Tree of Savior Forum

Korea, 1pm. Not a single word from IMC. Commander running amok

they are located in Usa… this is the American Imc company imo…
the Kr one is called IMC.Kr

otherwise it wouldn’t take so long for them to translate the game imo.

but u assume every game is korean and every company is in korea. well your utterly wrong.

look at blizzard? in korea? nope in usa,
look at nexon Eu in korea? nope in Germany.
look at nexon Us in korea? nope in Usa

I swear to god, if on monday the commander at IMC fails to load, Imma be so pissed.

3:30pm, something like that.

new announcement. doesn’t that mean the maintenance is in 5 minutes?

Mr. Adult please calm down.
You just made a mistake and as an adult you should be able to get over it.
Also please Google IMCGames, they are working from Korea and it is afternoon over there.


just ignore (whisper) not worth it

no this is the American version mate… IMC games is divided into Korean one and american one.

otherwise the game would have come out in Eu/na years ago

you got your maintence kids…
Show me the US IMC please, kiddo.

IMC AMERICA… Yeah, totally kiddo:

Please google before insulting people, IMC only works from KOREA…

(whisper) still not worth it…!!!

About dam time…

my bad i thought EDT was korean time. ofc it isnt. mb

the announcement clearly says EDT, so the maintenance is right now.
should open .5 hours from now

Should I show you the door? Or do you want to gather these scraps of self-dignity yourself and leave on your own?

wait wait wait when is dungeon reset… i hope i can do it in time…

I think is about 6 am on SV time



nope it seems like just a bunch of u are idiots lol…

again i go why do u think translating and getting permission takes so long?

its located in usa…

dungeon reset at 6AM EDT

They literally just showed you it isn’t. Stop. Please. For your own sake lmfao