Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Interesting, this might make C2>Diev3>Bokor3>Miko an interesting build, too bad you can’t build anything good with Zealot unless you e.g. get C1>Priest2>Diev3>Miko>Zealot2.

ZealotC2 might be in high demand later,though, because it’s even viable with SPR and static gameplay.

Btw, the video shows the Owl snapshotting Chapparition cards, does it also snapshot Zealots Fanaticism buff?
And do Owl statue attacks count as 1 hit or 3 hits(relevant for Blind Faith)?

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As far as I know, owls snapshot your current magic attack, without considering damage multiplier buffs (Fanaticism, Werewolf Transformation, Hengestone). Chapparition cards directly affect your magic attack and that’s why they do work.

I don’t think Blind Faith works with Owls, as they are considered summons (a separate entity from you, thus buffs on you do not affect them).

I just need to know if [running shot]'s entire hit (the 2 hits) will get multiplied by [bazooka] 's modifier. The attribute bazooka: veteran mercenary has a pretty significant aspd boost even without DEX. The +80 atk range seems to only apply to AA’s too.

Hey grey ,thanks again for all the great info. People in kTOS that build Diev3-Miko-PD3 are SPR focused? Or they invest fully on INT and compensate with SPR stuff?

They stat SPR and compensate loss of Magic attack with High Power weapon

@c2gaming.seetoo I have not seen testing on this. I think it is additive since the new patch. Best bet is to ask @tomgo32000 (Tsai Tom) however he is a sapper3-rogue1-cannon3.

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Inje Kang(high gear) at HG 340, on
A. Archer C2, Hunter C3, Scout C1 and Musketeer C3 here
B. Archer C2, QS C3, Hunter C1 and Musketeer C3 here

QS3 rogue1 - Falconer3 - Mergen1 solo challenge mode.
Excellent use of Pavise to Lure mobs (not difficult, just use pavise skill. Most QS forget to use it).

About sage2
I have reviewed sage2 skills here

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Just wanted to point out that Smoke from c2 Cannon also helps, since r9 released it CC ground targets, making them unable to attack you and will stop moving, does not work on Elites and Bosses though ofcourse.
But at least it help mitigate some damage.

Bong TOS test with paladin Sanctuary. Damage up by 10’000 with sanctuary buff. From ~500 to ~10’500.

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I really really like my Paladin3 - PD2 - Inqui1 due to sanctuary. Steam+Incin+Wheel (don’t even need to hit it) and casting sanctuary is awesome damage.

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I love hybrid cleric builds too. Think sanctuary will work too on Paladin3 Zealot2 build.

who can tell me the skill and class of that dark hand that very large dark hand that claws enemies. i keep seeing it in saalus when i run… i just notice a great big hand with claws and black clawing the ground

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It is Warlock3 Demon Scratch! You can view it in the first post of this thread.

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thank you i was puzzled who keeps using it… :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

thank you hehhehehe

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I tried that. The dots on zealot tic too slow for my liking. You also lose out on inqui due to rank placement. I have yet to see someone use burn with [sanctuary].

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Yes, I think miko kagura is a better boost for Zealot Fanatic illusion. On dealer Paladin3, I only liked pala3(no sanctuary) + zealot2, and the hybrid pala3-PD2-Inquis1.

That’s a thing of the past.

Currently, all cleric summons snap/nonsnap stats the same way:

  • Weapon values are updated in realtime.
  • Other stats, (spr, matk, str, etc) are all snapshotted the second you make the minion.

Dievs have a bit of a bug with the 2nd overheat though, as it often uses the spr values you had with your first cast.

Minions outright ignore dmg buffs and blind faith both, carve owl is no exception.


Not sure what you’re smoking, you don’t need priest2 for owls.
Cleric2’s Divine Might is much better due to clap scaling tbh.

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Anyone knows what’s the increase in drop per looting chance? i.e 100 looting chance = 5% more or something? Thanks in advance.

Think Looting increase(%) = Looting chance^0.6 or maybe ^0.5

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I was talking about Zealot builds,though, and Priest C2 might be better because you get Res,Revive and Mass Heal. Cleric C3 is of course a viable option,too, or even Cleric C2+ Bokor C1, but you might want that extra Ressurection in case someone dies on you in ET or challenge mode.

Btw, does Divine Might affect Miko skills? I think I read that at least some of them are not affected by Divine Might last year when Miko was introduced on kTest.

Yeah, so was I.
I have a cleric2/Diev3/Miko/Priest/Zealot2.
Priest is optional tbh, but cleric2 is far to good to pass up on.

Divine Might works on all miko skills, they just have the same issue as bloodletting.
Lvl 5 is their natural cap, so they’re never listed as lvl 6 even with Divine Might.
Even if clap does get +5s duration in the tooltip and when used, and Kagura gets +10% holy dmg etc.