Tree of Savior Forum

Kino Suggestions

I have a good news.

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seems like gazing golem card is good for any class that uses channeling skills.

Oooh. That’s a very nice card! :upside_down_face:


Ya, it seems that way. Some people are saying it’s op but I think it’s okay. Some classes need it more than others. Though it is probably bad that we need this card so much because bosses knockdown players way to much. :rofl:

If they fixed bosses knockdown skills we wouldn’t bother much for this card I guess. :thinking:


Thanks! Everyone here comes up with cool ideas. Not sure, Imc checks multiple threads, but i’m sure they check this one if it stays on the front of the forum page (probably). :zipper_mouth_face:

I have a miko taoist and i want to see if it works on kagura dance.
But as it stands, I think it helps sw steer away from sw 3 meta, maybe the devs were thinking about doing this instead and not really focusing on buffing classes that have channeling skills. This is after the knockdown reduction patch in ktos

–yes, PP needs more dps, bigger numbers would make more sense than faster ticks (the stun is already super strong). in general SPR wizards need a way to use that sp, would be nice if rank9 provided some way to trade sp for power.

–teleport is already very useful. I agree it should be faster than walking… with the faster animation that also applies to sage blink.

–swap is currently “useful” with pyro fireballs, or would be if fireballs had more damage. swap does need a big enough aoe to use with ice pillar for some strange nefarious purpose.

–telekenesis simply needs a much MUCH faster animation(2x, or 3x faster). this would address both pvp and pvm balance in one change. and would look a lot cooler. pvm(more dps) and pvp (not statused forever)

–mag force should pull a smaller area and be more clear about the area it works on. perhaps even having a short delay before activation, there is little counterplay here. more damage for when it does pull things together would be nice. there should also be a way to combo it with icewall/dirty pole to count as a collision (?does it do this now?).

–raise… would make more sense to me if this slammed flying monsters to the ground, rather than making things fly. there are more ground only skills than vs flying effects (flame ground, ?frost cloud?, heal tiles for instance). I am unsure about archer summons/templeshooter vs flying.

**gazing golem cards are getting a buff and can help with being knocked back.
**telekenesis has NEVER crashed me. I think it’s a video card/driver/whatever thing (using AMD r9 fury). I never got it high level outside of reset event, 1 point is usually the best due to overly slow animations.

Hmm…you might be right. We don’t really know for sure. At the moment it’s working miracles for magic users though. :smirk:


These are some good ideas. I really like the first one the most. It would make SPR builds flexible and useful.

The Gazing Golem card is getting a buff? :anguished:

currently, 8 gazing golem cards = 8% pain barrier. I have this now, and its not enough to use comfortably. I wish I could find some cheap LSD mushrooms to eat and poison myself into pain barrier.

after card rework, 3 gazing golem cards will be 30% chance of pain barrier. much nicer. still gotta be willing to get hurt though.

–bonus sekret info for all mah fans- missile hole blocked hits, and even hell breath “immunity” melee hits will proc gazing golem card.