Tree of Savior Forum

KTEST] New Fireball

AOE Attack Ratio is now 15.


I really dislike it, compared to the current fireball it seems less fun in every aspect. The only thing i dislike about fireball right now is that other people can move it, aside it this skill has pretty interesting mechanics, moving it around is pretty cool… This is sad.

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I fully agree. The previous fireball was good, the only thing that needed to be changed was that other players shouldn’t be able to kick it around.

The only thing how the 1-hit fireball could be somewhat bearable is if it was a ranged splash attack, like the classic Fireball skill from RO… basically TOSs energy bolt with more damage and bigger splash area.


Interesting they added X% + basedmg to it, but instead of 300+% and 1 hit at all levels, they could had left it as it was, decreased the X% damage to 25% at Lv 1 increasing 5% each Lv.

That would make it Viable at higher Lvs also, same can be done to other skills, well, need to wait for them to apply that to other skills.

People dislike this fireball, but in pvp causes knock down, in a large area, it will be usefull…the other skills of pyro are still great, and flare, has the same damage of new fireball. I did some tests yesterday, with 3,8k atqm, and no atrb, my fireball hit 18k. Its a huge amount, the fun fact of it is: i was usefull a simple white rod and a dagger with 100 bonus damage. My rod was goving 800 atqm, i just can cap 3,8atqm with new thauma buffs. So they just gave me, 2,1atqm. I was wandering if i have my original itens that i have in itos, it will bee destroying.

Yea but with the changes to link this is actually a decent change. With the hit count limit on link it is now more appropriate with large single hit skills than multis.

320 HG mobs have about 300k hp, how is 18k good ?

That’s the thing, what else can do much more damage though. And fireball is a rank 2 skill with 2 OH and 15 secons CD…

I seriously don’t understand why people really want to compare new changes to current Agny Pyro as if it’s acceptable.


ikr? If you watch some videos, most of “normal geared” classes do 15K~30K damage. 18K for a 2 OH skill isn’t bad, and it also have a bigger AoE too.

where did I compare it to current agny fireball ?

okay lets check another R2 skill than,
Ice Pike has 20sec cd, 3 overheats, A chance to freeze and %203x6 damage.
Even one cast beats double fireball % and has a faster casting.
Not only that and it can be complimented by future rune caster class.

There are videos of cryo melting bosses even without Ice wall pressure combo, I cant find a pyro melting any casual mob anywhere…

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320 HG mobs have about 300k hp, how is 18k good ?

Isn’t this one of the reasons why they’re rebalancing the game? We’re not supposed to kill rank 8 Lv300+ mobs easily with just rank 2-4 fireballs.

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Really? So they expect people to go farm HG with practonium weapons or what? :scream_cat:

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Another thing people seem to forgot is mob hp and attack are being adjusted as well.

Well other rank 2 classes can do it… The only reliable skill pyro has left is firepillar and it has 95sec cd.

Check Priests, Cryos, Quarrels, Rangers, Highlanders, even Peltastas. They all have something to compliment them from higher class circles making them self sufficient.

Fireball could have had nerfed damage and could keep its combos with linker, sage. They have killed that.

Not really the hit count on link makes this version of fireball better with link.

I dont get it people are mad because pyro could deal very high damage (I agree that live version should be nerfed but not this much.) As a rank 2 class but thats not the chase, You get 3 linker circles and a sage circle to compliment it in order to combo.

Good luck linking it to mobs while they explode on 1 hit. They have such a bigger hitbox too.

Things arent always as easy as they look on the paper.


You link the mobs THEN cast fire ball. Please think before you speak.

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The whole point of linking fireballs to each other IS BECAUSE they deal each other damage and it is reflected to mobs… PLEASE play before make comments.

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