Tree of Savior Forum

[Klaipeda server] Guy macroing/botting

lol he so played wakfu

Not saying that report is useless, just with a slow response. Even if you send a video of 5~10 minutes of someone attacking on the same spot isn’t solid proff they are a Z-Bot, and will take hours or even days to your report to be handle to someone and measures taken, until them a lot of ppl will be losing farm for the Z-Bot player.

Weekends are when most ppl play, and IMC don’t work on weekend, so if you find a Z-Bot friday, he can leave his char botting for +48h and you can’t do nothing about it.

If you read my post you’ll notice that I suggest a easy and quick answer, until they devise a definitive way to deal with the problem. When they do they can simply patch out this feature and no one will be trolling your autos anymore.

Well, for this to work, there needs to be a weekend GM, as well, obviously.

But I mean, leaving the game unsupervised for 2 days every week is really a bad call.

I’ll just leave this here

Of course, IMC can’t be compared to Blizzard. But WHILE they can’t pay for several GMs for every sever to work even on weekends, they surely can pay for 1 GM per server, even over the weekend.

Or at least, they should be able to, considering how much they are charging for tokens (a must to play the game, really), PLUS have the cash shop.

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Lolololololol. Looks like no one remembers the ‘Grim Reaper’ that was released in the BETA for people who were AFK attacking and not moving.

Have fun with him when you meet him.

Shame on anyone doing this. Seriously, just play the damn game and log out so you reduce server traffic and other people can log in. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe in the future when IMC has a better infrastructure and more workers… I’m worried about now, we need to guarantee a solid start first.

That is also a ban worthy offense if you can play the game while your not at your computer then it’s botting however you look at it.

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I don’t think you understand how fked up humanity are if you think players won’t report others just to troll them.

I would be the first one to do it, reporting every single swordsmen I saw because they ksed me in earlier game.

Report function that I mentioned would have a switch to disable it for any player, just that one player that they decide.

So if someone trolls with it, GMs can just disable the function for that specific player, so he can’t report at all, ever.

Even if you keep finding excuses, ANYTHING done is better than doing nothing, and letting people do this.

Nothing need to be done for the Z-bot. I don’t even get why people is fussing over them. Try get your math done and you will realize they don’t even harm the game (you don’t really earn much from Z-botting in this obt as compared to Big Red Kepa farming in icbt2, even so, Big Red Kepa farming at a day is much lesser than any player at rank 6 and above farming for an hour). Yes it’s an abuse, but people would eventually figure out that it’s pointless and stop.

A report function would be good for the possible bot/macro in the future, but not for the Z-bot.

Edit: About your suggestion on turning off report for players if they were deemed to be troll, it will most probably misfire on honest player because the real bot player can easily counter play with the method I said before. Once a player who actually report the bot has the function turned off, more and more players will be afraid of reporting, and eventually the system became faulty.

And no, I know you want to argue that the GM should do their job and analyse the botter properly after the report, but it’s almost impossible to do it when the player base is this big due to the massive mixture of real and fake report.

And what about people who farm on rank 6+, but when they go to sleep, they also set the character to Z mash all night long?

It don’t work, your character will just die. All the good farming spot require you to be constantly control your character.

Also, there is no good spot to Z-bot for, except for the big red kepa spot in icbt2, because the location of that big red kepa is fixed, and it provides silver for every Z-masher that hit it.

Even if there is a good spot, it’s much easier for IMC to fix the spot and eliminate the problem from it’s root.

Anyway, the report function is useful for other things, as well. It doesn’t have to be just z-jammers. It can be actual bots that will be setup to kill, move, loot, use pots to survive.

or simply complex macro users that emulate the similar thing.

Which, while harder to find, can still be found.

Then various exploit users due to bugs that you know will appear, sooner or later.

Report function is simply something that can make it all much faster and easier for everyone.

Or you could make it that only reporting people for Scripting/Botting/Macro stops their current action after a time limit with a capcha or something so people not AFK can move to a safe spot to fill the capcha.

And prevent someone from reporting the same person over and over for Scripting/Botting/Macro. Maybe once a day on the same person but you can go report others as well. This is to prevent scumbags from spam reporting for the sake of annoying others.

And if someone have been spam reporting others who are proven not afk extremely often, remove his ability to report for a certain number of days.


I still don’t get why you don’t implement a limit to the number of attacks that can be performed consecutively.

With that ruleset you can be certain that anybody who stands still for a longer period of time and still autoattacks and doesnt react in any way is using macros. After that you can talk about reporting and making pop ups and stuff like that.

I think they have bigger problems to take care of at the moment since apparently some players can’t even play at the moment(?). It would take some resources to code this feature/function up and it would be circumvented probably within a day by bot users. If you can program a bot that auto attacks, you can also program a bot that auto attacks and moves one step back and forth in some pattern. You can extrapolate how this would develop, right?

This problem exists in pretty much every game with botters and I think no one has yet to come up with a simple and foolproof solution for it.

Captcha is actually the perfect solution to everything. Gold sellers, botters…everything.

It’s just that some people are not willing to accept it because it’s “annoying”.

I think bots and goldsellers are way more annoying than a captcha every hour or two.

Anyway, report function is a good addition if they do it, because it’s not just for bots and stuff, it covers bugs too and a lot of other things. Making it easier for us to report things and easier for the GMs and developers to get everything they need to make the game better. Fast bug reports, fast exploit reports…etc

I think so too, as long as it’s implemented in some way that it won’t pop up in the middle of world boss fight or PvP situation. Especially if it’s based on player bot reports as it would be abused. Just imagine someone using a megaphone on alt account shouting “This and this player is a bot, pls report!” and you might end up getting enough reports from random people “helping the community to get rid of bots” to get the captcha to pop up.

It should be thought out thoroughly to prevent these kinds of problems but it could be the only realistic solution.

The captcha should be hard enough so that normal text recognition programs wouldn’t recognize it and there should be enough questions that you can’t gather extensive database to automatize the bot to give correct answers. The captcha database can’t also be located within the client files for obvious reasons. It can’t be some kind of question with easy answer because part of the target audience are kids, from all over the world, and they have limited understanding of English. But yeah, it could still work if properly thought out :slight_smile:

@GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian @Staff_Julie

Alrighty then, captcha is a go. @Nyyppa and I agree. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, that’s good enough of a proportion of players supporting it. All the important players seem to agree on it as well (I’m currently lvl 25 btw) :joy:

I’ve been taking it slow this time. I could’ve rushed and been near 100 by now with my usual leveling path that I did in iCBTs. However I wanted to try all the new stuff, so I did Klaipeda up to Tenet, then went to Orsha.

Also really wanted to get attributes up earlier, rather than later. Currently level 33, with 180+ level 2 xp cards to pop and still doing low level areas in Orsha (level 29 zone now). Got my Concentrate attribute to level 40 already and my Gung Ho attribute to level 20+.

Was also spending a bit of time doing collections. Just trying to enjoy all the content, rather than rushing levels, since it’s not limited playtime anymore, like it is in CBTs.