave. C2 is “worthless” other than higher swashbuckling and now better guardian :wink: but other than that… kinda meh… same with c3.

Another thing id like to see is that they make new shields in game. There is pretty much gears for every other damn class than tankers? Monks got huge boost and they got mace that gives +2 all monk skills? same with many other classes. Heck hoplites get spear with +100% spear throw damage. not to mention wizzies or archers.

Pelts should atleast get somekind boost on shield skills according to shields (like syncro thurst on hoplite). Make Pelt c3 attribute to gain % def/magic def from shields? Even tho i said all that stuff on boosts on damage earlier im not saying pelts should get stronger in terms of damage. Those skill boosts could simply be such as “doubles provocation of swashbuckling” or enchants effectiveness of guardian. Heck high guard needs boost. for examlpe that flat block should be % or something like that. +150 block for -50% and crit isnt worth it. 150block isnt so much. would be awesome on other hand if it was like 1lvl 10% block with 5% increase every level.

Just saying that some of stuff esp on tanks should be % not flat bonuses. Flat bonuses get diminishing bonus when u go further into the game. 10% def bonus helps way more than 10def at Earth tower and so on. even 15% block would help more than 150block also.

sometimes it feels like most skills are made for “low lvl content” and then lvl gap kept increasing and new content came but skills stayed same so they dont work so well on high lvl content. Thats why quite many skills should have % rather than flats. That way they can be and will be useful over time and at those places where you actually need them.

thats why this guardian buff is good… For example you have 1000def and monster is hitting you solid 500’s. With old flat 35def bonus… mob would be still hitting 465dmg ea hit but with this new 35%. Mobs will be hitting 150dmg. Thats huge increase on dmg reduction.

This exactly. Basically crying that a tank class finally became much more of a Tank than it was before (but an mdef should’ve been added in there)

Pelt already had 1 buff that halved their atk and gave only a flat block buff. Now you have buff with a 8% Def buff with a -14% atk penalty. It changed the mechanic of the skill because it was a 1 pt wonder only for the evasion buff, the flat patk penalty and def bonus didn’t mean anything to anyone.

It’s not so much that people expect to do exceptional dps with 1 rank in pelt, it’seems that we want to do at least some damage while tanking like you can in many other games. It’s like to ‘tank’ in this game you are expected to drop your atk by 50% to more to get alil Def and block and hold c. Literally pelts are alot of times expected to swash then hold c. Not even needed to atk.

And why should guardian AND high guard have a penalty anyway? Compared to buffs in other trees like steady aim, running shot, quick cast, enchant fire, subzero shield and more where they give buffs and no penalties.

this is just my opinion but Pelts should get new attributes to guardian and high guard at c2-3. That would force tankers to actually go c2-3.
New attributes should be something such as removing penalty or reducing it. For example removes 50% or 75% of penalty ie. u have high guard 10lvl and it would give that 240block but only reduce damage by 12.5% (75% reduction) and -25 crit.
same with guardian.

Make static reduction on damage to guardian also. lets say 50% reduction… So at 1lvl 10% def and -50% dmg. that -50% dmg will stay there but at c2 or c3 u get to reduce it to 12% or so while you benefit more and more by lvling it up cause only def goes up. (could make that attribute 20% reductiong each attribute level and max 3-5lvl and cost 1mil silver ea) so you would actually have to invest on tanking :smiley:

That would kinda kill “must take c1 pelt” meta and all wannabe tanks around. ofc many still take peltc1 just for taunt but yeah… would promote more players to make tanks since as it seems atm… R8 dps classes get ridiculous damage boost. decently “unfair” for tankers. as DPS builds get “all” benefits of tankers by just going pelt c1 instead of c3 and so on.

In my mind even Squire should get something passives or attributes for “tanking” and “support” since pelt c3, squire c3 is quite pure tank/support build. (should be able to repair in dungeons and give food etc)

they could just make those buffs active only during the blocking stance.

I didn’t take pelt to tank necessarily. It’s just the only class with 18% bonus to evasion. If that evasion was on another class, I probably would’ve taken that instead.

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Yes we do, you feeling that it’s too little doesn’t change the fact Swordsman do gets more HP regen stat per level than other classes.

Also, if a tank is pulling aggro, then I think it makes sense that he’d be the one taking ‘most’ of the damage, and thus most heal should go to him.

As for HP regen being unable to ‘keep up’, that’s because burst heal have way better scaling than the regen/HoT type (and there’s very little towards regen/HoT style to begin with)

Heal/Mass Heal offers large amount of %-based healing vs pretty much all regen/HoT are flat value.

Tho regen/Hot skils scale with healing. Ie. Restoration or aukuras boosts clerics heals. Also it is possible to get zero cooldown on HP Regen.
There is some korean vids atleast of that.
Aukuras 15lvl with squire food makes ur hp regen to tick like crazy. Tanks can tick 1.5-2.5k hp every sec easily. Its good boost for survivality (way better than pots)
(ideally healer cleric would be either cleric2-krivis3-priest2. 10heal tiles. aukuras 15lv. massheal 5. or cleric2-3 - priest 2-3 - paladin 2-3. depending what new card system brings) Edit. Forgot healing factor… add that in and godmode.

Also not sure if there is Hp regen tick card when card system comes. Atleast did see SP regen tick cards there… So you can have “infinite” SP if u put 2 of those as u will have 0-1s tick for sp then. idk what happens when u add dievs statues there then… can u go negative on tick speed? ie. 1.5 ticks per sec or 2ticks per sec.-. Then again… you lose on other valuable cards but that would be good for sp heavy builds like effigy spamming bokor.

HP regen tick cards would be useful for tanks tho.

stupid clerics get heal and all the regen boosts.

lethrgy: does not help wizards
oob attribute: does not help sadhus

a lot of classe shave stuff like this

lethargy -> helps other players, finestra int --> help keeping swordsman weak

I am a pelt catagoon. I was aiming for a shielded catagoon for pvp. But… there is no great one hand spear for tbl aside if your a hoplite. Sigh…

But still think. That guard 1850 block . 25% hp. Swash. 18 % evasion. Is better than 20% restrain 5 sec pain barrier. 25 atk gunho?

Finestra int… well… there is thaum with +150int buff… and sadhus can give their int? stuff like that might help… Also some gears such as Petamion gives some int.

But i doubt any sadhus will give hoplite all their int… guess they would just give their int to wizzies :smiley:

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The fawk?

OOB passive: Works as a defensive measure for the class. Stacks alongside Quick Step and Leather Mastery bonuses if you ever so choose. The purpose of the attribute is to alleviate the requirement of immediant repositioning of the main body afterall. Making the class overall easier to play if you abuse this 90 % ~ 120% evasion bonus.

Lethargy: Helps anybody within the party with strike damage, increasing the overall damage of the party.
It does directly help if you have someone that can abuse that.

10% Int has virtually no place unless something gives you a high amount of Int. Linkers being the only slightly worthwhile source. Even then, you’d need extremely high amounts of Int given to you for it to be worthwhile.

Edits: Hit enter on my phone to fast :v.

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Wait, so a tanking class get a skill that makes it tankier, and people cry over it? WTF guys.

Peltasta is a Tank class. You want to take a tank class, it has tank skills, what the hell is the problem on it?

the oob passive im talking about gives a chnace to decrease enmy ohysical defence, sahdu is magic

When I look at the base classes, I see an odd trend.

Wizards operate usually either on a C3 or a C1 basis, the C3 benefit would be the obviously overloaded skill that is Quickcast. However C1 functions fine from a defensive standpoint and all of it’s skills have some sort of usage, from Sleep’s massive disabling effect to Reflect Shield’s immunity to minor knockbacks.

Clerics are chosen usually at C2 because that’s where their powerspike is. From C1 to C2 is a +100% increase in not only healing potency but as well as defensive and offensive properties that hold through later on. From C2 to C3 only gives a ~50% increase from C2, and Guardian Saint isn’t appealing enough to go to C3.

Archers are also similar to Clerics in that it’s usually C2, but often speaking C1, C2, and C3 can be chosen for different opinions. Usually for Multishot, Swift Step, and Kneeling Shot reason.

Now Swordies are in an awkward place in that there’s no real want to go beyond C1. Sure, you could get Restrain and a higher leveled Pain Barrier, but there’s no powerspike to add incentive. Pommel Beat just sucks, and Double Slash is an okay skill but is not worth C3 at all.

  • Buff Thrust/Bash in some way? Bash is utility, but Thrust is just filler because you can spam it. Maybe replace it’s continuous hits with a passive that gives a higher chance to use 0 MP on it? Endless Thrusts?

  • Add a passive onto Gung Ho that gives more incentive toward killing. Something like Dangerous Game from League whereas after killing something, you get a small amount of scaling Health and SP back after an enemy dies around you. It’s not enough to really qualify as life-steal but it’s enough to reward those who kill fast or have parties that kill. It’d benefit every Swordie I believe.

  • Replace Pommel Beat with a skill that decreases the Crit Resistance of enemies in an attack? I get that they didn’t want to overshadow Skill Swing, but there are more useful things this attack can have. It’s a useless, unloved skill that needs a revamp.

  • I don’t really have a problem with Double Slash as it is an okay damage skill, but it shouldn’t be alone.

  • Perhaps add a passive onto SW3 that allows you to boost all 1H and 2H Sword-wise damage by X%? It should help 1H Sword’s blandness a tad and add more diversity to 2H builds perhaps.

@namewasveryshort They wanted to be DPS but got pegged into the Bruiser category. I also hear that Guardian’s -PAtk comes from overall PAtk stat and not overall damage output, meaning the value that is decreased is much smaller than people expected. However, that said, the minused value will be felt the further higher weapon values go. But such is the price of being a Bruiser.

The problem for me (someone who actually enjoys being the tank) is how bad the rates are when compared to other classes and that it doesn’t even actually solve any major problem for tanks.

Guardian Lv.15 is +35% Defense for -63% Attack. Meanwhile, there’s Priest’s Aspersion which can give you up to 52% Defense with no drawback. And with Aspersion, enemies already usually deal just 1 damage to my character so there’s not much point in even using Guardian. If it was at least both Defense and Magic Defense, then it would be much more usable.


hm, the devs obvious think it adds something interesting to the playstyle. maybe they expect people to switch between guardian and deeds… the worst imo is finestra; oh you like crit, well sure, but well make using dex redundant while you use it by remove a hundred levels worth of evasion for no good reason.

Because now these buffs will further lower our already low damage to where we will never hold aggro on a boss. What’s the point in having 1000 def when you hit for 10 dmg? Boss will still target everyone else even if you have provoke.

There is no justification whatsoever for both pelt buffs to have penalties, especially massive penalties. It doesn’t make sense.

Level 1 gung-ho is +8 atk, -2 def. Level 1 guardian is +8 def, -14 atk. WTF?! Gung-ho ends up with a higher bonus and really low penalty (50atk, -10def) and guardian ends up with a low bonus and high penatly(35def, - 63atk). Smh

meanwhile archer2 can get a +15% eva and +25% crit scaling buff at rank 2 with no penalty. That’s dps and survivability in a single rank 2 buff.