Tree of Savior Forum

Kneeling Shot v. Bazooka

I just reached Cannoneer C2 and I went Archer 3 --> QS --> Rogue 2 --> Cannoneer 2. While I love the build, I was under the impression that Bazooka / Kneeling Shot stacked to be disappointed to find out that they don’t.

So what is the advantage of using Bazooka over the kneeling? Isn’t Kneeling Shot just better? It already gives +range, with the additional bonus of + flat crit and + % crit with the attributes. Bazooka gives +50% damage and 40 range, but with the attribute and 15/15 Kneeling, I get about +1000 p.atk with Kneeling Shot, +35 range, and +300 attack speed, 10% crit chance to all cannon skills and 200 flat crit rate.

Does Bazooka outscale Kneeling with a better cannon or is Kneeling just better?

If not, I may just reroll to Archer 2-> Sapper 2–> Rogue 2–> Cannon 2 and take the hit to my income in wasted attribute investment.

Kneeling is better in DEX build. Bazooka is better in STR build.

If you went DEX you don’t even need to get Bazooka at all.

If you went STR you could still have Kneeling because Bazooka animation is bothersome (~3 sec).

I did go full dex, so I guess it’s time to reroll.

Why don’t you use a skill reset?

The only reason to get Bazooka in DEX build would be if you were QS3 because of Running Shot + Bazooka auto atks, but it’s still very weak, hard to use and lackluster.

I don’t feel like I’m getting any value out of A3 anymore since I can’t use it with bazooka stance and my normal autos are fast enough.

The rank of quarrel was meant to pull aggro or redirect it during smoke grenade/lachry, and it does work, but the purpose was to buy time for bazooka’s setup, which no longer seems necessary compared to 2 ranks of sapper.

bazooka always do more damage than kneeling but it have longer setup time

kneeling is faster

if u have time to setup, use bazooka

otherwise use kneeling (just standing if u don’t have time)

bazooka do more dmg with skills too. +50%
imagine if there will be canonier 3 circle with bazooka lvlv 10 ??? + 100% skill dmg

I feel like bazooka needs a team built around it to be useful. Bazooka is better on paper but the animation is way too long costing a lot of dps if you have to set up frequently.

A3 here and I just drop into kneeling shot before cannon skills, animates fast and works well. The crit buff is huge. Another disadvantage of bazooka is that you want to max it if you’re going to use it at all and those 5 points cannibalize some damage from your other skills.

Kneel 10 scaling dex into phys damage 2:1 is nice, lets you go high dex for eva and crit dmg without sacrificing anything. Still need some str for accuracy though.


The evasion doesn’t usually seem to make a lot of difference, but going 2:1 to dex and being full dex, my cannon skills did more damage than a 5/5 bazooka. I’m sure if C3 comes out, 10/10 bazooka would be better, but it would still take so much time to do that it doesn’t seem worth it, especially if you’re already hitting damage cap by then.

Rerolled to Sapper 2 Rogue 2 anyways, great build and levels significantly faster.

IMC will probably/maybe place some attribute to make bazooka set up time faster.

does evesion save u from knockdown?

Yes, if you dodge an attack you don’t get moved.

Theyre both usefull in their own way, but its around 3 seconds self stun to just enter bazooka stance, which means most of the times, bosses/mobs will already be dead. Really now, just how often would you even bother entering bazooka stance vs mobs.

Kneeling shot is not useless though, if youre a DEX build youd gain alot of patk bonus, along with high crit rate (i reached 600~700 crit rate without green gems or sissels) i also gain around 1.2k patk on my archer whenever i use kneeling.

Its instant comparing to bazooka stance 3 sec~ self stun, which is a strong utility to me.

I havent played for awhile now, so my numbers could be abit off.

But if you just look at raw damage, nothing else taken intoa ccount, bazooka stance does give bigger numbers.

If youre just kneeling and can use skills for example if you are a cannoneer or falconer(my last experience with this was level 10 hovering while kneeling at falc 2):
Patk - 1185

Patk without monstrance - 997
Patk with monstrance - 1237

I just bring monstrance scrolls to boost my damage. Only problem is you need kneeling lvl 10 from archer 3 for it to be good so you cant go all dex and expect a2qs3f3 to be as good unless you can crit all the time since youll have half the patk at lvl 5 compared to 10.