Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

What is the general reaction of korean players to dragoon c3? Do they think its strong, weak, good, bad? I have tried using the nexon forum with your guide but haven’t seen any threads dedicated on the general state of the class. Thanks.

All the strong Chaplains I see are Full DEX. They are working like Monk now: Attacking faster deals more damage than attacking stronger.
I myself tested this build and felt a better difference using DEX.

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Dragoon3 damage is a lot better with dragoon helmet buff. However it will hide your Hair accessories and Hairstyles so a lot of players dislike it. AoE with dragon fall is easy, and it is also a strong skill at PvP. Dragon soar with attribute is very strong. The other skills haven’t changed, they were already available for dragoon2, so your previous experience with them won’t change. General AoE mobbing: viable. I tried Sword3 Hop2 Barb1 Drag3, it was ok.

What are the best builds for pvp now?

Can you do the weaponswap trick to remove the visual effect while keeping the buff like with murm?

So I take it this isn’t on ktest yet?

If i go this build what do you think for dragoon c3 and use one hand spear ?
Sw1 hi2 hop2 dop dragoon3

looks like it now is

doppel massive dmg right? All change fake multihit

I don’t know. Cannot test it right now, had already resetted my dragoon3. :tired:

3 overheat dragon soar with cleave debuff would’ve been nice. Was a Sw3 Hop2 Barb1 Goose3

edit: @Fenatte

@c2gaming.seetoo It is on KTEST.

@OPMan Guild colony wars: Turtling classes excell. The area is limited. You will always fight near the Colony Tower. Moreover there are no PvP nerfs on colony wars so buffs like r7f, revive, and bloodletting are strong.

TBL: did not change. Still Cannoneer, Kabba, Murmillo, Shadowmancer.

@pusheggz Ditch doppler and take barb for cleave.

Note: Free rank reset for characters with Linker, dragoon, hoplite, cata, QS, falconer.

(not bing bong videos)

New buffed falconer
New pheasant attribute is similar to sage2 dimension compression, and similar to Hangman’s knot.

New hoplite buffed Stabbing:

New cataphract earth wave:

New cataphract Steed charge here
New cata skill acrobat mount here

A lot of quick patches for KRtos to prepare for holiday festive season.

Lancer buffs:

And to complete the Cataphract overhaul, for every level of the new Circle 2 skill ‘Acrobatic Mount’, you will also be getting a damage increase of 5% (although with an added SP consumption of 10%) on mounting skills, i.e. those that can only be used when mounted on a Companion. ‘Acrobatic Mount’ comes with a duration of 40 seconds and cooldown of 60, and it is expected to significantly increase the damage of not just Cataphract, but Lancer attack skills as well.

After these changes are applied, we will be preparing another patch of intense balancing, this time with a little more Musketeer. Changes in the Wizard tree will eventually come after that, or so we plan; but again, we’ll make sure to keep releasing more details here on the dev blog, so stay tuned.


I no see sum fencer buffs, where r they? =(

Went to kTest to test Cata3… still feel a bit sad for Catas T___T

Changes for Cataphracts

  • Earthwave is now a 10sec cooldown (which is kind of weird as the announcement yesterday states it being at 15secs), 3 overheat skill with no charge time. This is a good change which make it a semi spammable aoe skill, but it still suffers from horrible damage (each skill level adds a low, low +3% damage). The skill being a fake multihit makes it even worse. 50% more damage to knocked down enemies is nice though, good to use situationally together with Swordsman’s Bash since Cata’s knockbacks often throws the enemies in different directions.

  • Steed Charge now has a 2nd charge which is really hard to pull off, probably due to my latency to the ktest server.

  • Acrobatic Mount is a new buff skill primarily for mounted skills. At level 10 it grants a +50% buff to skills but tags a +100% increased SP cost. Totally feels more like a skill which buffs lancers more instead of Cataphracts. With Cata’s skills having low % makes this a really poor scaling skill. The 100% increased SP cost further hinders the potential of the skill. Some investment in SPR/SP gear is needed if one want to keep spamming skills while having the buff. I couldn’t even sustain 2 cata skill rotations when it is in effect (without investments in SPR)

Perhaps some adjustments is needed to the skills or I just add to the wrong skill. Maybe max out Impaler + Acrobatic Mount will give Cataphracts the damage they need? :sweat:

Cataphracts now is still a 3 circle or none class, sighz.


Linker changed barely noticeable.

It seem they made some changed to blessing damage line now it is not showing that blessing +xxx damage on monster head I feel a game is a bit smoother though.

ps. very busy recently…

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+100% SP costs isn’t that bad if you just don’t level the skills up,leaving them at lvl 1, due to their horrible scaling.

With the new changes on Cataphract, Steed Charge seems pretty useless to level (if you’d take that skill at all) as a high-leveled Earth Wave will rake in most of the damage.
Acrobatic Mount seems useful to boost Rushs damage, as you can just deactivate the buff after using it to save the SP while giving your strongest skill a huge boost [Rush will use up 1442 SP with the buff, which is ok and can be easily outpotted(~50% of your max SP without any SPR investment at max level)to up to 11731% damage fully attributed].

I guess with the new Cataphract&Hoplite changes, SW>x>Hoplite3>Cata3>Lancer/X might become popular.

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Honestly, they shoulda just focused cata into utility. Take a page from centurion and allow 1 passenger. Throw that passenger and call the skill “get help” (would be funny too). Cata is pre r8 so theoretically it would never do well as damage (unless shinobi can do something with it).

Seems like to be able to dish out some damage with cata you would need to use it in the right conditions some skills just got some new effects. Earthwave’s 50% more damage on knock downed enemies, 100% crit on shocked targets with impale, +30% damage with steed charge on dethrone applied targets that’s just with dragoon, and using doom spikes crit resist debuff which only lasts 3 seconds before a strong attack like quintain or dragon dive. Still these combos are still meager and some don’t work on bosses.

Hulk Smash lv15 (Impaler) actually deal a fair bit damage, considering how cumbersome it is. I’ll instantly put 15 points in it if only the smash attack speed is affected by dex like the image below.

@UselessBug Yep cata need debuffs to have more damage. Which sadly besides knockdown the debuffs will have to come from other classes.

@ReportofAusterity, @c2gaming.seetoo

Yeah, so far currently the only skill worth using Acrobatic Mount with is Rush. The others aren’t really worth the extra damage due to their low damage%. Max level Earth Wave is around 125% x 5 hits (fake multi) with 3 overheats, which is kind of low for fake multihits considering it as a staple damage attack even when include the +50% from knockdown (since it generates knockdown by itself). The saving grace for it is the low cooldown it has, 10secs.

Currently off my head Cataphracts can be much better if IMC do some slight chances to some of the skills:

  • Cata is a mobility class, make the attacks portray that too. Make dex affect the attack speed of the skills. More dex = more hits on Rush, faster Earth Wave start up animation (They removed the charge but increase the startup… = =) , ability to hit more times and faster with Impaler (like the above gif :3 )

  • Either keep Earth Wave’s current low % damage but make it true multi hit or increase it’s %.

What I wish for cata isn’t it being as powerful as the top dps contenders like Murm or Doppel but at the very least make it worthy of it’s red icon.


Does the attribute for 100% crit vs slow still work for [steed charge]?

This is the method which I prefer IMC make cata own its red icon. Make it a utility class on its own, then different flavors of DPS depending on what r8-10 class you take. For example [dethrone] has 2 interactions with [stead charge]:

  • straight up more damage vs targets affected by dethrone (this method less so because it is “hard coded” to work with [dethrone])
  • 100% crit vs slowed ([dethrone] slows so it synergises)

It’s already a thing with shinobi and murmillo turning blues (pelt and rod) into DPS machines.

Reading this I am more and more inclined to sacrifice my moving speed 3 circles (as I only use Rush and Impale most of the time apart from Trot) and just get pure dmg powerhoue from Hoplite 3 to my dragoon
But that woul no long be catagoon meme ;3