Tree of Savior Forum

[Klaipeda server] Guy macroing/botting

Mhm, because there’s obviously 10,000 reports on botters, and not like…20 or something, if even that many, lol.

Steam yesterday had 60,000 players. That’s steam EU alone. Not including the US and other regions. You assume there are 2000 players? I spotted at least 20+ people Z jamming yesterday.

Did you now? Show me. Take me to every single one of them, I’m totally willing to walk with you. Because this is the first one I’m seeing.

If you show me 20 of them right now, I’ll start supporting botting, as well. HELL, show me 20 of them on all three servers combined.

Let’s ruin this game, yey!

wow just wow. what a witty answer.

idiotic donkey

They removed the Big Kepa there so I don’t think so. I have to admit that I “hung around” that area several times in CBT lol

Hello Saviors!

Thank you for bringing this player to our attention. We will investigate this player to determine what further action is going to be taken. Please continue enjoying the game.


I’m kinda glad there is less Bots now.
But anyway, I have already sent a ticket in during iCBT2 suggesting some sort of patrol which isn’t feasible for GMs.
So, bringing in a “Report Button” is the best solution for now. Maybe if the report button (for botting) works like how it did in iCBT1 and send a short video clip along with the report it’ll be great.


I did get my first 100k from that. Lol.

@GM_Francis is there even an official rule regarding the issue of ppl putting a stone on the z key? Can’t find anything on that in the rules. Macro rules don’t apply because favorable or not, it’s mechanical input.

Why don’t you make a option to interact with a player and a window pops up canceling their actions until they press “Ok” or “Cancel”.

Something like: “Player is inviting you to a party… Accept/Decline.”

Sure can be use to annoy ppl, put will be perfect to stop Z-Bots, it’s easy and fast to do. Let us do the work for you until a better solution comes up.

Thank you for your suggestion. We will forward this to our development team for review and considerations.


Anything for you, Ajax.


Please don’t implement anything like @zoi4friends suggested that will be used to annoy players in PvP/GvG/World-Bosses/anything-else-competitive.

I think adding a ‘Report’ option when you right click a player would be enough. Maybe it could bring up a small form to describe why you are reporting the player, and if possible, the option to record a 10sec video or to send a video of the last 10-20secs before you clicked ‘Report’ (similar to how the ‘Report Bug’ function worked in CBT).

The biggest problem is that right now there is not really any way to easily report these players.


and report won’t ?

Report button raise a lot of questions;

  • Who is going to analyze your report?
  • Report = Disconnect/Ban? or it need to be presented proof, if so how’s that different from print the screen and send a Ticket?
  • How you’re going to prevent players reporting everyone for personal reasons/trolling?
  • How fast is this going to happen?
  • How IMC will know if someone is a Z-Bot? In the logs will just show a player pressing Z a lot, but we all do that, they’ll need to analyze miles of log files just to find 1 bot.
  • How severe Z-Bot is going to be handle?

My way simply obstruc Z-bot players from farming your spot… everyone can just disable a Z-bot and if they want just post a ticket to report them.

Your way will be ineffective, slow and inacurrate… With a lot of downsides like trolling and banning non-bot players because of how vague report button is.

People can report for whatever reason they want. It’s the GM investigation of the report that makes the call.

Also, you people think that everyone will run around and report people for no reason. Like, that is just ridiculous to do and if it happens, it’ll happen very rarely.

They can make a switch for reporting. So that they can remove someone’s ability to report.

So if someone trolls with the report function, just turn off the function for that one player and gg, he can’t troll anymore.

Because only a handful of kids will maybe try to troll like that, it’s easy to deal with it in this way.

So ppl won’t go around reporting others because they are nice ppl, but they will go around and click to party everyone because they are trolls… hm… makes sense.

If report is what’s going to solve all our problems, go no futher, you can print and file a Ticket here on the website, you can run the game while you have the website open, so you don’t even have to quit the game just alt+tab.

PS: I think you don’t know how hard is to code everything you just said;

  • Report function.
  • Report analisys.
  • Report “switch”
  • Trolls are easy to deal with…

It’s not the report function that’s gonna solve anything, it’s just a tool. Also, creating it is pretty basic, not hard at all to code.

It’s the GMs that investigate the reports that are going to solve the problems. Reporting is just a tool to make the whole process much faster and cleaner.

Pretty much what @Skygrinder said.

A ‘Report’ button is essentially the exact same as submitting a ticket, except it is significantly easier since it is built right into the game. (And possibly even better if they could implement the video thing, “a picture is worth 1000 words, and a video is worth 1000 pictures”)

It is only as ineffective, slow, and inaccurate as the GMs.

Giving players the ability to disrupt each other’s auto-attacks is just asking for trouble though.

How do you prove that someone is a Z-bot? He ain’t using a third party program, for the logs and programs he’s just a normal player pressing Z, like everyone else…

It’s not up to us to prove anything. We call it as we see it. If we think it’s a bot, we report it. GMs make the final decision whether they are or not and punish them accordingly.

Basically, GM goes to the person reported, whispers him and demands an answer, if he doesn’t reply, but character is swinging a weapon constantly, obviously something is wrong there.