Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Looks like krivis taoist is best path

Backflip: Zaibas
If the caster has learned [Zaibas], [Zaibas] will be activated at that location
This is most likely for that Taoist can cast.

the double damage is nice !

the poison
 my shadow will be with linker, mult low hits is bad, break the link =/

Enchanters shop has been changed to max at level 5

BM looks like it got an attribute to Bloody Overdrive which cause it to ricochet bullets. (Further increasing its damage and synergy with Aiming + Circling). Sadly you need c2 which conflicts with getting falconer 3

Taser has also gotten an addition, my guess is increased hit count to the 10 extra damage hits.

Mozambique drill has gotten a 50% armor pen attribute

Oracle Counter spell increase levels decreases cooldown by 1 second

It’s actually stormcalling. You can see it here:

You’re right didn’t click the attribute to see affected skill. WIll edit

Also it will more than likely be similar to runecasters quick cast attribute.

What a great attribute, I cant wait to experience it, hopefully it stays.


The attributes are making things a bit more interesting now.

Same pictures :smiley:

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For those interested:
The new patch notes list the ASPD boost of Bazooka via the new C3 attribute.

It is now +250 Aspd, so you have ± the same Aspd boost as level 8 Kneeling Shot (which is decent, nothing great but better than nothing I suppose).

You’re right, thanks! I must edit it again. Forum text size limit reached.

What exactly does this cannoneer attribute do?

The translation is too choppy for me to make complete sense out of it

shadowmancer is more and more interesting :slight_smile:

Cannon Shot: Chain Explosion
-Deal -33% damage to Ground Type Enemies.
-Increase amount of hits from 1 to 3.
SP cost +30%

Sweet, thank you

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anyone got a vid for the new kabbalist attribute? the one that changes AA?

The new Cannoneer attributes look OP.

Cannon Shot&Shootdown got a triple hit attribute (the damage gets reduced by 1/3 per hit,though).

Siege burst got a new attribute that adds up to 50% crit chance.

Cannon Barrage got an attribute that reduces the CD time by up to 50% in exchange for up to 20% damage decrease.

GG, Cannoneer C3 now looks worth choosing :slight_smile:

new cannon 3 atrib test

new musket 3 atrib test


Shadowmancer skills are cancelable by monsters atk ? I need to know this to make my build

if yes, I will do Mage2(Surespell)>Linker2>Thauma3>Shadow2
if no, Mage1>Pyro1>Linker2>Thauma3>Shadow2

they are all pretty much instant cast. no need Wiz2or3 for it
see my or other videos posted here or in other ktos thread

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This = ‘increase skill Overheat by +1 with every attribute level (max level 3)’

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