Tree of Savior Forum

iTOS, Wizard branches that need a buff/rework July-August 2017

you missed a few

I guess most people don’t play Necro3? Flesh strike is pretty buggy still. And that’s your R8 spell. And the archers alone aren’t nearly as good as getting sorc2. Necro3 is overall a questionable choice. Quality of life with the corpse generators and the soso archers. Worth R8 slot? Meh… probably not.

They’re nearly all trash or UTTER trash and need work in one way (or every way) or another.

Wizard - has some interesting skills, namely lethargy but if you compare it to every other rank1 class its by far the least relevant.

Pyro - compared to every other rank2 class its basically trash and its only semi relevant to wiz players because wiz has such horrible options in general. Honestly they may as well just delete this class and remake it as a rank4-6 dps class with revamped skills.

Cryo - mostly relevant because of tree and icewall memes, but 99.9% of the time icewall is annoying and if this were a cleric or swordie rank2 tree would probably be a circle1 skill.

Linker - half of the skills have been broken since the game first went live; jp was neat when mobs actually took effort to kill, but now u see falc’s aiming outclassing it pretty much completely while also being perma uptime. Spiritual chain couldve been an amazing skill if it actually shared good buffs and had a passive to increase buff limit or something. Lifeline couldve been an amazing skill if it wasnt reliant on spiritual chain and raped by z axis aka stairs.

Thau - probably the wiz class closest to being well rounded; kinda ridiculous that a class that basically does nothing but cast buffs has no option to increase the buff limit tho, which cleric gets at rank2 circle1 (meanwhile wiz gets pyro xD).

Ele - would probably be a great dps if it were in a game where melee didnt do just as much dmg while having 3-4 ways to flat out multiply their end damage, and where it was actually a ranged caster instead of just mobs constantly walking out of aoes unless u kite them around inside of it.

Sorc - its a cute dps but unfortunately its magic/wizard and therefore completely outclassed/irrelevant in the upper-to-high end tos.

Chrono - the concept isnt bad but its not polished at all/seems to have been done very lazily; none of the skills are really changed/enhanced by stats or anything so u cant really do anything with the char, in terms of how like with thau your buffs get stronger with int/spr or cleric class buffs scaling with spr etc.

Alch - crafting class, except the weapon skin system is terrible and the transmuting system is unworkable without datamines.

Necro - a class literally made for afk farming.

RC - the one hidden class that may as well stay hidden because it has ridiculously long cds and its interaction skill doesnt work with the few skills people actually want to use it with.

Warlock - skills have turned into a disaster and if it was any other char tree ppl would flush it down.

Featherfoot - skills slightly better than current warlock but still could use work when compared to other char tree options. Outfit is also really ugly.

Sage - entire existence revolves around 1 skill because the others have insanely long animations along with long cds, and then has a taxi skill that tbqh probably shouldve been on enchanter. Basically a joke in terms of dps additions compared to the other char tree options.

Enchanter - the evade skill literally doesnt work, and once again u can build a char thats all about buffing but meanwhile doesnt have a buff limit increase skill (which another char tree gets at rank2 circle1; enjoy having a class that crafts scrolls but still making another char to make scrolls for yourself to use on your actual scroll crafting char xD).

EDIT: Forgot about Kino - irony being this class really is so irrelevant you could just forget it was there and itd make no difference. No one would know it was a class if not for early release shenanigans and icewall memeing.