Tree of Savior Forum

Kino Suggestions

Hey there.

Playing with this class, I noticed a few odd things about it. Here are some problems I bumped into and a suggestion for each skill.

Psychic Pressure

Useless in boss fights (from knockdowns, knockbacks, freeze, etc) and very slow hits on the targets. When using it, there is a good chance you will not even use half of the hits it can do in fights. Unless used on regular mobs.

I was thinking Psychic Pressure could

Have knockdown/knockback resistance (even for bosses) then it will be useful in those boss fights. Cut casting bar in half and add those hits to remaining timer bar (hits twice as fast). The biggest problem is we have low health (we are wizards not front line tanks) and low health players don’t want to stand around too long, so cutting the timer in half makes it easier for us to deal damage and get the **** out of there. :sunglasses:


Used once…okay 20 second cooldown. Removed from skill bar. Places better more useful skill in its place. This skill doesn’t give anything at all (very rare moments where you tele far away) and most times you teleport near the same spot you were at… :disappointed:

I was thinking Teleport could…

Removes ailments or debuffs on player (freeze, bleed, poison, etc) because you are turning yourself into particles and sorting/placing them into another location. The cooldown is very long too. Maybe reduce it to 15 secs with 3 overheats. If not 3 overheats maybe a cooldown of 10 seconds?


This skill is way more useful then teleport. This is decent, however it’s very slow to use. The AoE is so small you mostly miss unless target is unaware or standing in a location for too long (most targets move). There is also something that makes my brain explode. Why can we swap so many enemies when the AoE is so small? Gathering them in such a tight spot requires too much time and isn’t reasonable. We could simple cast gravity pole and pull them in?

I was thinking Swap could…

Have double its AoE size (maybe even triple its size). This might help swap be more effective and not waste the overheats given.

Magnetic Force

Very good for PvP. However, not so good in PvE or damage. I don’t know why damage is even added to this skill when it’s very low? Also, almost everyone only puts 1 point in this skill??? This means the skill isn’t doing its job…which is to motivate or pull the players interest to add points to the skill. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I was thinking Magnetic Force could…

Hit targets 5 times regardless of not having more than 1 target in the AoE. AoE range increased slightly. Drop AoE attack ratio and add how many targets it can pull. Every 2 points adds an extra hit and 1 extra target, so max level magnetic force can hit 5 times and pull in 10 targets. Not only does it cc for 3 secs but damage and range is increased. This motivates the player to put more than one point in this skill.

Telekinesis (crashes game now too)

This would be a good skill IF the cooldown wasn’t 30 seconds and wasn’t resisted so much making it go back to cooldown for another 30 seconds. This skill also leaves you open to an attack for a good 2 seconds before you can move again after you failed an attempt to capture the target. You also leave yourself completely open for a good 18 seconds if it even worked. We all know that you really don’t have an unnatural 18 seconds in a fight to use it. Ether your health is too low from all the hits you took from multiple targets or the other players team mate cancels it. In PvP this skill is resisted a lot and I see why! (18 second duration!) This would be one hell of a cc! (thankfully it gets resisted a lot). The skill just has too many risks and even when successful you are not rewarded for the effort. :neutral_face:

I was thinking Telekinesis could…

I had to really think a bit for this skill. I wanted to keep its cc without being resisted so it doesn’t go back on the timer without being useful. Lower max skill level to 10. Cooldown reduced to 25 seconds. Only hits 2 times. Duration only 3 seconds. Cannot be resisted anymore (now skill isn’t wasted). Each point adds 120% of increased damage (10*120%=1200%*2 hits=2400% with the attribute 2500% total). This really motivates players to use points on this. Very good damage and very small cc timer without being over the top. This skill still only effects one target so it shouldn’t be to strong or annoying. Even though this targets one enemy or player it now hits harder and faster!

Gravity Pole

Decent skill…but easily cancelled from attack (etc) and put on timer again for 30 seconds. Slow helps, but still pretty bad. I would say this is much better than Psychic Pressure for sure because you have range and on mobs it stops them. However, bosses cancel this completely and you waste a slot. You are a very easy target too. More risks then benefits.

I was thinking Gravity Pole could…

Maybe change the name to Gravity. Also change how it functions a bit by becoming an aura like effect (like a buff) that slows down targets within effect range by 30-40% (PvP only) and stops targets (PvE only). you can move with this buff. The AoE could be the size of Paladins Barrier skill at max level. Cooldown 40 seconds. Duration 10 seconds. If targets get close, pulse magnetic power that deals 150% every .5 seconds. Now the skill is movable, but the power is reduced by 63% for each hit - instead of 213% it would be 150% (3000% new version, 4260% original version). The good thing is it hits the surrounding mobs with AoE and you can move around (more mobility), the bad - it does less damage then the original Gravity Pole.


Very good skill! Too good some people would say. I see complaints about it, but these two skills are our best ones in psychokino class (PvP). If we take them away there is nothing left for this class (other than PvE). 10 seconds is pretty long, but if it were to change then we need to change it in a good way and not just reduce the cc timer and keep the long cooldown (even with cooldown reduced the cc being cut to 6 seconds or less would not make up for it). People will leave the class and reset to something else that gives more flexibility like we have been doing in the past for other classes.

I was thinking Raise could…

Maybe change the name to Magnetic Field (to fit how it functions). Magnetic Field has a cooldown of 50 seconds. Duration is 12 seconds. AoE range is 50% larger than the original Raise. Caster within Magnetic Field cannot be pulled out with any skill or leave the field! That’s why I added the 50% AoE range to give the player some mobility. All damage is reduced by 40% within the zone. Targets (not including the player/allies) within range or entering the Magnetic Field will be teleported out. Targets that were teleported out will be stopped for 4 seconds to recover from the teleporting debuff (not resistible). Targets with teleport debuff cannot be teleported or receive the effect again till it wears off (Stop effect wears off at 4 seconds, but debuff will still be on and lasts 6 seconds - this means you can cc someone 2 times for 8 seconds total). Targets that were teleported out will randomly be placed near but not in the Magnetic Field.

So, the cc is basically split up into fragments. If the target chooses to run in they will teleport and cc for 4 seconds. I think that’s not bad at all. They can simple try to hit them with range skills instead of melee or simple wait for the field to fade. This stops the long cc and gives both the caster and enemy good and bad situations. For the caster they get minor cc and defensive damage reduction and protection from close fights, but cant leave field. Enemy can choose to hit with range even if the damage is reduced instead of being cc’ed or simply wait till the skill ends. You could think of this like a clerics Safety Zone, however damage is not cancelled only reduced. They are also not restricted to a location by force and can choose to leave the zone - unlike the kino.

Playing smart you can make sure not to use other kino skills like swap and telekinesis till Magnetic Field is up. You could swap them back into Magnetic Field (after debuff effect ends) to give them the debuff again so other players/teammates can hit them. Or use Telekinesis as well. Also, you could target multiple people and not just one. (swap 2 overheat and telekinesis 1 = 3 times = three players that got the 4 second cc). I think this would give more flexibility and creativeness to a fight.

Finally done! :relieved:

Thank you for reading!


I get so scared to use telekinesis because it crashes my game 90% of the time…


I still put this skill in my Quick Slot before but far away, but somehow use it and crashed. So now, I completely remove it.

I like most of them, except for Gravity and Magnetic Field (actually this good but I like Raise more).

Teleport is very good when you do it that way, especially if it also can escape from Stun effect. Also giving Swap an increased AoE is helpful.

PP is almost fine the way it is because of it’s interactions with other skills (ice wall and fireball, even if the last one is glitched, but that is a fireball problem). It just needs an wider range. I mostly use this skill to push away my fireballs or to hold mobs in place with stun, so would be nicer with better range.
Teleport needs a delay (animation) reduction. Most of the time, you can get to the place you just teleported by simply walking, and in less time than you would need, because you waste too much time standing in place while animation is playing. It is still useful for losing the aggro from mobs.
For swap, I aggre with you. Better aoe would work fine. I mostly use this to put bosses back in place where other aoe skills are taking effect (hail from elememe, usually). But I like the idea of swapping entire mobs. Might be useful.
Gravity pole is okay. It’s attribute can correct the cast interrupt thing. If you’re concerned about knockbacks, take reflect shield from wizard. It used to cancel knockbacks every now and then, but I don’t know how is it today. It would be nice only to add more “pull power” to gravity pole, since you almost can’t see mobs being pulled in. And add interaction with other skills, like PP have. They are very similar, so why not?
For telekinesis, we just need it to not crash the game. After that, we can talk about how to enhance it.
And magnetic force needs a rework too. Make it do damage according to mobs got in it (more mobs, more hits), and raise the aoe aspect ratio.

your suggestions all seem to point to kino being a pvp class and alone, it is. But with other circles and combos, it becomes a pretty good class to have in pve.

If you change the class too much, then players need resets. All the cryo kinos will need it.

Kino is not a stand alone class but it is a c3 or nothing class.

If your goal is to make kino pve oriented, then try a kino linker warlock or cryo 3 kino 3

True, but in somebuild, even a kino c1 will suffice…
Example build
Cryo3 > Kino1 > RC1 > Wiz2 (Surespell) > Enchanter1

Having a great time with the synergies… Aside from the Ice Wall + PP Combo, there’s also the cryo attribute that increase all lightning damage to enemies frozen by cryo skills. Physical skills will get converted to lightning elemental by enchanter and thus have 50% damage bonus toward every non-elemental skills… (pretty much every physical skills… for magic, i’ve tested magic missile and it works).

I had wiz3 i/o enchanter back when there’s still the quickcast attrribute… (to focus on the combo damage)… but with enchanter, i think it is even better… esp for grind stuff (in which the CC by kino c3 isnt really needed).

Also, add some interaction between magnetic force and telekinesis. Make monsters affected by magnetic force abble to be picked up together by telekinesis, raising more than one target at once.

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yes, my necro has c2 psykokino and i have noticed this class is very weak.

teleport should increse min distance AND max distance with each skill level.

Telekenises should have 2 OH due to it only being single target and our only other dmg skill (psycic pressure) is really bad.

the only skill usable on bosses is psykik pressure which is usually cancelled 50% of the time due to knkbck

Yeah, make it into AoE skill with number of max enemy that can be affected with it. This skill is not very great in PvE, since you most dealing with a bunch of mobs. But in PvP (if not bugged), this skill is almost a Nightmare for some classes.

it just got 2 overheat in ktos

This would make it OP. Its just another frost pillar at that point. Cryo c3 kino c3 would just get even more cc and i dont think its balanced.

As with “gravity” the concept is fine. but i think giving the mobs armour break debuff would be better. I use gravity pole to lower mobs def by 12% for team mates but gravity might be good for ET X1 fs to kill mobs quickily

I’ll copy my old ideas for kino skills from another thread, bear in mind that these are not thought up with balance in mind, but are just general ideas

Swap gravity
Knock up enemies in a small AoE

Increase gravity
Channeling skill, slows movement speed and attack speed in a big circle around you, low AoE damage

Crush gravity:
Crush the gravity around you in an aoe the size of chronomancers Stop knocking down any people and dealing AoE damage, cast time similar to earthquake

Ya, it has problems. Sadly since it only crashes the player they will not fix it anytime soon. If it crashed other players and channels then they would fix it faster - lol. We just happen to be unlucky… :tired_face:


Ya, I felt very slow using the teleport skill and it didn’t really give anything to the table. but removing ailments or debuffs would make it a really good skill to have.


PP is extremely weak with bosses (mostly works well for PvE). I don’t even use it. The range isn’t the problem. mobs just run right into it (archers sometimes get me though). Shorter cast time and resistance to knockbacks, knockdowns would make it usable in those fights because it just gets cancelled. I also heard about bosses doing less knockbacks etc. This sounds good for PP.

Ya, teleport is slow, so I figured with we add a ailment remover or other effects it could make that slow animation okay. The developers most likely will just add overheats to it because they like to cookie cut things, but I guess its better then nothing at all… :confused:

Reflect shield is not very useful because it goes away fast (4 hits). Bosses hit multiple times and remove it fast. Archers, and many other targets take this shield down fast too. Reflect needs to be worked on as well. It got much better then before though. With base damage reduction it became more useful, but the hit count doesn’t do it justice at all. They could either give more hits or make the effect permanent till buff timer is up. But ya mobs take the barrier off very fast and bosses do it as well with their multiple hit skills. That’s why it isn’t used. Plus the 41 cooldown isn’t helping because those 9 hits (after wasting 2 ranks - unless you go elementalist) can be within seconds with targets everywhere.

Well, I didn’t want to go over board with Magnetic Field. I started with only teleporting effects when I first thought of it. I sometimes tend to add things later after hearing other peoples advice or opinions (if it doesn’t change the skill to much from its original state).

I was thinking about that, but I’m not sure. This seems like you would take too much control and when that happens people complain and it ends up getting nerfed again. I really do like this idea though! But If telekinesis changes to multiple targets with Magnetic Field it now becomes stronger than meteor by far! It already is stronger than meteor for single targets, so I thought it was safe to have 3100% damage, but to pass that to all targets effected with teleport debuff might make players mad because they already have a 4 second cc. So, if you timed it right you could wait 3 seconds then use telekinesis to add another 3 seconds then drag them back into Magnetic field and add another 4 second cc (4+3+4, total 11 seconds of cc). Now we are back to Raise cc timer and people don’t like that. :thinking:


No, I wasn’t trying to. Kino has 2 skills that are PvP (Raise and Magnetic Force) which is okay. After those everything else isn’t as useful. Maybe swap but that’s slower and misses a lot and leaves you open not only when using it but casting it on the target without missing (if you got them or not). Teleport is somewhat useful, but it also leaves you open if you tele’d to close to the same spot. You would be better off moving around because the animation is too long and only just a few feet from the spot you used it at. But, no it’s mostly PvE. Raise, PP, Gravity Pole stops many mobs and takes control for long durations (love dungeons with this class). The swap, tele, telekinesis are more complex and complicated to use in any fight. I want to try and think of ways to help them out and make them more useful because I get this feeling Raise and Magnetic Force later on might bet nerfed more (less cc or on timer because people get upset over its long 10 second counts and combo, which I agree in a way). So, I thought maybe type something different on all the skills hopefully to motivate them to change the skills in a positive way then just cutting cooldowns and added more overheats… like fireball with its 5 overheats (ouch)… :confused:

The skills are not functioning well by themselves, adding other classes to them to help fix them is not a good way to solve problems. It can create more problems and that’s why people have to pick certain builds for them to function right. If classes were more balanced then this wouldn’t be the case. That’s why we have people complaining about skills in all classes because there are not a lot of balances to these classes from the skills themselves. You could say some of the skills are incomplete or require to many things to work right at all. Anyways, Thank you for commenting! :3

Thanks! I didn’t know this. Seems like they thought somewhat of what I was thinking (tong twister lol).

Not sure how that can be OP? Frost Tree lasts for 10 seconds for players to spam their skills on and freezes targets as well as adding cc timers. The skill also draws way more mobs into it as well (unless they changed this). Many skills and in other games follow similar functions. There is no “limitless spell ideas” and they either do damage, stop, slow, poison, etc. It’s hard to explain, but some spells will work similar to some but look different (Mestema and frost cloud for example - they both are AoE, they both hit multiple times, they both look like circles, they are not that different from each other). We already have some skills that function similar to others. As for the cc problem its because the game has so many skills and people will try to make cc builds for PvP to help their teammates out.

Also, Magnetic Force only lasts somewhere around 2-3 seconds too (not OP at all but helps). And damage is very very very low. That’s why people are only putting one point in it. If you think it will act like a Frost Tree then it already is like a Frost Tree because it already pulls stuff in and it ccs them (just like Frost Tree). I’m increasing its effectiveness and what it already does. It’s meant to damage targets and so that’s what I’m giving it - more damage like it was suppose to do. That’s why they added a high % to the skill (668% without attribute - that’s fairly high). Its purpose was to have a short cc timer with good damage, however it is not doing the damage it should be doing. Skills need to draw players interest to put points in them or else it isn’t working at all. If Magnetic Force is so good then we might as well make it max lv1 because there is no point in maxing it. What I’m trying to say is it isn’t being used correctly because if it was…then we would be putting more points into it. :confused:

One more thing. The new skill ideas I gave actually make kino cc less! So kino is not ccing as much as it would currently. I don’t know how I’m making it get more cc? When the cc count timers are actually lower by 3-4 seconds! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Magnetic Force - 2-3 seconds
Telekinesis - 3 seconds
Magnetic Field - 4 seconds (max 8 seconds on 1 target)
Swap - 2 seconds (hard to use!)
Gravity - No stopping cc but can slow target down
Psychic Pressure - not really useful in PvP and can be resisted

Total CC = 7 seconds multiple targets (if caught in Magnetic Field and Magnetic Force), 12 seconds one target (Max single target 16 seconds - to even get all cc would be very very difficult)

Note: If player doesn’t try to keep running into the field. Max you can get 8 seconds on 1 target. trying to get more targets would be harder because swap (2) is the only skill to get them into the field again after using telekinesis. Players are moving targets so telekinesis is the only very best way to effectively drag a player back into the cc. Swap is more of a chance and when people see that field they will mostly range you and move around. Also Swap doesn’t have a far target range, so it will be hard to use it even with increased AoE.

Original Kino Skills

Magnetic Force - 2-3 seconds
Telekinesis - 18 seconds! If not resisted (no one even has that kind of time anyway lol)
Raise - 10 seconds
Swap - 2 seconds (hard to use!)
Gravity Pole - No stopping cc but can slow target down
Psychic Pressure - not really useful in PvP and can be resisted

Total CC = 13 seconds multiple targets (if caught in Raise and Magnetic Force), 15 seconds one target (Max single target 33 seconds - if you get Telekinesis lol)

So I have almost cut cc for multiple targets in half! Only single targets get slightly more cc if you are lucky that know on else is there to interrupt you.

Ya, Gravity would be nice for Et for sure. I left out the defense reduction because it became an AoE buff effect. I was being a little cautious about it. I don’t think it would be a bad thing to add the effect to it, but I’m not sure. :neutral_face:


Oh! I like that idea! Min and max distance for teleport would be nice! Maybe control the direction as well! And yes, I agree PP is not in a good place. It’s decent, but needs a little boost with cast speed and resistance. I think even with these ideas added it will still be a good idea to be cautious when using it because you can still get hit hard from teammates and other targets.

Telekinesis is a touchy skill. Cc is not a favorable thing players want to be caught in. 2 overheats seem “okay” but I’m not sure about it or not. If the idea was implemented and tested then I would feel comfortable adding another overheat or higher cc timer. Right now I think the idea is in a good place for the moment.

Gravity pole is okay too! But since you’re c2 you don’t have that. :neutral_face:
That is one of the biggest downfalls for the kino. All the skills do nothing (swap only) that really helps with bosses. It is extremely limited in this field. and for those that take 3 ranks for it suffer. I remember getting chewed out from people saying kino is useless for bosses don’t do missions, dungeons, etc and that it slows the party’s dps down. This really upsets me. All classes should have some flexibility for PvE (bosses included) and PvP in some shape or form so that they all stay consistent and useful. Classes that only function one way clash with other classes that don’t follow it (making some skills not work right or force you to take certain classes). All classes I believe should flow together in some way. Not perfect, but have something that helps connect them to other class ranks.


I would agree, but I’m not sure. I wanted this to stay more for PvP so I increased its damage % and casting speed. The other skills I came up with will help for PvE. Kino is already decent for PvE. They have three skills already that control mobs and stops them. I want to avoid making skills do everything because that’s not how skills should work and that’s why we have more than one skill in the classes. So, I want to leave it as is. Like above if it was tested mainly in PvP and wasn’t ridiculous then ya add an extra target or two to it, but at the moment I’m not sure… :no_mouth:


Hey! Very simple and cool. I like your ideas! And the names sound nice too.


Lol! that’s hilarious. :rofl:

Finally! Finished replies. Lmao

i find myself using gravity pole in PvP more than raise and rarely ever magnetic force

668% is not high… gravity pole is used to ground targets to cc them. If you played kino early last year you would see gravity pole do very high dps for a CC skill. Its used as a CC skill not a dps skill thats why the devs gave it low damage and the ability to lock down mobs and players.

You cant ignore how classes need to be balanced with each other because of the game’s class design. Each class needs to be balance with each other as well and not just alone.
Cast frost pillar and then gravity then raise and then pp pressure to stun lock them.

I find that incredibly strange…Does gravity pole even prevent them from attacking you?

No, it only slows down players.

But it isn’t suposed to do damage against bosses. That’s why you can combo it with ice wall.
The purpose of this game class design is balancing classes with each other. I don’t think that trying to make a class stand alone by itself is the way to go here. And as I see it, kino is more of a half cc/ half dps class. It can’t do the same damage as a straight up dps class like elementalist, for example.
What if quickcast affected the tickink speed of pp and gravity pole? That’s another interaction that could be done. But if you really want it to do damage against boss, I think that increasing the hits done accordling to monster size would be interesting.
Teleport is a mobility skill. We just need it to really improve mobility, see? Reducting animation is the way to go.
Telekinesis could be the major source of damage, but it is wasted since it is single target. And you waste too much time standing there pulling the monster from one side to the other WHILE ALL REMAINING ONES are hiting you. But if you concerned about too much damage to multiple targets, just make the hit count go down with aoe defense of monsters, like it is with firewall (5 hits for small monsters, and decreasing accordling to monster size). Also, did you know that telekinesis can pick up fireballs? Another interaction that could be explored. Preventing it to explode while you’re holding it, maybe.
For reflect shield, you can try timing it just before using your desired skill. And if the interaction between quickcast and pp were real, it is not a wasted circle anymore. (I actually have a use for wizard 2 in my rune caster, just to keep pp running without the circle 3 attribute). If it could prevent every knockbacl it takes would be better, anyway.
The problem is not that the skills are broken by themselves. Well, some of them might be. But what we really need is more interactions to justify taking and combining different classes that are not the plain meta builds we have right now.

See, I like topics like this one. I know forum has a proper space for this kind too. There are so many good ideas coming up from players, it makes me think why IMC keep trying to adjust things out the old same way (adding more overheats, lessing cooldown, and stuff). This game has so much potential…

Wait! This is still Magnetic Force right? Because you are mentioning Gravity Pole? By the way Gravity Pole doesn’t lock players only slows them down (mobs only). It doesn’t stop a player from cancelling your Gravity Pole and sending it back to the cooldown for another 30 seconds (this happens a lot). And once they get out of it by going up (within 2 seconds) which is not even half of the damage it can do, you have to cancel the skill and run or use another skill. Unless the player is clueless about how it functions, which most people that play PvP know how to get out of Gravity Pole. Anyway, I’m talking about Magnetic Force not Gravity Poles damage? You are talking about a different skill?

Back to Magnetic Force, that can’t be true. Why on earth would they have a max of 10 levels for the skill if damage wasn’t a factor? Why even having it there in the first place? Magnetic Force is not just for cc. They wanted it to do more damage as well. If not they would only make the skill 1 skill point. If this is true they need to remove the level to 1 because it is useless to have it. 668% is fairly high for a base %. Look at Meteor with 2335% and compare it. Magnetic Force is around 3 hits away from Meteors power, which is suppose to be a nuke! Also take a look at sorcerers Evocation, that’s suppose to be a nuke as well and Magnetic force is only 2 hits from that skill! If 668% is a low % then they should remove it, but I believe they thought that was good damage (and it isn’t - mainly due to hitting once). Like many other skills that were or are weak (that they are still working on). :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I have seen videos of gravity pole doing high damage last year. I have partied with kinos before. I’m not clueless on that. I’m not a new player.

I’m not ignoring anything! I see what people type on the forums almost everyday! I see the complaints and frustration. I know that other classes can make certain ones much stronger than others. But you can’t fix something if you don’t fix the base classes first. Then you can work on and fix classes that work together (some more than others). But if the class doesn’t work properly by itself, either too strong or too weak, then how can it work right with other classes? What then? Oh lets boost fire power with Agny because fireball is weak (look where that got us? OP fireball+link combos). Even the link skill joint penalty had to change because it was so useful to almost all skills in the wizard tree. Base classes first then work on class combinations.

Frost Pillar can also be resisted?I saw a few videos of people easily getting out of them. You can walk out of Gravity Pole or just use a knockback or knockdown skill to cancel it. I have done that many times to kinos. Also, I thought PP can be resisted too? Feel like I am missing something… because I don’t really see that being used much.

What? Why?! Magnetic Force and Raise are the primary skills that are used in PvP because you cant resist them? Gravity Pole only slows targets… they can still use their skills on you can cancel it.


I agree with this, but I don’t think we should let go of PP because we didn’t want Cryo in the build. The skill would diminish more making it much much weaker. I’m not trying to make it perfect and be able to do everything, I want it to be usable even without requiring certain needed builds because it lacks damage. Like support classes. You need to get dps classes and to a point yes that’s great, but then we start having build problems and things need to be nerfed or buffed because they lack so bad without a specific build. That doesn’t give us that much flexibility if we have to get a build we don’t want because it just doesn’t work right. All classes should be able to function well enough to support other classes and not just one type of build. This is where people make the best builds and if you don’t have that one build then they give you the get out kind of attitude. This hurts our economy and leaves the rough players that are verbally aggressive towards others that are not so loving to newer players or anyone that they don’t know - see it happen a lot in game to newer players. Some skills just need a little boost others not so much. Back to using PP, having targets hit our very low health isn’t a good idea at all. We are wizards and need some mobility. I was trying to help that out by cutting the casting time in half and adding those hits to it - hitting twice as fast for a shorter time frame. So we don’t sit there while being knocked by bosses all the time. We already have the risk of taking a lot of damage why not add a resist knockback and knockdown? But I think this will be fixed in a way because they are supposedly working on the knockback and kockdowns so bosses don’t spam them. That could very well solve the problem here (hope). :sweat_smile:

Ya, that’s why I wanted a faster version of telekinesis. I just don’t want players getting upset because they are controlled for too long. That’s why I cut cooldown to 23 seconds and you use the skill faster and hits hard too. You hit them 2 times (very hard hits) within 3 seconds giving you a chance to get away or use another skill before teammate gets you. If I make the cooldown too short you can keep locking the player with cc or having too many overheats can also frustrate the other player from too many ccing. Ya, I knew telekinesis can pick fireballs up, but might as well use them for self defense so players don’t run up to you. I rather use it to capture players and damage them (cc too). And you can only use it once. The part of the explosion not happening while using telekinesis is nice but that just leaves you open for too long. Skills for wizards cant be like that too often because we are not tanks (sadly lol). it would have to be so good to want to take the risk but using telekinesis to move the fireball might not be too effective because it doesn’t always snap to the ground right and you also drag the fireball closer and closer to yourself when using it.

Ya, I really do want them to break the meta builds and make it where you can build around with all classes. That’s what I really want, but not to the point classes cant deal enough damage or lack functionality.

Ya, mature audience (might be speaking too soon this post might attract certain “special” individuals :zipper_mouth_face: lol). I couldn’t agree more, some people say they don’t like a skill or that it sucks, but give no alternatives or advice/ideas to help out. Yet, we are getting more player ideas to the table. More threads about classes/game functions etc and how they feel about them.

Well, I can tell you why. It’s simply faster to cut cooldown timers, add overheats, and use graphics already made then to come up with new designs or functions. Though I will have to say the % function on skills really really helped! But ya…they like to cookie cut things (maybe because there are not enough developers? Idk :confused:). That could explain why it takes a lot of time to make new classes or bug fixes. This game does have potential. It already is unique in its own way. But…lack of fixing and updating hurt MMOs really bad. :disappointed_relieved:

Note: I also get nervous when replying to people (lol). :frowning_face:

Amazing ideas, i come here today to talk about kino, its my favorite class since TOS trailer, and is so underpower…

this is the best area for imc check?

is not better another area of forum?