Tree of Savior Forum

Kill Stealing - Is it against the Terms of Service?

There is a game doing this,gw2.
Its not in 5he to 5 mmorpgs so companys will not take from it.

not district ā€¦ i mean demon prison 2. The ones with the trees.

And Demon Prison 1; District 2. I sonly enough for one party too.
Wipe the mobsā€¦ go to the next.
Wipe the mobs.
Go to the next.

You can do that on spawntimes there ā€¦ 30 seconds per room and movement.

And tos doesnt spawn like that.
The preset spawnpoints are ā€¦ spawned simultaneusly.
And they are CHAINED down to that.

The leash the have is about 1 1/2 screens. They cant move further away then thatā€¦

After extensive grinding in demon prison 2F I can confirm that it does work like that to an extend.

Every time the amount of mobs spawned dropped by a large factor, there would be a huge mass of mobs in another place. Its likely that theres a mapwide ā€˜ā€˜monster capā€™ā€™ limitating how many mobs there can be at the same time.

show me how you out damage a lv 70 bot at tenet when he is using that long range crap on a 2h higherlander/barb when you are mid 40s

sacrament + blessing at that level range xDā€¦

instant kills everythign with autos.
Just buy the buffsā€¦

So I now have to buy buffs just to win a ā€œks warā€ against botsā€¦ no thanks I ainā€™t that tryhard. Besides that isnā€™t even the point anymore.

Ive seen very few bots use the range exploit.

I mentioned this. Obviously you cant prevent ksing against those, however theres very few bots that use them.

Very few? I see them everywhere. Must mean thereā€™s many more bots that donā€™t use itā€¦

No idea why you happen to [quote=ā€œforgotten_dreams, post:87, topic:197195ā€]
seen very few bots use the range exploit

when I see them almost everywhere. Itā€™s a part of the same bot script, itā€™s not like there is any individual hack that they can use


The only times kill-stealing is an issue is either:
-kill count required for quest or otherwise (which can be solved by making kills count regardless if your hit was the final blow or not, as long as you did hit it one way or another)
-there is not enough of a specific mob

the latter is currently amplified by the terrible spawn-system-change where the whole map has a shared spawn-timer rather than inidivual ones (the game even has individual spawn timers set, and they were used in all previous betas, but in the current game they are only used for the less common spontaneous group of aggro mobs I believe), that still has everyone clueless as to why it was done in the first place. but thatā€™s a whole topic of its own.

I think the whole map shared spawn timer is there to limit bots. They tend to grind on one spot so this system limits how efficiently they can keep botting there. For prolonged grinding on same spot, soon there will spawn only two or so mobs instead of the whole 8 or even more at each spawn. This means one bot will generate around 25% of the silver it would otherwise. This in turn would mean increased costs for botters, and this might finally translate as less gold sellers are interested in competing within this gameā€™s market.

Or so I have speculated the situation. Best served with a pinch of salt, there might be other reasons too :grin:

While mob credit goes to the person who did the most damage, I would suggest that the mob ā€œbelongsā€ to whoever pulled the mob. Damage varies between a lot of builds and some kill much more slowly than others. But the first person to pull a mob is the first to engage with them with the intention of killing said mob. If someone else comes by later and does more damage, then me as a Cleric with lower dps will be screwed. That is simply not fair.

So a killstealer is someone who attacks a mob that another person has aggroed. I would imagine itā€™s fairly easy for them to code something that looks for anybody doing damage to a mob other than a)the person listed as aggroing said mob first or b) anyone in person Aā€™s party. Anybody else would be categorized as a killstealer and thus subject to punishment.

Even better than that is if you could change mob credit to give it to the first to aggro. Also include some sort of visual indication that someone else aggroed the mob and other players wonā€™t get credit. That would prevent accidental KSing as well as intentional KSing if itā€™s literally impossible to steal a mob after itā€™s been aggroed.

That doesnā€™t work at all though, because bots move (read: teleport) all over the map.

And even if they didnā€™t, killing 1 mob every 10 seconds is the same as 10 mobs every 100 seconds which is the same as 100 every 1000 when youā€™re botting 24/7, but having to wait so long is incredibly frustrating as an active player who shouldnā€™t need 30 minutes to do a single quest before moving on.

But then ā€œKill Stealingā€ becomes tagging the whole room and then not actually fighting anything, letting other people deal with them for you. Taunt becomes OP.

The diffence is on the amount of silver they are able to generate though. And with less silver to sell, they canā€™t make as lucrative offers for scumbag players, meaning less business. They are going to bot 24/7 and with maximal amount of bots anyways. They canā€™t just simply snap their fingers and run 4 times more computers to operate 4 times more bots to compensate if their silver income drops to 25%.

Uh? They still make just as much silver killing just as many mobs in the same amount of time using the same number of bots/computers.

Thereā€™s still the same total number of mobs in the map spawning throughout the day, just theyā€™re clumped up in 5 minute batches rather than trickling in one at a time ā€œto prevent bots.ā€

Not sure if I should reply or notā€¦ The point was that local spawn rate on the bot infected map will decrease around the bot unless itā€™s so heavily populated that all the mobs will get killed anyways. And this will work on those bots that operate only part of the map, most of them seem to be programmed to stay on rather limited areas.

Also with bigger simultaneous spawns more players are able kill some of them instead of large areas of maps getting dominated by few higher level players/bots farming on that area.

I think thereā€™s an aggro cap on mobs isnā€™t there? And if there isnā€™t then itā€™s pretty easy to just implement one.

So it doesnā€™t work, thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying.

Iā€™d personally prefer the time of the staff to be put to other uses. Like stabilizing the servers, bots, exploits, marketing, updates etc.

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