Old but gold
Exactly! Did you take that with your phone? Looks like you got your good side!
here’s an example of brazil’s booming diversity
wow… just 15secs into the beginning and I am already having a heaadache
It’s called “Portuguese”
Xenophobia is irrational. Most of the gamers that dislike Brazilians have had extremely negative experiences in games with them. Best example would be their most recent exploitation of whatever their payment system was called. Many of the ones that I have met in previous games blatantly hacked and used macros.
Obviously not all of them do this but the loudest of the group are always the negative ones. Just like how American gamers are seen as racist, Brazilian gamers are seen as toxic bug exploiters. Sadly, I would take racist over bug exploitation. I play games with my friends, random raging like monkeys won’t affect me.
“What we can say right now is that the problem in question seems to be confined to a few isolated cases processed through Steam’s Brazilian store and is related to its payment system, meaning it is out of our direct scope of action.” Blame Br’s. Messing up the game. Even have proof this time.
What proof? Show it.
Sorry for the double post, but your whalecum.
What did I do? You’re just offending me
I think your misunderstanding the point or maybe google translate isn’t working well for you, But BR players should not be in the international version. I’m not offending one person rather retelling the facts.
You clearly said that BR’s are messing up the game and you have proof, so show me the proof.
Hence, even if my english isn’t the best, I’m pretty used to it since I live in Canada
Did I not just show you the proof? It’s like you didn’t even read the official announcement. Hell, I even gave you the link :3 Your proof is there.
Not sure if you are dumb, misinformed or have just a bad character…
If the problem wasn’t LARGELY about BR, Why wouldn’t they mention it as a global problem and not single out one area? I wouldn’t say I’m dumb. Just put a little more effort into thinking about it than you
Because it’s the easy way to do it
So basicly you’re taking the easy way out and you admit I’m correct. Thank you, because winning these meaning arguments with brs gives me a hardon.
and here we go again