Tree of Savior Forum

Joint penalty glitch or intended?

I’ve been away for the last 2-3 month. Back then a bunch of linked monsters would still get hit by 1 line of damage from flame ground. Now it looks like it went back to previous versions of link where if 5 monsters are linked and standing on flame ground, they’re receiving 5x damage. I know there’s been some buffs going around but is this intended now or just glitched?

Edit: Well the number’s stacked onto each other so I can’t really see if the values are correct. But it does feel like monsters are dying faster.

It seem to be like it was in the iCBT, not sure if it is intended, but i do really love it the way it is now, specially since my build is Linker C2 Chrono C3, when i am soloing it is a big help, and i noticed that the more linked enemies you have the higher is the damage when you use HK, depending on the enemies linked, i 1-hit kill all of them with JP + HK lol.


JP was always like this in kToS. It’s our version was different until the merge.


If you didn’t know, JP was nerfed in kTos as well. The merge set our JP back to the old kTos version while our version got passed to them. It most likely will be reverted to the nerfed version as soon as the next wave of skill updates get implemented.

It would help a lot if someone who was actualy playing kToS before the merge could confirm how it was.

There have been some skill changes and they didn’t even mention JP yet.

Honestly, for a whole class who has only the purpose of Linking, it’s not OP now, with bigger CD and lower duration on HK, even if it is good you can barely do the same as a Elementalist 3.


- Physical Link:
- Cooldown is now 22 Seconds. ( Previously 20s )

- Joint Penalty:
    - Cooldown is now 22 Seconds. ( Previously 15s )
    - Hit Count limit is now (Skill Lv * 10)

- Hangman's Knot:
    - Cooldown is now 15 Seconds. ( Previously 10s )
    - Debuff duration is now ((1 + Skill Lv) * 0.2 )Seconds.

It is OP don’t know why you’d think otherwise. For elementalist to be strong it needs 6 ranks to achieve that.

FYI - all my wiz builds are linker.

Yes, the duration and CD is correct, is the way damage was calculated over JP that was different (or wasn’t? need someone from kToS to confirm this).

Man, not spreading 5 hits because 5 monsters were taking dmg that was a bug. The link is supposed to do that.

And yes. It is very strong.

Now if you link 10 mobs and aoe them, they will take 10x dmg each, and it is supposed to be like this. Check JP bug fixes.

Now its just a mix between yes and no for the current version being a bug.

KR was never like this until a few weeks ago when it inadvertedly became this way, while they fixed a series of bugs w/ it (and implemented our cd/hit limit and hk duration nerfs over there).

It was also never like this during beta either, JP had a limit of one shared hit back then - meaning if a linked mob was standing on top of your aoe they would get hit twice no matter how many mobs were linked: one from JP itself, and one from the aoe. Now however, such limit does not exist anymore: If 15 linked mobs are standing on top of it they will all get hit 15 times per hit.

Now, it baffles me how people here can pretend to know the first thing about balance and even try to imply that the current iteration of JP is intended. :wink:


It was a bug.

30/06/2016 kTOS1
Fixed a bug where additional damage was not being shared.
Fixed a bug where in some circumstances only additional damage was being dealt.
Fixed a bug where skills hitting linked enemies were having the damage against them reduced quite low.
Fixed a bug where Magic Missiles additional bullet damage was not being shared

Additional damage stands for additional lines of damage i.e. cafrisun, sacrament and enchant fire. If you played a linker before you know that these were not being shared for whatever reason, and now they are. THAT was the bugfix.

If you are right, IMC is wrong (guess what, IMC has failed translating many stuff arealdy). I have a linker and this bug “additional damage was not being shared” never existed. I did hit 2000 + 800 on the main target, and the others recieved 2800.

Who fixes something that is not broke?

With the current version of joint penalty, the damage of pyro + link + psycho can be just as good as cryo + rune + psycho. I might make one for mission fun, but only if it link stays like right now though.

My necromancer flesh cannon is obliterating targets I link. Feels good.

Now, it baffles me how people here can pretend to know the first thing about balance and even try to imply that the current iteration of JP is intended. :wink:

Same lol

Ofc then, “let’s fix a bug that doesn’t exist”. I know IMC patches are fcked up but this is new.

JP is a skill intended for party use. It’s a whole class focused on this lone skill (yes, there are others, but this is why you take linker)

Every single person gets the same bonus from having a Linker in party, the only one who has to sacrifice Circles for that is the Linker itself.

Elementalist 3 has the strongest skill in the game (strong enough even without quickcast)

Nope. Flesh Cannon is actually the strongest wiz skill right now if you consider the damage / cooldown.

No, ground target spells are not target capped. He is correct.

That said… I still am having a dandy time with the new JP… Doing JP + MM and it’s enough to gib packs of elites. So I don’t bother with parties so much right now. Which I think is fine since everyone prefers chronos for haste.