Tree of Savior Forum

[kTest[Ktos]] Class rework thread

Is werewolf card still usefull for SR with rogue one? Going full DEX. Actually im still not sure about full dex for SR… perhaps a 2/1 dex for build… idk

SR3 can only take rogue1 in their build, rogue1 need 60% crit chance before sneakhit lv5 which is 920 crit rate, that is against 0 crit resist enemies.

But with crit atack gear and archer2, wouldnt rog1 work nice as an extra chance to get a critical hit?

Imo for dex thing, you should stop invest in dex once you feel no changes in aspd(due to connection). More investment only benefits on evasion when you can go str for atk and accuracy. But in ktos video, they normally go full dex for SR so idk.

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crit atk gear like phada isnt the same as crit rate gear like sissel. sneakhit lv5 has 10 seconds downtime within each buff. Last time i calculated with budget gear, rogue1 will bring up to 70% crit chance but you will be squishy too because leather set has the lowest pdef mdef compared to other set.

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sry i meant crit rate gear*

It is already 5 OH 7s CD in iToS though? (Assuming it is the Archer c3 skill and not something else)

Source: Me, a crazy person who’s leveling Archer 3 Scout 3 (Falc Merg)

does transcendance affect enhancement?

Yes (Work with anvil upgrade and squire shop maintenance)
It, don’t affect gems bonus.


Yes, it is 5 OH 7s cd on iToS.
Description on ktosneet is wrong (3 overheat listed). :smile:


It only affects base dmg of weapon now.

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Just for confirmation on Transcendence:

It only increases PDEF and MDEF on armour and accessories in 20% intervals.

Thanks queue.

I cannot fit anymore text in first post, text limit reached :expressionless:

=> 50k per blessed recipe

Haha all right. Well it’s there for anyone curious now.

hey @greyhiem do u know if someone climb ET/Solmiki with the new Reiter?

Good thing to know that my newly made Archer will still have 5 overheat on Twin Arrows.
The skill is really amazing and already, contrary to what people said, a true multihit skill.

2510% damage every 7 seconds for 130 SP is way better than most post-Archer skills, be it damagewise or SP-efficiency-wise, + it helps a lot when leveling the character towards Rank 8.

Headshot e.g. has only ~ the same damage at level 10 (2541%) but with nearly 3 times the CD time (20 seconds) and ~2x the SP costs(210), Snipe has ~1,5 times the damage with over 3 times the CD(25 seconds) and over 2 times SP costs(264 SP)…

Single-target effciency surely goes to Archer C3 :slight_smile:

Transcendence should only affect Base Stats of weapon now.
The anvil enhancement and the squire buffs wheren’t multiplied on a screen of someone.

But the screen wasn’t on the last patches, so they could have rechanged it, but i don’t think so. ^^

Ok, I saw a lot of priest3/chap builds and it’s fair enough since chap has got buffed. The question is, for PVP/GVG you guys think which Cleric build will be the best (meta)? And how to use the stats in this build?

I was thinking about priest3-chaplain-oracle-inq maybe 120 CON and rest SPR. What you guys think?


anyone have new stats calculator link?

so they Nerf everything people cry about, ppl instead of crying about some OP class why dont u ask for a buff for the other classes? i mean seriously peole r like if im gona sink ill sink you with me instead of asking for help to get out of the ship