Tree of Savior Forum

Joint penalty glitch or intended?

Its a bug? So that explains why i was solo grinding with a linker and killing evac mobs in seconds using incinerate…

Just the other day I had the pleasure of partying both an ele3>lock and a wiz3>linker3 in Evac (on my wiz3>linker). About a half hour in the elementalist stopped using Frost Cloud altogether. Which was wise of him, because everything besides his MM was just hitting air…

JP was bugged for about a week in kTOS sometime in May. The bug has been fixed a long time ago. What IMC did was to transmit the bugged version to us through the repository merge with outdated files so don’t expect a fix until the next wave of big updates.

Lol at the dreamers thinking this was intended.

So you finally got your intended response. It’s unintended and will finally be fixed.

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I get slightly triggered now whenever they say ‘intended’ in place of real info that would otherwise hold them accountable.

They might as well just say “we’re doing something g. Things will happen. wait and figure it out yourselves what we did. We didn’t screw up, we meant to do that.”

Nooooo my solo elite adventures! I’m going to have to start using flesh cannon again! With my now double dmg twice as durable skeletons! Oh well. :smirk:

Was different seeing people ask for Linkers or Chronos 250+. I guess it’ill return to just chronos again.

W/e about magic missle, now aoe spells are hitting like trucks on linked targets. :smiley:

but we already have those patch >…> so its intended!

Our current JP has no hit limit. The new patch notes is the version we had prior to the repository merge.