Tree of Savior Forum

kCBT and iCBT veteran bringing feedback

That literally just shows how bad it is. You’re putting yourself in the best position possible(stationary Monster that doesn’t resist Zalcai), and can barely outdamage the Support variation with Priest(You forgot to add +150 dmg because of Blessing). You’re also comparing a skill that literally have really low str scaling(1hit), and not taking Knock Down attribute into account(+50% physical dmg); in the end, it’d look like :
(692+1091-200)(2)+(0.5 * 692)+150 = 3166 + 346 + 150 = 3662
(2) +(0.5 * 500) = 3304 + 250 = 3554

((692+1091-200)(1.5)+192)(2) + 346 + 150 = 5629
((500+1091+61)(1.5)+261)(2) + 250 = 5728.

I don’t feel like I need to talk about the damage with Conviction, since Conviction have better STR scaling and would end up outdamaging the spr variation no matter what. You also need to think about how much extra damage are you actually giving your teamates. How many extra crits did they do comparing to not having the buff? How many of them are physical damage dealers with DEX? If you want to go Krivis, choose the Bokor/Sadhu path, you’ll find no success with Paladin comparing to those 2.

I agree with a lot of things, but completely disagree with the sp part. After having access to 3 cbts, making 4 archers, 1 swords and 1 wiz, I must say that archer is the hardest class to keep sp up. Wiz is the second, but still MUCH cheaper than archers that rely heavily on bounce shot (well, most of them). Sword was incredibly easy to sustain, on the other side.

We have a big balance problem, just after IMC finds the balance point we can discuss if items and anything else needs changes for better or worse.

Seriously, what SP pots did you use? The pots from Fedimian should be enough, and if not that, alche SP pots would be overkill. Alche pots in CBT were cheaper then Fedimian pots, so…

I’ve played a FS priest to 100 a couple of times, and during lvling had no issues with SP ( early game ). I played a priest/paladin/druid, and had no SP issues either ( late game ). I was a STR/DEX build, absolutely no SPR. However, I did FS in instance dungeons often, as that was my intended role. FS for parties, DPS for solo. Since mass heal heals so much by %, there’s no need to have INT/SPR to be a decent FS anyways.

C’mon, are you really saying that it takes the same time from lvl 1-100 than 100-200? Cuz that’s how it sounds like.

SP Should be a resource you have to manage properly instead of a waste of 10 seconds time by sitting.

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I was comparing str/dex to spr on my own build. I was not comparing krivis versus priest on paladins at all. Sorry if it seemed that way.

Oh it seems a lot of people understood me incorrectly. Obviously it would be stupid to give even more problems to Archers and Paladins and some Wizard builds. I believe their situation is appropriate right now - easy to go out of SP if you just spam your skills, but easy to maintain SP if you do things wisely.

I just believe that instead of “fixing” SP problems of the mentioned classes, they should instead give said problems to all other classes.

Honestly I think the whole SP system should be reworked a bit. SP pots are just too good. They should be on a longer cooldown, and maybe even have a lvl limit based on what pot it is ( Say I’m an archer, I can grab Fedimian / Alche pots and have my SP bar regen to full on the first drink, and continually filled to max as I spam skills over the duration ).

I just don’t get the mix. You have these bonfires for downtime when you’re meant to regen and maybe talk, or hang out. But with pots, there is no downtime, it’s easy to just keep your SP up all the time.

To counter this, I think SPR needs to mean more. You should be able to have decent regen with 40-60 SPR in your build. As it is now, any SPR taken for regen is a waste, and SP pots are the way to go. You take SPR if one of your skills scales off of it ( or if you don’t think for yourself and just read forums about how awesome pure SPR archers are :smirk: ).

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They should scale SP with attack damage. Eg. every 10 Attk (or STR/INT) should increase 1 SP consumption. This way, they can scale the skills in the future, even at level 1000. Otherwise SPR is pretty much meaningless, unless they include SPR for other purposes, particularly on the offensive side.

I like the system MapleStory 2 has in place. You don’t have any SP in that game at all. You use your auto-attacks or certain base skills in your class to gain SP which you can then use to execute your stronger skills. For example: Auto-attack a boss 8 times to be able to use multi shot once on an archer.

Using this system would get rid of the need for SPR as it would be useless like it is now. With a stat point missing we could split up DEX into two different stats so that we don’t have a lot of complaints about DEX anymore.

This probably won’t happen though and it’s going to stay the way it is now which I don’t really mind because it’s not that broken. SP potions are pretty cheap and as long as you use them wisely you shouldn’t have SP problems. I conserved my SP usage a lot so I’m not feeling the same thing others are feeling. (I never used an SP potion unless it was on accident. Kneeling Shot for life!)

Okay, now I agree. But what I want to say is that I don’t know what is the point that IMC wants to get. While I think your idea is ok - I prefer to not see this skill spam (again, talking about “oblique shot” like skillls) - I see that maybe IMC wants this skill spam, so changes you suggest should go to another way. Its unfortunate that we are not in control of the game, but even if they go another way, at least make it balanced.

Technically, you’re right.
However, increased SP costs will fix skill spam. It’ll not remove it entirely, but will punish players more heavily for doing it.

great thread! @STAFF_John, send it to imc!

I agree. I will summarize the points made on this thread and forward them to our dev team.

And just in case, let the debates remain debates. Don’t let it escalate to the point of hurting each other’s feelings~

Then again, I think, the conversation so far seems to be quite civil :smile: