Tree of Savior Forum

[kTest[Ktos]] Class rework thread

yep still many chars doing well after nerfs :slight_smile:

Sorry out of topic a bit,

Can I know is the sub-stat (physical / magic attack) on weapon an “additional” to the base attack? or the base attack is already inclusive of the sub-stat?

For example gale slasher +111 physical damage, with a base attack of 427 ~ 793… does it mean 427+111 ~ 793+111…?

Thanks in advance.

No, reiter isn’t popular for ET anymore after melstis nerf.
Reiter is popular for farming dungeon solo full clear. Also geared reiters will be able to farm items easily.
Very very low SP cost with limacon & normal attacks. Other builds spend a lot of SP to clear dungeons.

@Adeodatus Yes, twin arrow is really nice single target damage. Bonus if you have +additional damage (blessing, elemental damage) to apply on each hit.

@siderit99 No stat calculator yet…

@dydxhong Not included. (427+111) ~ (793+111).

If it has ‘minimum attack increase’ it will be (427+11) ~ 793. Also applies to secondary physical and magical.
Maximum attack increase will be 427~(793+111). Also on secondary and magical. Red gems are like this.
‘Physical increase’ applies to physical damage stat (main and secondary).
‘Magic attack increase’ applies to magic damage stat.

Everyone seen the update news?

This is ranking 5v5
Though the points are low

Oracle > kabba > inquis is okay.
Oracle > Pd > inquis works too.
Miko less popular because gohei change. Miko gohei: when activated, it now only removes ONE Level 1 Debuff/Buff.

Adding some few more vids…Should have enough vids now.

Sapper rogue falcon mergen dung290 [here] (
Detonate traps vs boss… [here] (

QS3 falcon3 farming dung140 [here] (

Bong having fun with oracle change [here] (

5 players vs worldboss Blut

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Whoa that guy uses some crazy addons I never see a lot of them, except that with shows the hp of monsters

If you are interested, iToS user wolf made a guide on addons, showing each addon:


More monk at PvP (5v5)

[here] (

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If I was lucky and spend only 2 gems to reach trancendence lvl 3, will I get back only theese 2 or all the gems it would be needed to reach stage 3 at 100% rate?

I’ll check it out, thank you once more!

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It will return the amount of gems inside your equips.
If you only put 2, you get 2 back (transcendence level does not matter).

You will get 2 gems.

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I do not know about necro a lot, did not test.
Maybe itos players could test sorc and necro more.
Sorc and necro most unpopular wizard classes ktos.

In SR’s builds why people keeping pumping dex?
To raise crit atk damage?
Since people are reporting that atk speed cap is something between 180 ~ 200 dex (above that there isn’t much difference) this is the only explanation, right?

By the way, did you saw anyone in ktos with psychokino3? I was looking for a PvP build with it. Something like that: Wiz2/Linker/Psycho3/FF2 ->

Kino3 isn’t popular at PvE.

I have a vid of kino icewall vs earthtower boss

Popular at PvP.

Some matches with kino3, it’s easy to spot Raise.

On skills affected by speed.
100 dex, able to use 5 overheat skills in 2-3s.
200 dex, able to use 5 overheat skills in 1-2s.
Overheat skill CD counts properly once you use all overheats. If you don’t use all overheats, your CD is doubled for each overheat charge (1 charge regen = 20s cd).

Higher than 200 dex, you will still feel an increase in attack speed depending on your connection/ping. I don’t know how it will apply to iToS connection.

can you explain why doppel builds tend to allocate at around 100 points in dex when you reach 250 str invested? or is this a myth and you just go full str with a bit of con (50ish)? [PVE ONLY]

Oracle/Kabba/Inq still doing well? Ok, how about the stats?

And before Oracle, with Diev’s nerf, priest3 should be good?

It’s preference + gear based.

For example this dop has str:dex

This dop 200str all dex

This dop pure str

@lucas.kampi I will forward you to an experienced PvPer at ktos. He knows ENG, comment [here] (

What is the most famous archer build for ET today?

a1 ranger3 fletcher 3 mergen

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I honestly think we need some forum title or ingame title for greyhiem now )



What’s the most popular support cleric for ET? Cleric2Priest3ChapPD2?

Priest3 - chaplain base is very popular.

Cleric2 - Priest3 - Chaplain - miko - Inquisitor.
Cleric2 - chaplain - pd2.
Cleric2 - chaplain - miko - taoist.

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