Tree of Savior Forum

Korean's reactions and some informations about korean OBT

As I’m korean, My american online friend who played SC2 with me requested to translate some TOS quest and korean community informations. So I now recognized there are many non-korean that want to play TOS (and this forum), surprised a littlebit about it.

What you bros must know, IMC is known for Granado Espada(GE) and made some shitty accident while publishing GE…So now famous about make sth like a moron in KOR so you guys be ready with deal with it.

Q1. How can I play Korean OBT?

You must get Nexon ID at first and that’s all.

I heared some guys selling their nexon ID at E-bay but to buying that is not recommended. Koreans call korean server ‘official test server’ while calling themselves ‘lab rat’

So I’m sure international OBT will up soon, Of course after some critical bugs solved.

Q2. Korean OBT is Pay 2 win now?

No. actually. It’s fact that korean server has movement +3 buff only for Internet cafe (We call it PC room), But it is because korea’s unique environment (have PC room per every block, rate games by PC room occupation) so non-korean players don’t have to worry about it.

Q3. Which class is considered OP at korean community?

Warrior - C2 Highlander

It’s absolutely strong like a idiot at under 150lv so we call C2 highlander player “haha man” and considering them a shammer. I think over 40% of people plays C2 highlander at OBT.

Wizard - Pyro/Linker

Pyro is considered #2 decent for PVE cause Cryo is bad. Cryo + Psycho’s Ice wall wombo combo had a bug and now fixed; but Pyro is much better cause Ice wall has so long cooldown.

Linker is actually #1 god at instant dungeon. Almost party has over 1 linker. Nerf? doesn’t matter.

So Wiz-Pyro-Link-Pyro-Linker or Wiz-Pyro-Pyro-Linker is most famous tree nowadays.

Cleric - Full Support+Heal like Cleric - Krivi - Priest - Priest - Cleric is much preferred and paladin/monk/druid considered a Trash. Dievdirbys has so many bugs to play properly.

Archer - None.

They are playing archer just for love. Sapper is just OK. But compared to other class It sucks. (even after recent buff)

Q4. About leveling.

Everyone cursing hak-kyu kim, IMC’s boss. I suggest leveling up gets more easier because hak-kyu kim cursed so much about leveling issue.

Q5. OP item?

Caprisun set at under 100 lv and Arde dagger.

Thanks for playing this game (we call this game ‘dung tree’) and have fun. Please pray for Hunter’s bugs to get solved! My companion does not attack and always in vacation. Sorry for my baad engrish.




Oh hi.
Moscow reporting.
You wont believe this but even russians playing your OBT now.
Thanks a lot for info, keep it up.

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Thanks a lot


Wait till Musketeer gets decent weapons to use, then we’ll talk.
Also Ranger SR is amazing k. Especially with the buffed Barrage.

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You should def check our own archer thread , a lot of people that played the game for like 30 hours think archers are op ahahah. Glad to know that the general opinion of the class is that it sucks overall, hoping for a decent buff.

But that is only natural, you guys still havent reach rank 6 , so you dont know how strong sorcerers , monks and rogues can be at those ranks. Monks at rank 5 are really meh, not that they get super good at rank 6 but at least you have double punch 12 and that is like a stronger skyliner.

i like this kind of post
more info about kOBT community is cool
thanks for translating :grinning:

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I have pessimistic thoughts for IMC, other GE players trying ToS might have the same thought.

+3 buff only for Internet cafe

This is more of an issue to Indonesia, Taiwan, and Chinese servers since netcafe are aslo a thing there.

40% of people plays C2 highlander

having 0 CD on skyliner makes it the cheapest spam skill that one can access early

playing archer just for love

I too wound not recommend Archer as their first character.

ALSO I however prefer IMC to buff the rest of the classes rather just keep on nerfing the good ones.

Ahh yes my friend.

Archer sucks.

Good that koreans wont get into the loveing embrace of an good fletcher ^^.


But sarcamus off.
Thanks for the gif and the info.

And that effing… poor ceo of imc, he gets stabbd in the balls.

Arche ris op.

In single hit dps that is.

I took down a level 90 boss with the same level archer with 2 multishots and a few olique spams in cbt2…

4k crit per hit on a first try char, unoptimized.

As MAgic Arrow got a buff and Against large enemys … we seem to have been buffed too.


Can dish out extrem dps, specially if enemy is cloth and flying type.

The problem is that most people don’t know that you get a malus on your bow… if it’s not +10 atleast.
Making +0 bows do roughly half the dps only …

And for an fact, multihit skills scale incredible as more physical atk comes into your build.

16 hits multishot (2 charges)
25 hits magic arrow (5 sec cd, 10 sec duration wtf!)
Barbed arrow 0~3 hits with good base atk.
Bodkin Arrow shield remove! And def debuff
Broadhead Bleed spam!
Crossfire is nice too, high base atk+ aoe + extra aoe dps increase.
Barrage 5 shots … two times … can be used point blank to hit all 5.
Twin Arrow reduced to 20 sec cd actually makes it nice to, as it get’s 50% bonus to cloth armor.

Just that no one cares to get through the pain of the first few jobs … when you dont have enough silver to upgrade your weapons decently and your attributes.

A fletcher can deal easily 20k dps per 1 seconds “with a single barbed arrow[cd is 0 for now]”, without taking into account magic arrow and other skills used …

Only sapper and Wugushi are AoE beasts … but wiz are better at that.
Archers are just not good for grinding massses of mobs … we kill it one at a time swiftly with overkill dps.

That’s how i will build my fletcher, as soon as OBT hit’s us next year summer or so (maybe).
Even if they change the cd and skills still, i even liked them when they had 3 sec cd.

The only thing what’s going to be worrisome is … the amount of conc sp pots… i will chug down if it’s truly 0cd still then.

Archers arent op, I made a huge amount of archers, 4 of which I got to lv 200. And sadly I have to agree with the majority of the korean community here, you do archers out of love. But its as hakkyu kim said, tree of savior isnt a game about min-maxing stuff, its a roleplay game I guess.

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The guy is just in denial lol thinking archer is op.


I trust what i tested.

And single target dps wise archer were the best.

Early game highlanders were extrem with the cartar stroke against big groups of enemys and the knock back bug on bosses.

“late” (120+) Mage class really shoen dot dps and aoe wise.

I did make an Wiz3>Ele3 and a few other combinations of classes (but only up to level 100 for most).

This guy speaks the truth.

To OP, I wish you could help me with Orsha quests line. Kinda dizzy dazzy here.

What build did you use?^^

Let me guess.
Wugushi Heavy?
Sapper Heavy?
Full Ranger?

I got scorned by people on maps where i farmed.
Wooble Eyed by people in Instant Dungeon runs (for the boss fights, not the trash mob killing. AoE Beasts are better at that,).

I cant dish out as much as an fully buffed meteor with an lucky stroke of magic amp.
In one atk, at least.

-.- archer is good.
We just suck at true AoE.
Our skills like multishot or Magic arrow … cant work against a larger crowd. And the ones that do work … are bad in comparision to wiz class.

People KNOW that archer, if built and geared right, is decent. No one claims it’s completely bad. It’s just that in comparison to other classes, there’s a whole lot of problems with it.

Which other class requires a +10 upgrade to mitigate only some of the damage penalty and not even all of it? That’s way too onerous for new players and even at high level, high level weapons have a huge upgrade cost so +10 isn’t even practical sometimes.

The point is, archer isn’t OP. It’s not necessarily bad (my single target DPS was awesome when linked) but definitely not OP.


Archer will be op only if we can grinding by fighting Boss over and over again.

But in reality , we grinding by killing million of small weak stupid monsters, and as an archer , we have to do it one by one…

The leveling method in this game is not fit for Archer at all. that’s the problem

Why exactly do you call it dung tree? None of my Korean friends call it that… O_o

stargatekmj my i ask your help on getting to ToS kr?..
i made a nexon account but all its left is a kr cellphone number and i was just wondering if you could help me out with it?..i know its kinda weird for a stranger such as myself to ask for a favor. i would also be glad to help u out someday to return the favor, so please im very quite desperate to continue playing ToS, i dont have any korean friends to turn to. :sob: