Eu não sei ate que ponto os coreanos dariam mais importância para gente, estamos perdidos !!
Still impossible to play im Silute
Lost 2 reset vouchers and 4 multiply because of the dungeon crashs and dcs with 8x tome… i want tô know if IMC will give me back my stuffs
I lost 11 Leticias Cube, can a get them back?
What a failure of this company!
Edit: Flag?
Yea I lost my orange weapons because of lag. I had one for each class
Can I have those back IMC?
Now that’s funny! I lost mine too
Sorry for inconvenience, 7 hours ago, still impossible to play. Nice work IMC. Do you really know how to lose players.
Wow… this lag is scary. Used ping command an got a beautiful 9.000793. Add: now 17.734253… Lovely
Holy moly! Are your hops redirecting to the moon and back?
so to much lag, my character can fly to the sky…
Pls just bring the servers down and fix it there is no reason to have then up like this i already lost 3 dg tokens and a 8x xp tome.
Returning player here. I came back to play, and these massive lag spikes welcomed me. Good job IMC!
Several hours later the servers are still burning. Nero would be proud.
Well. There goes my day off. Didn’t bother running the dungeons since I don’t want to get stressed unnecessarily.
One day I’ll get to play again. That’d be dope.