Tree of Savior Forum

Klaipeda player "Lewdity" abuse Tamer event by multi noob account in Dine bee farm

This thing call me retard, not respecting the game GM and not respecting it self ;3

he/she is abusing the game event by getting many noob accounts in his/her party to get monster energy and that is why we see tons of monster energy in the market and maybe he is seeing them and you can see the chat that happen with him/her, not respectable be cause he/she call me retard i dont know for what and then he/she summon boss by monster album to kill all player near to his/her party to clear the place for the party.
please find below pictures for more details:

chat 2chat 3chat 5chat 6

please do something to protect the game from those players… they are killing the game…




This is abuse? LOL? Okay, please report me for carrying half of Klaipeda through royal mausoleum lodge while I was on a lvl 300. Low levels aren’t supposed to gain XP by leeching from high levels. What a joke thread.

Edit: Should also have you know that he has sold 0 Monster energies on the market.

:haha: Correction: Its the Whole Guild!

@Lubu20 who said you guys are carrying lowbie,Does it takes 3 days for a lowbie to get out in dina bee? Come on!

I propose an equal-level law that automatically bans anyone who parties with anyone with a 50 level difference. Screw those cheaters for levelling faster than me!

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So What they do here is they set the party experience to individual making the lowbie char level stagnant cause the lowbie will not kill any monster. Which makes this a kind of abuse or exploit solely for monster orb farming and its abnormal means unintended by the game event design.

Come on Friend your better than this. :sad:

No one’s bothered by how their skeletons don’t expire?

It’s like there was some kind of bug you could abuse to bypass the 5min duration limit.


That is correct, I am Friend

Actually they are leveling lowbies, they leveled 2 of my accounts in the past 3 days. Not only did they level my characters but they also let me pick up energy. Theres no abuse or exploit going on here, just a bunch of salty cry babies who are too lazy to do the same.




What I’m referring to was me power leveling people in Royal Mausoleum Workers lodge from lvl 1-100 back last year. Helped a lot of people level their alts.

Reminder that necros afk farming at dina bee are abusing the Corpse Tower: Skeleton Soldier bug which lets them have skeletons that don’t expire and stay aggressive in permanence (the proper skeleton/shoggoth mechanic is that summons disappear after X seconds and stop attacking after 60 seconds if the owner is afk).