Tree of Savior Forum

Klaipeda is the Worst server to play

(Sorry don’t know how to quote reply) Good question @Nibly I think people don’t watch what they say and only mean the people in the USA. Which is basically any race with an Americanized lifestyle.

Actually I don’t say anything about this in game at all.SO there goes yer whole statement there. That said I still wanna move to kalipeda since it has more english speaking players. I don’t mind rebuying a token for TP when server launches, I just wanna get off Orsha, cuz we know when it goes f2p its going to get infested even more by BRs since from what I hear its the unoffical BR server. Wish I knew this before I started.

When 9/10 of the BR’s you’ve ever met start a conversation with “huehue”, are extremely rude, terrible players, have no respect for anyone but themselves, admit to never doing anything to keep the servers running amongst a plethora of other things; it’s not about what color someones skin is, but the society they come from. This whole Xenophobic crap is rather new to me. It’s amusing that BR’s are hated through out most F2P games, so in their defense we had to find something to battle the Xenophobic ones. Lol.

Bottom line, 9/10 BR’s I’ve met, are horrid. If you still don’t understand, go play LoL. The BR community is complete and utter trash.

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But, but, but… If you non-BR’s leave Osha; The server will eventually be shut down because we all know BR’s don’t pay for ■■■■. Then they’ll all flock to Kal! We do NOT want them! :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: I’m totally with you. Some people that obviously have never spent any real time with the BR community fail to see what a infestation and detriment to the servers it can be. It really irritates me when companies with US servers don’t IP block Brazil.

Funny Story: Normally when I play a F2P game my very first shout in General is;

Lemme hear all my BR buddies give me a Huehuehue.

The chat is filled with Huehuehue, and my blocklist grows. It’ gets a good start. Did that when PoE first came out.


So much hate… :frowning:
It’s said that it comes to this

I’m Brazillian and I may say that our culture can work with any culture in the world, since we are the most mixed country…

But I think that the online behaviour should be discussed, maybe it can get better in the future…

Old but gold

Exactly! Did you take that with your phone? Looks like you got your good side! :stuck_out_tongue:



here’s an example of brazil’s booming diversity

wow… just 15secs into the beginning and I am already having a heaadache

It’s called “Portuguese”

Xenophobia is irrational. Most of the gamers that dislike Brazilians have had extremely negative experiences in games with them. Best example would be their most recent exploitation of whatever their payment system was called. Many of the ones that I have met in previous games blatantly hacked and used macros.

Obviously not all of them do this but the loudest of the group are always the negative ones. Just like how American gamers are seen as racist, Brazilian gamers are seen as toxic bug exploiters. Sadly, I would take racist over bug exploitation. I play games with my friends, random raging like monkeys won’t affect me.

“What we can say right now is that the problem in question seems to be confined to a few isolated cases processed through Steam’s Brazilian store and is related to its payment system, meaning it is out of our direct scope of action.” Blame Br’s. Messing up the game. Even have proof this time.

What proof? Show it.

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Sorry for the double post, but your whalecum.

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What did I do? You’re just offending me

I think your misunderstanding the point or maybe google translate isn’t working well for you, But BR players should not be in the international version. I’m not offending one person rather retelling the facts.

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You clearly said that BR’s are messing up the game and you have proof, so show me the proof.

Hence, even if my english isn’t the best, I’m pretty used to it since I live in Canada