Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

I expect every change combined into 1 big patch for itos, perhaps end of this month or in Feb!

@Nekorin Yes, I thought about kriv3 sadhu3 tao1 inquis1 hybrid caster AA too.

The build with PD1 (kriv3 sadhu3 inquis1 pd1) for healing factor is better at receiving damage when solo. Sadhu3 transmit prana add bonus property damage to both daino hits, and is a viable alternative to the kriv3 chaplain build. Higher challenge mode mobs have high def, so having elemental attacks or buffs which ignore def is strong.

Priest3-chaplain version is more defensive support (mass heal, revive) and will party-buff with chaplain last rites. Great for auto-attack party members. Sadhu3 version grants transmit prana to 1 other party member. Transfer high INT to your magic party member. However without revive, you will feel a bit more unsafe when you are swarmed by mobs. Sadhu3 version can also cast offensive AoE skills.

Wow I just noticed it after reading your comment. Many thanks everyone.

Please read Gwenā€™s translation of Wizard rework patch:

Cost of materials for new wizard

Hell Breath now requires an item - 80 silver

Frost Pillar now requires an item - 80 silver

Swell Left Arm now requires an item - 100 silver

Swell Right Arm now requires an item - 100 silver

Swell Brain now requires two items - 100 silver x2 = 200 silver

Summon Servant now requires an item - 2000 silver

Stop now requires three items - 100 silver x3 = 300 silver

Reincarnate now requires five items - 100 silver x5 = 500 silver

Quicken now requires an item - 100 silver

Haste now requires an item - 100 silver

Back Masking now requires two items - 2000 silver x2 = 4000 silver

Pass now requires an item - 2000 silver

Enchant Lightning now requires TEN items - 100 silver x10 = 1000 silver

Enchant Earth now requires an item - 100 silver
pass now requires an item = 2000 silver


All Chrono skills (besides slow) requires the same item, Piece of time, that costs 2000 silver ea.

The chronomancer needs 2 separate items now.

One low cost item fragment of time (100 silver each) for stop, reincarnate, quicken and haste.

Back masking and Pass use the old item, and the old item dimensional piece price is now 2ā€™000 silver (OLD price was 10ā€™000 silver for dimensional piece). Back masking needs 2x dimensional piece.


Hopefully this helps.

Edit: I fixed my error, sorc summon servant cost is 2ā€™000 silver (I listed it 1000 silver).


hi, do you have the rest of this translated balance patch? i wanna see swords etc

Ok, the patch translations are incorrect thenā€¦ it quotes all skills using the same item.

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Hi matt, because this is a developer Blog post, I think itos will receive it next week (translated). I can have a look later

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i did not expect the itemsā€¦ weeeee and i have a cryo sorceā€¦ darn i cant summon as i want anymore hahahahaā€¦ GGā€¦

hmmm thats gong to be extra baggageā€¦ hope they put in expand weight limit attributeā€¦ like deivā€¦ or priestā€¦ its all about the money, money, moneyā€¦ ( singing)

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I guess they regreted last reset eventā€¦

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Characters which are shinobi will receive:
x2 rank reset(14 days) + x2 stat reset(14 days) + x2 skill reset(14 days), note: you will receive it once only.

^Is it with current shinobi in rank or character with shinobi unlock? Someone here assumed the later which also make some sense.

*edit - I think itā€™ll be send through mail from the wording.

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They will properly put details in patchnotes, this was a dev blog with ā€™ current plans ā€™ . I think they might put a reset kupole again, or just by team mail.


How long for patch to hit ktest? I want some vids :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

grey my babies all are affected :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

lets see what to do with 4 sorc?? i got 1 idea now for cryo ele sorce still but all thiscatalistā€¦
but i am happy for pelt and rodā€¦ couz i have one now it has directionā€¦ heheheheā€¦

There are many possibilites for SPR sorc builds, wizards received more SPR scalings. Perhaps, try and change to Linker-sorc. I do not expect this patch to reach steam server soon so do not worry too much. I will try several sorcs on ktest when patch is released, free resets anyway.

My sorc is thauma3 sorc3, at least they accepted my suggestion to make swell buff affect summons.

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thank you :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:
ill stick with the cryo ele sorce on oneā€¦ ill be vigelent then for other buildsā€¦ for the other 3ā€¦ also if you know a pelt rod for testing pls and thank youā€¦ couz i have 1 sitting in my lodge waiting for those main hand 100% dmgā€¦ :joy::joy::joy:

oh show also kino skillsā€¦ i might resurect a kino sage (maybe chrono) build i was thinking a yr agoā€¦ as a balance dps and control buildā€¦ was trying to make non elemental base skill set for that play styleā€¦ :joy::joy::joy::joy:

dont worry how it will be viableā€¦ gear makes everything viableā€¦ :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Thank you for traslating, just for clarification, these changes are just teasers? They arenā€™t on kr live nor test server? Any date? I hoped they would ship together with the 3~6 months behind patches we are but if it is still like this we may only get this like in 6 months from nowā€¦

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Correct, this is a ā€˜developer blogā€™ just teasers for planned changes. No patch yet (is the end of the week). I expect it next week

Yes of course! :smiley: Can test 1 build reset each day for 2 weeks. My wizard on ktest is linker2-sorc2-necro3, I will test the linker changes first. Then reset to Wiz2 kino3 thaum3 sorc1 to test wiz2 attribute, kino, and thaum effect on sorc summon. Have not decided build test for day 3 yet.

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thank you againā€¦ those changes sure throw off a majority of the buildsā€¦ hahahahaā€¦ no more pullā€¦ need to think of a way now for a.nice dmg dealer and a control to work again :joy::joy::joy::joy: thank you againā€¦ now time for chores in the dungeons with my babiesā€¦ was busy with lifeā€¦

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SPR linker might be worth it for summon builds.

Spirit Shock
*(NEW!)[Circle 2]
- Spirit Shock is a new offensive skill that deals Psychokinetic-property damage and SPR based damage on the enemyā€™s soul.
- Spirit Shock works as a 1 to 1 skill, so it can only ever be on one target at a time, using Spirit Shock on another target will link you to that target, but also unbind the link to your previous target, Itā€™s also possible to break the link via the Unbind skill too.
- Spirit Shock deals magic based damge over time from 3~8 seconds, and can end prematurely if the link is broken by the caster and the target being too far apart from one another.
- To accomodate this new skill, attributes have been added.
[Spirit Shock: Enhance] - Circle 2
[Spirit Shock: Confusion] - Circle 2
[Spirit Shock: Mental Pressure] - Circle 3

Pulling-wizards will be kino2 (magnetic force affects 10 targets and bigger size now) and linker, after the patch.
Good luck game bravo!

Feel like new kino2 heavy gravity could cause crash

. fps will drop

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maybe ill use that on the 2nd sorceā€¦ heheheheā€¦ i laso need to change the base for my alch if this go on thats my 3rd now with a sorce cryo baseā€¦ and got a 4th sorce cryo but did not take any otherranks just leveled it and waiting for a signā€¦ XD