Tree of Savior Forum

kCBT and iCBT veteran bringing feedback

I think they should butcher sp pots base regen values and add some kind of multiplier (stronger depending of the sp pots) that scale out of your spr. Same for hp pots and con actually. Also needs to adjust some classes like pyro which aren’t really manavore despise the ridiculous damage output they have.
Once you get to alchemist pots (which for some reason go back to the early game sp pots cd while giving twice the amount of sp than the best npc pots) sp become a complete non issue which is just stupid.

But I did. The problem is most visible on early levels, and non-existant at late game. On all classes. Archer is one exception since they could spam Oblique, so they “might” need to use potions. I guess Paladin from before also is heavy on SP, and they’ll need Alch potions.
And this is something I’d like to see outside Archer and Paladin. Everyone should run out of SP if they spam their skills like crazy.

But you haven’t seen current end-game at all. You can go make a thread to complain about early game SP consumption, but don’t take a stance on matter that is foreign to you.
You can trust me on this. SP trouble, with stronger auto-attacks, will not be as bad as you believe.

Yeah, this needs some balancing.

Great idea. I thought about giving potions a percentage recovery, but I didn’t consider CON/SPR scaling.

So in other words SP was an issue for half of the time you played. And yet you say

And before you tell me to read carefully/read the rest of your post I did and you contradict yourself right there. And I reached 200 as a Druid so I know what I’m talking about. I’m guessing as a “FS” Priest you didn’t contribute at all to DPS maybe that’s why?

SP is a problem for those spammable (0 cooldown) skills. You can quickly run out of it if the power of those skills is not high enough to the SP cost.

Quarrel Shooter stone shot for example is very SP-heavy. When i got my QS to c2 with level 10 Stone Shooting it had 67 SP cost for 1 cast only. Meanwhile i had no SPR points in build so i had less then 500 SP. I couldnt even cast this spell 10 times to not sit down or drink SP potions like madman. To me SP cost shouldnt increase or it shouldnt be that ridiculously high in some spells.

Ugh… I’ve never really had a problem with SP using my cleric>priestc2>Pala c3, whenever I’d get somewhat low on mana, I’d just sit next to a bonfire and recover it up to full in 10 seconds. I guess you’re kind of mana hungry because of your build, not auto attacking and stuff, also b/c of the low smite damage without dex/str. Seens to me that the prolem is with your build, not the class itself.
EDIT: I’ve been running stat buids with 0 to 10% of stat points allocated to spr

but ofc. Autoattacking bot build doesnt need SP to function.

Try playing any wizard build without pyro in it. Unless you spam all skills available to you you won’t be able to kill a thing. And if you spam skills, you run out of sp pretty fast, surprisingly. Be it cryo, or psycho, or ele, whatever. Especially psycho and sorc drain sp very fast. Didn’t play necro thouhg.
I assume you have 0 experience playing solo as a wizard and most likely only supported parties in dungeon (like casting joint penalty once in a while).
I agree with you that clerics have a hard time with SP on the low levels, however you seem to have no idea about wizards at all.

I said few posts above that I did play Cryo. In kCBT, so I soloed all of the stuff. And I didn’t have problems. Ice Wall and Ice Pike did great job at clearing waves of enemies.
Back when Melstis was bugged and you could keep casting it until you had SP, Alch potions were able to strongly mitigate the constant SP drain, and if I were to reuse them every 30 seconds, I could cast it forever.

I play wizard too (wiz 3 - ele 3) and i found spr totally useless from rank 5+.
this is one of the most sp consumption build (much higher cryo + psy for sure) but alchemist pots just too cheap. ~100 pots are more than enough for me to grind a whole day.

Are you people saying that players should run out of sp even while using potions by cd? Now that’s something new.

Yes. Why have SP if you can’t run out? So that Alchemists can sell some potions for barely any profit?
Like having HP bar but being unable to die anyway. Why add it to the game? Because other games do?

How do you even run out of sp anyway ? if i rmb right lv5 concentrated sp pot restores ~1,2k sp with 30s cd, not to mention your SP recovery stat and sitting trick.

I fixed the only link in the post. I actually did click it TWICE before and I was under the impression it sent me to the correct item. I’m about as good at this stuff as IMC is.

Items need rework. I could roll through early levels with no accessories and some armor parts because those were simply meaningless. As mentioned, some stats on these items are completely irrelevant. Also, items could have more stats as well, relevant or not. Epic items should have at least the amount of various stats Legendary items have, while the latter should have even more of them.

Majority of traps bosses cast are meaningless too. They just dump them in one quarter of the area, leaving you other 3 free to run around. Those should be placed more randomly, maybe just appear near the player at random intervals

Can’t comment on the SP much. Played an Archer, so at least 90% of my entire silver went there, but the issue are not the potions, but how stupid the entire Archer scaling is.

Experience scaling and cards need fixes as well. It’s quite stupid, that if I won’t know specific level ranges to use my cards, I will be stuck around that level for at least a month. If full game will have 600 levels, then it’s difficult to imagine for how long some players will get stuck in some of these traps, considering that even at iCBT, going from 140 to 177 would’ve taken roughly a month of casual play.

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At high level you start to not caring about SP. I’m a Wiz 3 Ele 3 and I can guarantee you that. The ratio where I used my lv 5 hp potion to lv 5 sp potion is 10:1.

While I can actually run out of SP for spamming lv10 Freezing Sphere, I don’t really have to spam SP potion everytime it’s off cooldown if I want to keep up with the consumption.

SP should be an issue at late game, where your SP potion couldn’t keep up with the consumption, for strategic purpose (unless you have some expensive potion). At this point I just don’t know of any class that can have SP issue when they spam lv 5 SP potion.

Heh, I still remember how much I struggle with SP issue before Rank 4, then suddenly it don’t matter anymore.

This is a physical debuff build. Each point of spr is essentially -0.8 critical resistance, 1 critical attack, and -1 defense. Honestly that is better damage than your going to get with a dex/str for both your smite, and auto attacks.

I don’t run out of sp just grinding solo since theres not enough enemies to actually be able to spam my skills on. It is mainly just dungeons, and world bosses.

I tried full strength once with lvl 15 smite and it wasn’t sustainable at all. It would run out of sp every 2-3 minutes just one shoting mobs with smite. If I lowered the skill level though it would just be less damage than my spirit build without its debuffs.

Actually it is true only for auto attack but not for skills: if your Smite - Enhance attribute is 100% then 1 point in str will give you 1 patk,1 cAtk that transforms into 2 damage, or 5 in case of critical (1*1.5 + 1)*2. And Str scales much better at later levels because of rank bonus.

The Enhance attribute still counts the defense in the damage formula. So -1 defense would count as 2 damage also in that scenario.

Even though str scales rank% wise its still not getting crit rate for stat investment. The points you would have to spend in dex would ultimately lower your overall damage.

Edit: Some calculations comparing 200 stat points in either spirit or split in str/dex
Spirit ends up with 261 spr while str/dex ends up with 192 str and 126 dex. Comparing with both 500 base phys attack against a 200 defense enemy.

(692+1091-200)*(2)= 3166 Str/dex normal

(500+1091+61)*(2)= 3304 Spirit normal

((692+1091-200)(1.5)+192)(2)= 5133 str/dex crit

((500+1091+61)(1.5)+261)(2)= 5478 Spirit crit

I ignored the base values of the debuff skills to simplify things. Spirit effectively has 135 more crit rate along with more base damage when it applies it debuffs.

Formula can be found here: [Damage Guide] The big formula, modifier types, and how they interact!

The big thing was I didn’t learn about sitting til around level 100. I think had I of known about it, SP wouldn’t have been an issue the first 100 levels. I’ll know next test when I make a new character though. You are incorrect in assuming I didn’t do much attacking. I did auto attacks with all the damage buffs up and used the lightning from the krivis when it was off CD, however I didn’t use heal for damage as I felt it more important for healing my group. But I didn’t take Krivis until priest was already rank 3 so I was already set up quite well with SP regen at that point.

I haven’t touched druid so I don’t know how much spell casting took a toll on your SO. I do know that the people I played with who were DPS, once they started spamming “sit” they started having far less SP problems.

The difference is in added evasion and not needing to constantly keep enemy in 2 debuffs and you can keep monstrance up on oneself to get a decent dex bonus (+48 for your example, 174 dex total). So while both builds look close enough to each other, they are completely different gameplay-wise: stationary spr build (and you would take tons of hits because of it) or mobile and nimble dex=str build and evade most attacks while dealing a bit less damage and crit rate.
While 1st (may be) better at bosses, 2nd one is definitely better at grinding and overall performance.

Also Crit Rate has a cap of some sort, so spr build will probably start to fall off at later levels.