Tree of Savior Forum

iTOS, Wizard branches that need a buff/rework July-August 2017

Greetings from orsha, the point of this thread its to share our colective opinions on wich “Wizard” circles are the most underwhelming ones at the moment and for instance the ones that need to get buffed or reworked in some way to make them more viable.

The general idea of this poll its to vote for the classes that we think need a buff the most, you can explain your reasoning in the comment section if you want.

In the future, after closing the polls, i’ll try to contact a staff member to see if they can somehow make use of this information for future rebalance patches. As their playerbase our opinions do matter, we are the ones playing the game after all, however, wather or not they make use of this information its something that its out of our hands, but we can try at least.

Before you vote:

  • Each person has 3 votes, that’s for us to show a few clases that we think need to be reworked instead of just 1.

  • Please keep in mind both aspects PVP and PVE.

  • Future patches from KR should be taked into account as well.

  • Be polite, respect others opinions, this is a space to share our ideas, if we want someone to take us serious we need to learn to respect each other

  • Feel free to suggest a new title for the topic, as well as other suggestions to improve this idea.

With all of that out of the way, here we go.

  • Wizard
  • Pyromancer
  • Cryomancer
  • Pyschokino
  • Linker
  • Thaumaturge
  • Elementalist
  • Sorcerer
  • Chronomancer
  • Alchemist
  • Necromancer
  • Rune Caster
  • Warlock
  • Featherfoot
  • Sage
  • Enchanter

0 voters


Pyromancer is one of the few Wizard builds that feel underwhelming overall, I know that it will get a few minor buffs with animations on a couple skills but it still suffers from some terrible animations on others that they haven’t looked into fixing yet.

Fireball: I’d like to see its animation get the same treatment Energy Bolt did where it went from awful to quite good with a simple fix. If Fireballs animation time were two times faster it’d probably end up being a really good filler skill, maybe even make it where you can cast it from range like they did with Pole of Agony.

Flare: It’s actually a decent skill but I’d love to see them add an effect to it like make it spread burning to all enemies in a large radius and make it usable while moving too.

Flame Ground: Animation is being sped up in a future patch but I would like to see this skill scale a little better too, generally you only invest one point into it because it doesn’t do much damage.

Hell Breath: Buff the chance to apply the debuff and this skill will be significantly better, maybe make the length of the fire longer as well.

Linker is in a really strange place, it got over nerfed. Joint Penalty needed to be nerfed but not nearly as much as it did, especially since they redesigned Fireball. The class also needs some quality of life changes and added effects.

Physical Link: Make this a 5 point only skill and increase the range players can walk away from others.

Joint Penalty: Keep everything the same except the hit count. Starting at 2 hits at level 1 and increase the hit count by 2 per level (10 hits level 5, 20 hits level 10, 30 hits level 15).

Spiritual Chain: Increase the utility of this spell, so far only a few skills can be shared. Subzero Shield (may be overpowered), Steady Aim, Sneak Hit, Ein Sof, Healing Factor, Finestra, Epee Garde, Initiate. Also increase the range players can walk away from others as well.

Alchemist is just… I don’t know what this class needs, I feel like it just needs a complete redesign like some other classes (Scout for example), They weren’t very original and it feels very lacking in depth and design.

Maybe add some system specifically for the class that allows you to craft potions that unlock in later ranks or content clears so potions don’t become obsolete when r9+ comes out, create more interesting and dynamic crafts.

I would also like to see the class become less of a craft bot and expand upon its Homonculus too. Alchemistic Missile, Combustion removed and turned into completely different and original abilities, one thing that this game suffers from is how some skills are just copy/pastes of others (with very minor differences sometimes) and don’t feel very unique.


Pyromancer only need some quality changes in my opinion, faster animation for FireBall, give the Zaibas treatment to Flame Ground and Hell Breath making it tick faster with lower duration.

Rune Caster could use a lower cooldown.

And Linker is fine? Link still multiply the damage by the number of monsters linked and that is really powerful.

Pyromancer: fireball needs animation reduction and all skills need better damage scaling. Fix fireball’s interaction with PP and stack its burn debuff. Increase AoE aspect ratio of firewall, or increase fire wall count.

Rune Caster: damage skills feels underwhelming. I mean, they’re good, but not what you would expect after 4 seconds casting. If you compare them to elementalist and warlock skills, they lose in everything (cast, animation, damage, cooldown). Getting more overheats doesn’t fix the problem, just makes you wait even more.

Psychokino: Revise damage, aoe, range, animation. Add interactions between its own skills (telekinesis being able to lift up a group of monsters got by magnetic force, for example)


Agility needs a rework so that the skill actually does something. 1% more evade chance is not worth the skillinvestment.
Just making the skill do what it is actually supposed to do (i.e. giving you additional chance to evade attacks based on your current Stamina) would make Enchanter one of the best buffing Classes for Wizard instantly.


Although Thaumaturge by itself is pretty nice currently, it still has the issue of the Swell Skills not being efficient enough without of the help of a Linker.
No Class skills should be useless or ineffective unless you pair it with another Class.
Synergy is nice, but if it’s enforced it’s just a sign of bad overall Class design.

Another thing to consider is to make Reversi useful for PVE and PVP by giving it buff/debuff effect reversal properties.

Rune Caster:
Although a few issues with buffs conflicting with Rune of Giants are off the table right now, the skills in general are pretty badly designed. The damage skills are pretty much useless because of their high casttime, high CD time and lower than average damage.
With level 15 Energy Bolt or level 5 Magic Missile being basically as strong as those two skills with way less CD time and way easier executing (i.e. they don’t require Surespell or Quickcast), there is pretty much no point of going Runecaster at all unless you’re a Cryomancer/Cryo-Kino.

That’s why Rune of Giants should be improved(doubles attack, makes monsters recieve additional damage from jumping on them depending on their size, allows the use of all Wizard buffs and debuffs) alongside with the damage of the damage skills, maybe adding a little status ailment on top (burning for Destruction, blindness for Justice).

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For linker rework I think there should be an attribute where only you can interact with links. Too many noobs breaking links easily. Linker is fine on solo but never on party play. At least for now.

Pyromancer is worse than cbt and pre agny pyromancer. Fireball overheats wont solve the problem. All of its skill has a pretty big problem.

Kino is beyond salvation without cryo. Take note this is from a pve perspective. I repeat. This is from a pve perspective.

As for sage uhm imc needs to change the red icon to green icon. I see no other problems other than the misleading icon.

Featherfoot seriously need a channeling attribute similar to kino in c2 or c3. Come on imc. Kino gets some channeling attribute in c2 while a rank 7 class doesnt. Too limited option. I have to stick wiz 2 because of this.

Alchemist. Seriously imc? Why put duration on homunculus? Who gave that idea? Come on. This isn’t funny at all to be honest.

Giants imune to knockdowns (they could turn in knockback instead). What do you think?

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My votes were divided between:
Sage, Linker, Psychokino, Pyromancer, Enchanter, Featherfoot, Rune Caster, Alchemist and Wizard it self.
IMHO wizard branch has a lot of problems. The first and major problem is that, overall, Wizard meta-class has a big variety of resourses, while the game lacks in variety of challenging mechanics, so Wizards don’t have much to do with all their resources.
And other big problem is that, while we should be able to have variety of building character, most of wizard classes are just useful for especific builds and combo builds

The problems of the especific classes:

  • Sage, for me is a very underwhelming class. It is a R8 class that don’t changes your gameplay at all. You have an Overpowered support buff and you are a TAXI. That is all. Missile Hole makes it mandatory for especific challenges and that is all the reason why you put it in your build.

  • Suggestion: the damage spells could be usefull. He is a master of space, so why not locks and pulls? Put some good damage overtime on the damage spells and some utility. Like: ultimate dimension pulls enemies and micro dimension locks them. No need to be long or to big (like frost pillar), just enough to deal a good aoe damage. And please, fix the hit/hurtbox of Micro Dimension.

  • Enchanter, the other R8 underwhelming class. Enchanter is a bad shop class. The price is low, and the buff duration is 24h. The majority of its buffs are just awkward and the damage buff is weak. Use: Build Filler.

  • Suggestion: make every buff more expressive, give them appeal. Reduce duration a lot for shop buffs and priorize the buffs that are not repleceable for other buffs, and there you go.

  • Linker is just another useless resourcefull class. Its buffs are awkward links that easily break and you can’t keep them up. Its unique usefull spell was nefed to the ground (it was pretty op in the past, I agree with that) making it usefull just to farm solo. Combo build

  • Suggestion: Make joint penalty hitcount bigger, but not too big (2x skill lvl, I think should work). Make spiritual link share more buffs, by simply adding pain barrier should make it useful (lol) and PLEASE make its distance much bigger. Physical link, distance no doubt.

  • Psychokino is an interesting class, pretty resourcefull, that is useful for combo and some pvp. I know it is good for pvp, but its potential is wasted with all the things that it could do. Why the heck every of its damage skills are chanelling? It’s pretty frustrating playing it. Use: Combo build.

  • Suggestion: This one is more complex. Make teleport more responsible and dependable, make it so the cast is faster and we could aim (at least the general direction). Damage spells could have less duration and tick damage faster. Their damage are not that great, could buff it too. Gravity Pole could, at least in PVE, pull the enemies like in the past. Magnetic force could have a bigger AoE Attack Ratio (I think that it doesn’t hit flying enemies, if so, make it hit). Make it an off dps class with great control and utility, that could be wonderfull! IF PVP is a problem, just make its spells work differently in PVE.

  • Pyromancer is a dps class full of no damage spells that was nerfed to the ground (it was pretty op in the past, before the combat rework patch). There is one successful build that uses it that I know, Thauma 3 build made for buffer support dps. Fireball is a filler spell with bad animation, and to worsen it is melee.

  • Suggestion: Buffing its damage spells, fireball range and casting animations of the spells could make it a lot better.

  • Featherfoot is a melee IK farmer. That is all folks. All its unique mechanics feels like aesthetics. Use: combo build.

  • Suggestion: If the class has to be melee, at least make animations better, they are awfully big right now. More continuous damage. Make Curse useful. And the Blood Curse should deal real damage, considering how costy this is. And flying should be more useful, for now is just to use blood curse and get wrecked by missiles.
    (A possible way to think that class, a total rework I should say, is a hexer, a pestering and debuffer damage dealer)

  • Rune Caster is pretty strange. It’s a combo class with ridiculous long casts and cooldowns, while its damage spells are awkward to use and weak. Use: Combo build.

  • Suggestion: Lower cooldowns, lowers cast times, buff its damage, make Ice Rune works with ice magic in general (flexibility guys), and maybe Rune of Giants need a buff or 2 - maybe.

  • Alchemist is a crafter and shop class. Its shop is a low demand one. It has the potion craft, but, because it sells on market, the competitivity is linear: wins who sells the potion with lower price, without losing money for it. The other resourses of alchemist are awkward (the idea is good, but…):
    Briquetting can make your item WORSE while it LOSES 1 Potential everytime.
    Awakening can give your weapon random stupid bonus for the cost of 1 Potential.
    Homunculus is pretty cool, but expires, and is expensive.
    It is a mediocre shop crafter class.

  • Suggestions: Alchemist shop should be used to roast gems and sell potions. If you put that out of market, you can have some competition based on localization, instead of price alone. You could make other types of alchemical potions for other situations and uses, like movement, elemental resistance etc. Briquetting and Awakening should not consume potential, instead it could be costy. Briquetting lowering the weapon damage doesn’t feel right to me, but without the potential cost it should be ok. Both, Awakening and Briquetting, skills with no potential cost people would use them several times to achieve the bonus that they wish, and making a shop for them would make it a lot better! And Homunculus should not have a expiring time, but a maintenance cost, like food or something like that.

  • And Wizard. Wizard ranks has low sinergy with the majority of wizards classes. It has especific good points for especific classes. Wizard 1 spells are just not good, except for sleep (sleep is good even lvl 5). Now IMC put another overheat in Earthquake… Jesus, it’s another cast to people screw up the AoE!

  • Suggestion: First, make Earthquake a real spell, not screwing their party, like an magic circle that deals damage over time and slow or mini locks/knockDOWNS, (instead of the knock them to everywhere) you know, just like Earthquakes would do. Make Reflect shield a real spell, making it reduce damage, refleting damage or whatever, for real. For wizard beyond 1, make utility attributes for Sure Spell and Quick Cast, like some type of defense while casting, dodge, knockback/down/up resistance (lol).

Worth Mentioning: Cryomancer could deal a little more damage with their damage spells and could have more aoe with it (speacially Ice Blast). At least a damage that is not ignorable. But I don’t know, the class is pretty good right now anyway.
Chronomancer is the best and more well designed class in wizard tree IMO. But Reincarnate and Backmasking could be more useful. Reincarnate I honestly don’t know how to improve that. But for Backmasking, please lower the price (10,000 is just too much!).
Elementalist is a great class, but Stone Curse is just ignorable spell. Make it hit more targets, make it grow with level, and you could reduce this unnecessarily enormous duration. While Prominence need some ajusts in its hurtbox and duration.

For dps wizards one problem that this mechanic of constant knocks brings is the lost of cooldowns, because of big casting animations being interrupted and you not only lose your cast, the spell enter cooldown.

And, considering all this, my votes:
Sage, Psychokino and Linker.
Because, for me, they are the classes with most lost potential. Specially Sage.

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The class was not forced into taking linker only. You can use frost pillar from cryo c3 or you can even use fire pillar from pyro c2 and up. If you want, you can lure melee mobs and cast sleep on them which is a wiz 1 skill. I dont think what you said is very accurate, yes linker pairs very well with thaumaturge but does that mean hackapelle should not pair well with rouge only? I think swell and shrink skills are fine because this is the only saving grace of pyro at the moment. But i dont agree that swelled targets should be easy to kill because they double drops and so i guess forcing players to take linker to multiply their dps is a good way to make it less op.

I think rune of justice should be a channeling skill like pp but its just a white laser beam instead.
rune of destruction should remain the same but be slightly weaker than doppel’s earthquake punish skill.

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Fire Pillar and sleep is not efficient on ranged mobs, unlike JP.

This feedback is only about PVE Pyromancer. It maybe warrants its own thread, but this thread seems like a good place for it.


  • Fireball has way too long of a casting animation for how it currently performs, leaving many Pyromancers in harm’s way when attempting to use this skill offensively. Having to cast your Fireballs ahead of time and knocking them into enemies doesn’t produce very good DPS results, and definitely does not flow well with the rest of the Pyromancer skill set. Personally, I would rather not have to knock my Fireballs around myself as I don’t find it fun or engaging, at least not with how Fireball currently performs/functions.

  • This skill will usually make you a victim of knockdowns and chain knockdowns when attempting to be aggressive with it versus most bosses.The risk vs reward aspect of Fireball doesn’t really become worth it until you’ve invested in a decent weapon and have spent quite a bit on its damage enhance attribute, and also have Agny. The addition of 5 overheats doesn’t help much, as you are still a sitting duck when attempting all of those casts. Perhaps an attribute that allows you to cast 2 Fireballs per cast would help here, with the drawback of bringing total overheats down from 5 to 4. The Fireball burn attribute could also have it’s chance increased a bit, and change the scaling to be based on your Magic Attack rather than INT.

Fire Wall

  • Fire Wall sounds decent on paper, but sadly its performance is limited due to it being governed by a hidden AOE ratio stat. On Large mobs and bosses, without something aiding your AOE attack ratio or lowering the enemy AOE Defense Ratio by a significant amount, this skill sees a dramatic drop in damage potential; especially since the only way to increase its damage per tick is through the damage enhance attribute and Agny. This makes me wonder why this hidden mechanic is not listed on the skill itself. This is definitely not intuitive, and since the class doesn’t provide anything to help with AOE ratios in itself, I wonder why this skill is balanced around AOE ratios and not something else? This skill needs the AOE ratio mechanic removed or the damage per tick should scale with level investment.

  • Ice property mobs kill Fire Wall tiles instantly. This should not be a thing. Ice Wall tiles are not instantly destroyed by Fire property mobs or attacks, so why is this interaction in affect when the skill is already working at less then full potential nearly all of the time?


  • I don’t have any hard criticisms about Flare, it does decent damage and has a quick animation, although as it is, the cooldown could be brought down at least 5 seconds. Flare could also be buffed inherently or with an attribute that causes it to explode in an AOE around the target, thus allowing it to become a good AOE clear spell, which would better justify it’s current 30 second cooldown.

Enchant Fire

  • Enchant Fire is good for leveling, even more so when you use Pardoner shop buffs. Its good for Pyro support builds too, or at least that’s what other players have claimed. I haven’t really used it in that role in late game content because I actually haven’t made a support heavy Pyro build. Hopefully others can chime in more about this, because all I can really say is that from my experience, anything higher than 1 level of Enchant Fire is not worth it for Pyro DPS builds (especially if you are soloing). The damage Enchant Fire provides falls off hard as you invest more heavily into your weapon and skill attributes.

  • People claim Enchant Fire+Auto Attacks do better damage than Fireball, which is true during the leveling process, or when your build is poorly geared. But once you get a decent weapon and/or get Agny and invest into your damage attributes, you should see that Enchant Fire damage falls off quite a bit. Due to this, Enchant Fire could use an attribute similar to Blessing’s that helps it scale better into the late game. Or Enchant Fire could get an attribute that provides all of your attacks a % chance to burn, based off either your Physical or Magic attack depending on what attack caused the burn (I know I’ve seen this suggested before somewhere else on this forum).

Flame Ground

  • Flame Ground was weakened a bit too much. Due to the low skill factor, slow damage intervals, as well as it not being able to hit flying mobs, this skill should have a much longer duration and have a much larger area of effect. I would even suggest that as long as any type of mob is standing in Flame Ground’s circle, they are susceptible to Flare.

Fire Pillar

  • Fire Pillar is quite good. Bosses are the only enemies that are immune to it’s stun affect, which isn’t too bad. Once mobs are in it, Fire Pillar holds them in place better than Frost Pillar does. I suppose this effect is why the damage on it is so low. Its great at triggering Flare, and sets up many of your skills. Great for solo, great for parties, it’s one of the best skills in all of Wizard tree IMO. I don’t think it needs a change.

Hell Breath

  • The final skill in Pyromancer, Hell Breath, is not worthy of its rank. This is the C3 skill that should be well worth the 3 class rank investment, but due to it’s current design it feels like a burden to get it to work reliably. The built in melee attack immunity is nice, but it doesn’t protect you from melee knockdowns/knock backs from bosses. It seems clear that Hell Breath is intended to be Pyro’s “boss killer”, but it fails at this since every boss will knock you out of it within seconds of you starting to channel it. It’s usefulness in maps and dungeons is also limited due to anything range or magic stopping your channeling without Surespell. Getting Wiz2 for Surespell only for Hell Breath seems like a terrible idea, so why not add a Focus attribute for this skill like the Kino skills?

  • The current damage interval and skill factor on Hell Breath is weak as well. Clearly this is due to the presence of the unreliable Enhanced Fire Damage debuff, as when this is in effect, Hell Breath does decent damage. I would suggest a buff to the damage interval for Hell Breath, have it be .3 and the skill factor buffed by an additional 30-50% at max rank. There’s so many things weighing against this skill’s viability currently, so it really should be made worth the risk/investment to use it properly.

  • Or better yet, if the Devs want to change Hell Breath into something more true to its name, change it into a 10-15 second buff where the same flame wave constantly comes out of your character’s mouth without having to channel it, allowing you to cast other skills or run around where ever you want while it’s in effect. This would allow you to dodge attacks while its on and will give you time to re-position yourself to constantly attack your target. This would also allow you to make better use of the Fire Damage debuff that Hell Breath currently applies on mobs, as you would be able to cast another Fire spell as soon as you see the debuff is in effect.

  • Speaking of the Fire Damage debuff, this should have a much higher chance to take effect, and the duration of the debuff should be at least 12-15 seconds. Currently it’s only about 6 or 7 seconds, and does not occur reliably. It’s also a bit difficult to tell when the debuff is up, so some better indication would be a good QoL buff.


Fireball: Burn Debuff - Raise the effect chance to 75% at least, increase the duration, and change it to scale with magic attack over INT.

Fire Wall: Increased Fire Property Buff - Not worth investing into this attribute at all currently. Change this to a second line buff, and increase Fire property damage by a percentage. Doesn’t have to be much, but the current flat value is out scaled within the leveling process in minutes, and it also eats up a line 1 buff slot.

Enchant Fire: Decreased Fire Property Resistance - this debuff would be fine if the amount of resist reduction was buffed considerably, as well as the duration lasting much longer. With Pyro’s slow casting animations, you can barely get 2 spells off before the debuff ends, so even if the resist reduction was in a good spot, you would barely be able to make use of it.

Staff Mastery: Fire - This should actually increase AOE Attack ratio, which makes sense since Staves are usually where Wizards get this stat, and would help with how Fire Wall currently works. I believe AOE Attack Ratio also allows you to hit more Fireballs at once, so there’s that as well. I would say give this 3 levels, each level unlocking at each rank of Pyro, and you get 1 AOE Attack Ratio each.

Hell Breath: Knockback - This should prevent knockbacks/knockdowns from canceling your channel. Or just make it into the Focus attribute that Kino3 has.

Ice Property is no longer the element resistant to Fire damage according to the Damage Compatibility Chart, yet there are still Ice Property mobs that show they are resistant to Fire property attacks. If I recall correctly, Glass Mole is guilty of this. There are some Ice Property mobs in Hunting Grounds that are resistant to Fire damage as well, so this definitely needs addressing.

Elementalist Rain skill and Taoist Storm Calling should NOT cancel out Pyro skills. This should not be a thing period among any classes in the game, as it limits build viability and could cost a Pyro a spot in a party due to this punishing interaction. Please remove this unnecessary and un-fun interaction.

I’ve seen this brought up many times from other players on this forum: all Pyro skills should have a % chance to inflict burn status. This would be big for keeping Pyro’s damage relevant throughout the game, especially if the scaling and duration are done just right. Perhaps make it a Pyro3 attribute only so there’s more reason to go for this rank.

Finally, we have Agny. The skill factor it provides for Pyro skills could be buffed a bit. Definitely not pre-rebalance levels of power, but I think an extra 25-30% skill factor would be sufficient.


Wizard :
Reflect Shield : Make Reflect shield a second line buff… that way it will be a decent spell to lessen knockbacks w/o getting mobs of angry people at you…

Pyromancer :
Fireball : Give us back the skill interactions that makes this skill fun to use in the 1st place. (PP, Snowrolling, JP+HK, Combustion)… Even with micro dimension, it is very awkward to use!

JP :Breaks way too fast to decently benefit the party… it got over nerfed.
Spiritual Chain : Very little use as of right now and on specific situation… The only buff worth sharing being Running Shot ( PvE, to fellow archers, somewhat) & cloaking (GvG / PvP)

Enchanter :
Empowering : With the level difference not giving a significant penalty now, I see no point of this buff
Agility : Barely does anything at all even with hiigh stamina
Enchant Lightning : Great buff, only that its hard coding nature is confusing. It does increase damage of melee skill to frozen monsters even more with Cryo attribute , but some other non elemental skill like Spear Throw does not get the freezing bonus.
The buff shop is also not very attractive. With a 24 hr duration, even less people will need to buy it.


Wizard and Archer are in bad shape in Rank8, with I think Wizard have a dimmer future in R9.

There are a lot of less efficient end classes for Wizard in R8
Sage, Enchanter, Necromancer, Alchemist, and arguable Featherfoot. While Warlock have big issue with its dark element being inefficient in general and counterable with Rhevisan Bracelet in PvP/GvG, its Mastema which boost holy damage making our competitor Inquisitor even a greater dpser who smite 555k damage easily, while Dark Theurge skillfactor% should be as strong as Invocation Spirit right now.

We have no chance to compete in World Bossing right now, clerics becoming super dpser in higher rank, while wizards becoming poor support in higher rank, something wrong.

Although I don’t think Pyromancer should be good at burst DPS, but they should be revamp as the expert of “Burn Status” which inflict stack-able DoT when applying any fire damage, something like PD.

  1. Add New Class Attribute, which have 5% chance per circle to inflict burn status on enemy when dealing damage with Pyromancer skills for 10s with 50% Matk, stack-able up to 10 times. (something like Corsair’s Pillage)
  2. Add New Attribute for Hellbreath: Focus, which will not be interrupted when casting the skill.
  3. Add New Boss card which deal *% for Enemy with Burning Status.
  4. Rework Fireballs, the skill is awful now, if it is that way I prefer it change to something like Energy Bolt with instant cast.
    There is no reason to make it static with bad animation with only dealing 1 hit. But the legacy fireball is more innovative and fun, which can be kick around / intractable with linker/psychokino.
  5. Flameground, it should double the duration due to how bad its damage.

The hitcount limit is overkill, I hope the number can at least scale with SPR, like 20SPR increase 1 hit count.
Or the link won’t break even hit its limit, so Hangman’s Knot still can use.
Else - Just remove the Link Resist from all Monsters.

The major problem of Psychokino is that the Fixed Casting Bar killed the entire tree whatever you take in other ranks.
To solve the problem of this class easily

Make use of Sage’s Blink on this, when you are casting Physic Pressure or Gravitation Pole and use Blink, your clone will continue your casting. This should apply for Hellbreath/Bloodsucking as well.

I main thaumaturge and have 3 characters on it, it is the best and most versatile class in Wizard Tree i think, which it can mixed into any builds due to its dps/spr compatible. The only thing is I expect more from Swell Brain or C3 unique attribute.
Heck, why do we want rely cleric 2 divine might and krivis for buff count / +skills? cant swell brain do the same thing?
Thaum will only be more important when no more x8 moles/chappy

The class is a troll, developers was rushing time to deliver Rank8 and poof give us a faulty filler. This class have no clean concept and I don’t know what to suggest.
But if anyone want know what is Enchanter Bomb, the only attribute of Enchanter which to craft it, a 5000 silvers for 1 piece of ■■■■. At least make it 50silvers for 1 piece and deal damage to AoE.
*Enchant Lightning, I hope Enchanter should not be limited to enchant only 1 element, but can be differ depend on certain setting. Like a new UI, where you can put some Pyromite/Cryomite/Electromite/Geomite to choose fire/ice/lightning/earth element. Rework it as Enchant element instead. Make it a more unique entire class instead and this enchant can modify certain skills’ element like Wiz’s normal attack/Energy Bolt/Magic Missiles/Enchant Bomb and not only physical classes.

This class also need major rework which will impact the whole game itself, either briquette or combustion or awakening or homunculus.
The impact and urgency to rework is as much as a Templar.
Templar holding the key of Guild Content, while Alchemist holding the key of Itemization Content.

Sorcerer & Necromancer - I will wait until their AI is resolved, it is better now but I hope more unique things from Grimoire/Necromancy book.

Warlock & Featherfoot - I will wait C3 only to comment, they are not that bad now but compare to pala-Inquisitor/goon-lancer/rode-murmillo/falcon-mergen/rogue-hakka, these 2 DPS classes are lacking.


I feel like pyromancer and rune caster needs mandatory changes

Pyromancers: Despite the combat update, Pyromancers still feels so underwhelming and underpowered. it feels like the only viable skill for pyromancer is fireball (which is very mediocre at the very least).

Runcaster: Even though I haven’t experience being a runecaster, All I know is that I’ve been intentionally avoiding the circle as the skills doesn’t really appeal to any roles. DPS is unreliable, support utility is lacking and probably not viable option to become a tank. The runecaster seems to have good ideas on it but it feels that its poorly executed. It also relies heavily on wizard c2/c3, meaning that it won’t probably mix well people builds which aren’t surespell/quickcast-oriented.

Linker: I forgot to vote this but linkers are bad atm since their bread and butter was terribly nerfed. I assume it was nerfed to balance it out with the monster stats but it really defeats one of their purpose.

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Rune Caster
I really mostly use Rune of Ice in this class, and very rarely use another skills (except Rune of Giant for it’s buff). I think this class is 50% buffer and 50% medium DPS class.

Seriously, RC is a Hidden Class so it should be worth to take. I think they need to remove the “Rune Caster is a Class that have long casting time and CD” thing, and majorly rework the skills. Also why they have to put the same casting time to all RC skills?.

My suggestion is: *note I didn’t really remember/know the changes in Ktest/Ktos
-Rune of Ice. It’s already good where it is, so didn’t need another buff. Well, I have an Idea actually. If Rune of Ice Casted, nearby enemies will freeze/slow (for 3s).
-Demolition Rune
The Damage is not worthted for it’s 4s casting time, increasing the Damage and giving a Knockback maybe?.
-Rune of Justice
It’s good now but still not worthted actually, I don’t know what to do with this skill
-Rune of Protection
Why didn’t just give a 100% protection (OP?, I see Cleric buff do more OP)
-Rune of Giants
Good, not bad. But not really helpful in combat except to run away from the monsters. My Idea is to make this skill summon a Giant that can attack and mounted, yeah like a Summoner Class but this have a timer.
-Remove All the Rune except maybe for Rune of Ice, and find another Rune that is more usefull.

Wanna see the Runes?

Even Frost Pillar is not reliable to gather the mobs close enough to hit up to 10 targets with the skills small AoE. The main issues are the melee range (being targetable on area like Sleep,Lethargy,etc would be more helpful) and the small AoE that only lets you benefit from higher skillevels increased count if you manage to gather that many monsters in the small area next to you.

Also, if we talk about Frost Pillar, you must be aware that Frost Pillar has way too long of a CD to be effective with Swell and Shrink Body.
These skills have 2 overheats and only 25 seconds CD time.
Frost Pillar has 45 seconds CD, meaning you won’t be able to utilize these skills effectively.
You also have to spend 3 Circles on Cryomancer, resulting in only one Rank left for damage skills/support(unless you’re fine with Thauma C1). That’s a bad trade-off if you want to play Thaumaturge. Thaumaturge by itself should be sufficient enough to not have to rely on other Classes to make full use of its capabilities(this is an oxymoron, as the more you specialize in a Class, the more you have to rely on other Classes to draw out its full potential).

Well first and foremost an think imc should get completely rid of cast-cancel when hit by normal atacks. I mean, why give this to sadhus and put as attributes for kinos when we could just get rid off it? The annoying part are the knocbacks/downs anyway.

With that said wizz 2 and 3 would need replace to surespell, maybe move quickast to wizz 2 and give some good dmg skills to c3.

Featherfoot suffer from the channeling problem, which would be solved by the sugestion above, but also lacks dmg… doesnt feel like a r7 class, especialy because right now its many flaws require a entire build around it ( at least w2 and linker1-2) and it is not rewarding to do so. Another must do is Remove the missile debuf from flying ( its a rank 8 skill for christ sake, sage gets ranged imunity without taking double dmg from melee)

Finally kino, this class has potential, and is good at pvp, but u think it suffers from the eccessive channeling… it is poor gameplay to be stuck in a place hoping to not get hit by knocks ups, downs and backs


Linker Spiritual Chain
Why the hell does it not share Pain Barrier???it’s the single most important buff for boss and it did not share it. Like it has zero requirement, even a card lets you obtain it but Spiritual Chain cannot. Just why??


The top 5 make sense to me, but the reason i didn’t vote either enchanter or linker its because rune caster is a hidden class and it doesn’t provide what it should in that regard, it’s only good skill being rune of ice says a lot, and don’t even make me start on that outdated quick cast attribute.

I agree that enchanter is very lackluster for a rank8 class, so it make sense to me for it to be in top 3 or 5. As for linker i stopped caring a long ago, since people always wanted him perma nerfed and they finally got it, i don’t see the point on a buff again since people will start complaining again, linker is so dead to me. (Sad because it was my top1 concept class since beta)

As for pyro, well, there’s not much to say about pyro, even when too many people out there claim it to still be top dps the class is not fun to play at all, the fireball animation is a big issue and now more than ever with that 5 OH, hell breath is one of the worst c3 skills i have seen in this game, it should have super armor like kino c3 skills since for some reason most of the boss attacks will knock you down/back, canceling this skill.

Alchemist, eh… even for utility the class feels weak, the homunculus is such a dissapoinment considering it last only 10days. Awakening bonus need a buff to compensate for the recent changes, briquette needs to be an autoshop to actually make it important again, and the dig+combustion combo needs to be reworked :confused: .

Oh well. Seems like mage class its the one with the most issues.


I cant choose only 3!!