Tree of Savior Forum

[Klaipeda server] Guy macroing/botting

If the game is getting a GM involved in a macro/bot dispute the game is BEHIND its time… other games have solved this 10 years prior… WITHOUT a gm being needed.

It doesn’t matter.

It is what it is. If they don’t have an automatic solution, they need a manual one.

i actually laugh outloud because i come from a game that had a bot for 7+ years before the game died that would give 1 of MANY automated responses to a GM if asked stuff like" are you afk"… “are you awake” and whatever else a new player on the screen that the kid was autofarming on could think of… IM TELLING YOU… KIDS HAVE ALREADY THOUGHT OF EVERYTHING YOU COULD COME UP WITH TO COUNTER THEIR BOT AND THE GMS… you really dont understand if you think otherwise.

If anyone pm me and asked are you botting I will just add him to ignore list.

Nope, in-depth investigation can’t be passed through with automated responses, unless you’re an idiot that asks obvious questions. Which GMs shouldn’t be.

If they don’t check up on the reports, then just freaking fire them all and use the money for the game development instead. At least the game in general will get better in that case.

If they’re not doing anything, then what’s the point of GMs?

I’m guessing you played private server games before this?


the standard and obvious argument is a group of kids trying to bypass the way you think the game should be played, (and gms) will be ok with sacraficing 100-200 hours of research and development of a char. so they can easily farm one of their chars 1000-2000 hours …

Investigation on bot is easy on private server because there are less people.

As I’ve said, GMs should follow up on reports and PM the people that are reported. If you ignore a GM, then you’re just looking to get banned.

The problem with this is not about the real bot, but people sabotaging real player with report.

and yet ive hunted/farmed/grind in a game and had ppl ask me if im botting, macroing while im literally sitting there casting spelling, using the keyboard and looking at my screen… and completely ignored the whisper… or the gm standing in-front of me… there are THOUSANDS of like minded kids out there that could give 2 shits if you are the president or the FBI… you wont interrupt or stop them from doing what they wanted to do… Im not going to stop doing what i wanted to respond to some other random internet user because they have virtual precedent. even if that was some perceived ban from a GM. I would take it like a champ and make a new char… No one is going to tell me how to behave. plain and simple… and there are THOUSANDS of ppl that share that view.

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I’ve said what I had to say on the matter. Even more, I was just reporting, didn’t look for anyone’s opinions on it. There’s simply not a proper reporting forum as of this time.

You people are making the dumbest excuses that are all simply pointless if a proper investigation is done based on a report. That’s what the GMs should be doing anyway.

If I was these GMs (@GM_Sebastian @GM_Francis) I’d be offended if you people thought that an automated response could trick me, LOL.

Proper investigation makes it crystal clear if someone is macroing/botting/z-jamming while afk or not.

To summarize, GM investigation based on reports > all excuses.

Those people have to be ready to deal with the consequences. Simple.

If you agree to the terms of the company, you need to follow that, or you shouldn’t be playing that game in the first place. It doesn’t matter what your “view” is, lol.

You read your apple agreement? <---------------- ffs im embarassed to type this, as the multitude of people on this earth have signed MANY agreements without reading them… not only that, Many ppl sign them knowing EXACTLY what they say… in their (hacker) mind, they need to find out the grey area on purpose… its their duty, so kids like you know what is legitimate and what isnt. THEY are providing you are service you arent capable of providing for youself. BUT you will benefit from.

It can be easily solved by making the Z button when pressed constantly do only a number of attacks… like lets say 15. It’s enough for you to talk to a person when playing but it disables you to Z-bot.

There are a few problems with gm investigation which make the whole deal very difficult to solve. First, as I said, players can sabotage other players they hate by reporting to gm, wasting gm’s time.

You can argue that fake report should be punished. This bring up another prob. Not every bot, will get caught after being investigated. You can make the bot disconnect on pm by gm, or notify you when gm’s activity is detected so that you can react. All of these will confuse the gm into thinking that someone made a fake report and punish the reporter. This will make players afraid to report.

I’m not saying botter shouldn’t be stopped, but using the gm is the last method.

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As I’ve said to others. In-depth GM investigation based on reports > All excuses.

If you think you can get away with anything, go for it, break all the rules and agreements. If investigation proves that you’re guilty of what you’re being accused of, then you need to be ready to face the consequences.

The problem right now is that no one is doing anything, apparently. You seem to think that GM investigation won’t solve anything.

I think that if they do an investigation on this person that I reported in a timely manner, he will be banned within an hour. (This of course, if a new rule was set for this type of things, since apparently z-jamming is legit, lol)

Z jamming is literally an antiquated solution to a problem gamers faced. … jamming of the keys is literally 1996 solution to gaming and spam email that 1997 solved…

Let me get this right.

You expect GMs who’s primary job is support related queries to look into botting manually from every player report? So if 10,000 people face reporting YOU expect 3-4 people to check these 10,000 cases? Holy…

Either you’re very young or played on private servers in the past. You clearly have no idea about game development, business and customer support…

I agree completely, but only in case if a GM is a complete idiot. In which case, he shouldn’t be a GM at all.

Anyway, I’ve wasted a lot of free time here now, I kinda want to go back and play.

Bottom line is, I think it’s wrong, I think it needs to be dealt with, so I reported it. Though next time, I’m probably gonna try and PM the GM first, didn’t think of it right away this time, because there’s usually a separate place for reporting.

You people can stay here and keep defending the botters, people using macros and jamming Z while afking.

Meanwhile, they will keep doing what they’re doing, gaining more things in game without any effort. Go ahead and check on this person, he’s probably still swinging into empty space. But hey, I’m sure he’s just having fun, totally NOT being afk.

My opinion is that they need to be strict, do the investigations and be ready to make hard choices, in case when something is not completely clear. However in most of the cases, it’s clear when someone is doing these things. Like in case of my report.