Tree of Savior Forum

Its time for a RANK reset option

Cool. Grind for it again.


Hmm people are discussing something that IMC will never implement. Again.

Let me watch your useless struggle.


read it again


O.M.G what a deja vu! You’re just like that kid in a ToS facebook group that kept on stupidly posting things like this without even reading what he’s posting.

Out of topic: What this kid was highlight number 6 and posted everywhere saying IMC has already said there will never be any stat reset. A few weeks later, we got the free stat reset from the event quest.

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IMC will implement a rank reset feature, without a doubt. It’s basically another means of them making money and a way to bring back a lot of players that have dropped the game due to its unforgiving design.

My guess is that they’re waiting until Rank 10 (the supposed final rank) is released, and/or until they can figure out how to implement such a system with their current code base.

Anyone who would think otherwise is kidding themselves, otherwise why would Skill and Stat reset potions exist? ^o.o^

If this game was truly designed to be “hardcore”, such potions wouldn’t have been implemented, ever. IMC will implement reset features, and all of the people who threaten to leave the game if a reset feature is implemented will continue to play because they’re already invested into the game and they’ll realize that a reset feature doesn’t hinder their gameplay any.

[end Bait post]


I’ve explored every single map to my level (except the ones like royal mausoleum 4f and sanctuary because there’s no kinos on my guild), almost done with all the quests, got a few grynas recipes and am quite ahead with the monster kills even for the lower level maps. If you ask me to repeat every single thing for a new character because either retreat shot gets nerfed or some bs like not a single skill of any class from rank 9 onwards can be used while mounted, you’re crazy.

There’s only downsides for people who want to play only with one account. There’s no advantages for those who want to lvl alts. Team level bonus is negligible. Try comparing it to a token or exp tomes, which IMC has been throwing at us for a month now (maybe expecting us to grind other chars? This might be news for IMC, but the tomes can’t be put in the team storage so there you have another downside…). I’d love a once a month reset


exactly. something has got to change.

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Yes please! I wish there was a class reset potion.


How about YES!


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You sure about that? I’ve been using my Monk as placeholder for all of my TP storage. You can trade over stuff like Tomes, even the Stat Potion Reset. I’ve literally had no trouble whatsoever.

In any case, you’re right; And this is just linear MMO design where you’ll see everywhere. It’s meh, it’s monotonous, but it’s most likely to stay as a thing in MMOs; Perhaps why they’re getting very stale as of late and ToS falling into such a repetitive state. It wouldn’t be bad if there was other ways of getting levels that weren’t previously available unless you passed a certain point or something. But something like that needs foresight, patience, actual planning to make sure it’s not underpowered/overpowered as a leveling source, and general cohesiveness.

Resets wouldn’t change crap if you get bored of rerolling anyway, at most you’d save yourself a few days because low and behold, another dis-satisfactory change to your build happens. Actually adding new areas and ways to get up would better help it.

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Didnt realize there was another thread going on about this… ill just put this here.

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It’s true that you can store premium items (which I didn’t know. I had to test it after you said it) but you still can’'t store event tomes which is what I had tested before.

True. We’d need both things for it to work and it’s been suggested more than once. We only need it to happen, and it shouldn’t be hard to be honest


quits game


finger snap

That’s what you meant. I’m more used to buying EXP tomes raw from the market and hoarding the ones from the Scavenger event. Yeah, timed items can’t be traded (which is dumb but there are far dumber things) since they’re oddly still marked as truly Untradeable.

But it’s why I’m more on the nay-Reset crew, but more on my own little chill island. It’d take work but it wouldn’t be hard to boost area EXP/density like Nevelet Quarry, Mausoleum’s Worker Lodge, and Sicarius among other places to be “maps you can seriously grind in if you’re tired of quests”. They had these neat things in Latale called Crystal Mine tickets back in the day, and essentially they varied in time but teleported you to a secret rare ore mine where you could farm hard to obtain ore until your timer ran up. Doing something in ToS but for hardcore on-level grinding wouldn’t be bad either.

It’s not that I dislike the ability to reset, I just know that if say it happens on a blue moon as the game is, people will complain how resets basically did nothing to save the fact that I still have to look at Spore Girl in the eye and tell her she’ll be okay. (Dead.)


can’t even reach 280


The problem isn’t grinding. I had loads of fun leveling a full SPR krivis/priest with my guildies just to make daino scrolls for when we go ET’ing. As long as you have people to quest with and a guide to follow, it should be pretty fast and easy without even having to grind.

The real problem are all the hours spent exploring all the maps, doing all the quests, getting all those untransferable items and titles… Hell, I have a lot more fun completing the adventure journal than grinding or farming for mats/silver on my main. That’s something I just can’t get back without a reset, and something I definitely won’t do again if I were to reroll. Making players do the same over and over again just kills their motivation to play because it basically means all they did was just wasting time.

By the way, I have no intention to reset my character if I were given the chance to atm. I love how I built mine and it perfectly fits my playstyle


Maybe IMC’s christmas gift…

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Yes yes yes. Add another restriction. If all still wont agree. Like you should be level 280 atleast and had all maps to 100% and monster kill all 100%. Before you can rank reset only once a year.Something like that. :blush:

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No, never.



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