Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

There are no more JP-resistant mobs. They’ve been patched and defined as “error” :joy:

I feel courious about 2 thinks the shadowmancer clone helps to cast skills? Or the skill is interrupted when you are hit?

What do you think about this build?
If I’m correct thanks to clap aukuras will have only 5 sec cooldown so healing should be enough even without cleric2. Thanks to clap owls will be viable too and miko has also 2 other dps skills so overall it should be better choice than cleric2 or I’m wrong?

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HP Recovery tick is still slow and it won’t help your party in most combat situations. Aukuras can’t replace 5 more Heal tiles.

Since when 400-600 hp every second (so 55 seconds of those recovery) is slow? Are you sure youre talking about the ktest aukuras?

It’s still slow on situations where there’s a lot of mobs attacking you and your party members. You won’t be able to keep your partymates alive especially the squishy DPS ones like wizards and doppels. It’s fine if you’re not planning on doing endgame stuff with it or you’re gonna play solo 99% of the time

Have you experienced this or is this just theory? That’s like saying [aukuras] + squire food now doesn’t work but it does.

In theory, it seems ok.
Lack of healing is also made up with Ausrine+Melstis. With a Chrono and good coordination, you can be invincible for a long time.
Some monster are CCed by World Tree which means a little less damage incoming.
Not sure on Taoist though. I assume you wanted it for the bonus melee damage and Dark Sight?

Shadow mancer Shadow hallucination clone will receive all hits before you do. Even if a mob hits your main body, the shadow clone body will get damaged. Treat it like a 20% HP shield. You will not get interrupted until the shadow clone dies.

@Mashio Received ktest reports of aukuras+miko clap not working anymore. Clap still works on diev statues though. Diev owl statues also scale on SPR now (like summons).

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Maybe they’re trying to prevent Miko from extending the Goddess of Fire thing? That’s quite a shame though

@c2gaming.seetoo Theory. I wasn’t considering Aukuras with Squire buffs, I was referring to it by itself. I still think my point stands about Aukuras (without Squire buff) replacing Heal tiles. Improved HP per tick is great but if the ticks are slow then it’ll be hard inside things like ET.

Edit: forgot about Ausrine + Melstis. That should indeed make up for it but I’d make sure to run with a Chrono3 if I were you

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Taoist is for boosting zaibas mostly of course.

Aukuras wont work with squire buffs anymore since its now real healing over time which have nothing common with our hp recovery. Nekorin tested it already.

@greyhiem Well it’s a shame then. Will 30 sec of aukuras and 6lvl of heal (with hanaming crystal) be enough anyway or its better to switch to tao2 or cleric2? Also i know that owls are benefiting from spr now but i think its still okay to be full int since theyre benefiting from our magic attack too isnt it? Spr in this build just doesnt bring much aside from those owls.

I like both krivis and dievdyrbis, it’s not like i want to be op, just enough to have decent gameplay. I have this build up to r8 to and its pretty ok aside from weak healing and owls which are pretty useless because of 25 seconds duration and long cooldown, so maybe miko is still best option to make those owls viable even if i cant use aukuras that often? Krivis will be buffed anyway so it should be easier. We can cover our con with new random stats eq so healing shouldnt be that necessery, also Nekorin proved that the more con we have the more powerful aukuras is.

The best moment when you play thaumaturge



Completely forgot about that.

Also, INT or SPR? I think Owls scale more off SPR now.

As i said i’ll go full int. Zaibas, divine stigma, cure, heal, tao skills, miko skills all are benefiting from magic attack. Owls too, spr is just another bonus. So I really dont see a point to go full spr just for owls. So is lvl 6 heal and 30sec of aukuras enough in most cases or those 25 sec less of aukuras less is a very big difference? :v

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This is true, aukuras will not use your hp recovery stats. Instead, aukuras heal over time gets bonus with your CON (100 CON = +10% HP recovery effect). Also when I was pala3-krivis3, restoration lvl 15 did not boost aukuras recovery at all.

Yes owls still have the 79% magic damage x 3 hits scaling on max level. Miko Clap is still best synergy for diev statues. If you are worried about heal, you will probably bring another cleric (cleric2). Vs field mobs, you won’t need heal 10 (solo) and you also have statue of ausrine&melstis combo for party play. Cleric2 is recommended for 100% healing supply for party healing/support.

If you will only boost zaibas and use the melee bonus damage attribute, taoist 1 is sufficient for stormcalling talisman.

Didn’t say anything contesting that. I’m saying the [aukuras] + squire food NOW on live ~= to NEW [aukuras] because BOTH the CURRENT combo and NEW [aukuras] tic every sec.

Also [aukuras] isn’t just healing. There’s also the accuracy debuff.

I’m particularly looking forward to pushing how far [aukuras] can heal]. You know, actually finding out 1st before making a statement like “not enough”.

So I assume as long as party know what to do and have eq with bonus con stats it should be okay then? Thanks I guess i’ll stay with this build then.

Good thing it heals based off of Con and not HP. Imagine a super high HP Paladin Druid with tons of hp tanking for the party and healing a ton from that.

Then again, I think you can already sort of do that with Canceril.

Makes sense. SPR based for owls would work better for different builds with Cleric 2 and Clapping to have 5 Owls out.

So how does the minion calculation for damage (weapon damage with SPR scaling) come into the 79% SF? I assume it’s (weapon atk?matk? scaled via SPR) x SF.

I don’t know the formula for SPR and summon damage. On Ktos it was confirmed to scale on SPR, however nobody tested the scaling (just know more spr = more owl damage). Someone on ktest discord was trying to look into game files to find it.

edit: after some digging, found it is indeed a (???SPR x RAW weapon magic attack x Skill factor %) , similar to other summon formulas

It could be this:

Or even similar to sorcerer summon, like this:

The ktos forum poster about owl and SPR was this (SPR 544) Diev3 miko pd3 :

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