Tree of Savior Forum

Korea, 1pm. Not a single word from IMC. Commander running amok

Another server reset, called “maintenance” which will fix the issue for half an hour.

Just google it, and you will see, they only work from KOREA, they’re translating because they saw the chance on doing it or wtv it was they reason

Don’t argue with animals please.
Patpatting also forbidden, be aware of rabies.


hahahah I guess you’re too old for this and have become senile…

This sums up what you are trying to do, considering they already posted updates on the announcements. Also is the only thing you been trying to do in many of your post, not to mention there another 1000 threads that did the same before, im sorry to tell you someone already used ur edgy.

Someone needs to provide work for all these shiny whiteknights. : )
As you can see, one got baited so hard I’ve got a hardon.

To bad you lack comprehension to understand what i wrote, but is oki self proclamation is all you are about.

There, there. Have a cookie, who’s a good boy. : )

Not that I am saying anything, but they did post this today:

I don’t know what exactly they are supposed to be fixing, but you’re saying they haven’t even posted when they have.

Stop being a drama queen and over-exaggerating things.