Tree of Savior Forum

Its time for a RANK reset option

No. Just no. Why? Because.

I’m sure even if IMC would agree, they couldn’t make a system like that without a minimum of 10 bugs.

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Oddly enough none of the restrictions have bothered me in the slightest. The most annoying is having to wait 2 days to get my stuff. Other than that, they’re all minor annoyances. shrug

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please, your all months behind me …catch up guys

You guys never played rpg with friends? Rolling playing and dice stuff.
Make a wrong choice there, oh, you will regret.

Tos is a rpg, but online.

I will never agree with this reset stuff, what if the build you have now (and want to reset) becomes meta when rank 9 arrives, you will cry for another reset?

I’m here because I enjoy the game. When you enjoy something, the little things don’t bother you as much as people who need something to gripe about. But that’s neither here nor there. Resets were never meant to be in game. Therefore is not a restriction.

I do know quite a few of them. I too work, pay bills, study part time, have family and RL commitments. And yet I am not pro-reset like some of the players here.

Rank resets is not really possible. There are just too many technical and concept limitations becuz of it. A full reset is much more plausible.

We need to face the fact that, whatever is going to be implemented by IMC when Rank 8 arrived, will never ever going to gain satisfactory from each and every player that is currently in game, afterall there will always be players that are wanting reset and against reset due to the reasons.

But if i were IMC, and if we are talking about Business. Example:

I bought a car which is designed by IMC. And i am “promised” and told that i will have future upgrade to the car so that it will be on par with newer model.

Few months later, IMC announced that there is will be an “important upgrade” that is needed to done to the “car” and in order for it to “work” on par, but however after upgrading & due to some unforeseen “compatibility” issue, as a result my old upgraded “car” will not be performing as good as the new released one.

In the end, i will need to “purchase” the newer model, spending more “resource”.

This might not be the right example, but i think u guys will get my point.

To me, asking me to reroll a character when new ranks are released just to suit the meta build for end game, just doensnt make sense, at least … at the time spent. Of course, not forgetting the repetitiveness of questing & grinding. This will definitely drive ur potential and future customers away.

You cannot effectively play META until all 10 Ranks are out. When you make something you take all the bad with it. This is the main issue. I do NOT understand why people don’t play something they find fun, vs something to be what the community see’s as best for the moment. Key words “For the moment”.

I have yet to play a META build, I accept that something may change in one of my builds that might nerf said character. In fact, it has, however; Since I play because I enjoy my build, that change does not effect me as it would someone who choose to play the FOTM build just to be the best copy of the class. Until it isn’t.

META players, Min/Max’rs are such a minuet part of the game in a whole.

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This multi rank system would be more fun if ranks were equipable and unequipable.


The problem will come when the power creep becomes noticeable on levels +300 and lots of class combinations that were expecting great rank 2s and rank3s just can’t do enough damage. I’m all in for a full reset as long as all I lose is my character and class exp (I wouldn’t mind attributes either). I just want the choice to be able to start again and fix my mistake with my current character


Except imc never promised your build will always be meta.
Meta always changes, people should know that before building a meta character.

Next time maybe build a character you like. instead a character others like in their party.

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No again for the exact same reasons as before. Next time please try the lovely search function we have in the top right @Ranzai , Thank you.

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I want to assume with the power creep the game becomes much more party oriented. I spent most of my younger gaming career in FFXI. There was no soloing (Besides a few jobs that could do it. Beastmaster) I want to say IMC has this in mind too. I personally wish Mobs were a lot harder and required parties to take them down. But not en masse as we have now. I know that’s kind of off topic to what you’re saying and I don’t disagree with you, but I am pretty sure as we move further along, it’s going to be harder and harder for ALL classes to solo well.

Vote with your wallet and your time
In essence, it’s best to quit the game if the lack of resets bothers you. I can’t say for certain that it’ll cause IMC to change things because IMC seems to hate both players and money, but hey, at least it’ll free up your time and money that can be spent on games that DON’T spit on your time and money


You may be right in IMC’s motivation, but if that’s the case, they should have first tried to optimize the game instead of releasing new content. Whenever I find a grind party my fps top at 18 and during some events it goes below 1; and that goes for my whole party not just me.

This is a MMO. We’re supposed to party to clear content, but first let’s be able to play properly in parties. The party bug fix was a good step in that direction. They just need to keep it up.

/Off topic

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Main reason why I dont like resets. Simple. So no meta can last forever.