Tree of Savior Forum

Korea, 1pm. Not a single word from IMC. Commander running amok

If this is not enough proof that they don’t give a tiniest bit of crap about us, taking 3rd day free, I don’t know what is.

Any whiteknights still around? Or did you come to your senses FINALLY?

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Every Monday is a weekend in IMC.
Wait for tomorrow.

They probably were really exhausted after last week so they took a week off.

They deserve that, after doing a great job and all that.

lets praise them. they DID great job afterall.
sure, we shouldnt complain, but praise them more.
because why? because we love to give them MONEY.


IMC was late with their april fool’s prank.

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I wanna read something from IMC before i go to bed, so probably i wont sleep today

It’s by far the worst launch I have seen. There’s no defending to it.

It’s better to get some sleep than wait for it.

Commander Load killed IMC Biblethump

I’ve lost all my hope when a GM was MANUALLY teleporting people from CommanderLoad maps, and banned some of them in the process.

Incompetence is strong within this company.

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Seriously they should just shut klaipeda down and put “maintenance till further notice”.

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yeah… i’m going back to watch lawless and try to sleep, but i really want to see some good news when i woke up (probably in 10 hours)

IMC staff please wake up and do your job. I pay 50 bucks and expect this game to load.

Better yet, I will contact steam for refund since the game does not work!


I bet they just took a long, nice holiday with our EA money. :smiley:

Biggest scam in years of MMO industry.

Briefly saw this on reddit before it was removed…

Commander LoadFail

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kiddo listen its 2:30 middle night in Usa… the company isnt located in Korea u dumbfuck…

so stop your cry kids… its only night atm first thing they do when they get to work is prob look if any problem happens and then give us notice…

so stop your whine and go bed.

Found the white knight.


Selling one whiteknight for 10k silver, even his mother didn’t want him!
Good for nothing, but able to insult!

Oh wait, can’t trade silver.
10 Hanaming petals, anyone?!

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Most IMC Staff work from Korea. You can run a server from the other side of the world.

oh now u go insult train? u are just some stupid kid i see that doesn’t know time zones? or locations of anything seriously how dumb can u people be?

for the sake of your parents and school go bed. kiddo