I expect every change combined into 1 big patch for itos, perhaps end of this month or in Feb!
@Nekorin Yes, I thought about kriv3 sadhu3 tao1 inquis1 hybrid caster AA too.
The build with PD1 (kriv3 sadhu3 inquis1 pd1) for healing factor is better at receiving damage when solo. Sadhu3 transmit prana add bonus property damage to both daino hits, and is a viable alternative to the kriv3 chaplain build. Higher challenge mode mobs have high def, so having elemental attacks or buffs which ignore def is strong.
Priest3-chaplain version is more defensive support (mass heal, revive) and will party-buff with chaplain last rites. Great for auto-attack party members. Sadhu3 version grants transmit prana to 1 other party member. Transfer high INT to your magic party member. However without revive, you will feel a bit more unsafe when you are swarmed by mobs. Sadhu3 version can also cast offensive AoE skills.
Wow I just noticed it after reading your comment. Many thanks everyone.
Please read Gwenās translation of Wizard rework patch:
Cost of materials for new wizard
Hell Breath now requires an item - 80 silver
Frost Pillar now requires an item - 80 silver
Swell Left Arm now requires an item - 100 silver
Swell Right Arm now requires an item - 100 silver
Swell Brain now requires two items - 100 silver x2 = 200 silver
Summon Servant now requires an item - 2000 silver
Stop now requires three items - 100 silver x3 = 300 silver
Reincarnate now requires five items - 100 silver x5 = 500 silver
Quicken now requires an item - 100 silver
Haste now requires an item - 100 silver
Back Masking now requires two items - 2000 silver x2 = 4000 silver
Pass now requires an item - 2000 silver
Enchant Lightning now requires TEN items - 100 silver x10 = 1000 silver
Enchant Earth now requires an item - 100 silver
pass now requires an item = 2000 silver