Tree of Savior Forum

Isn't time to end the token system?

Now that we have beauty shop, isn’t time to end this outdated token system? I totally understand they need to make money, the token system isn’t very good, but if is working, then ok. But now, I don’t see how this can be usefull anymore. Me and my whole guild members only spend money to buy cosmetics, token only via market. Is really smart make the people who spends money in this games have to choose between token and cosmetics?

Have a token is nice for the movement speed, less taxes in market (lets not talk about those communist tendences IMC has…), in past there was more dungeons runs and so on. But it also is one of the many reasons that made people quit in the past and even now some of my friends don’t really want to play the game because they feel like is a paid game. I try to explain, sometimes works, sometimes not.

If IMC focus only on cosmetics and gacha to make money and quit this token system (converting its effects into the game) then everbody wins, right? A person that buys token nowadays, will keep using this money to buid cosmetics, and people wich dislike the token system would feel really better.

So in the end it would finish one of the most stupid things this game have, and give us a good reason to spend money in the game. Because truth be told, the art and the hats/costumes of this game are suuuuuper beautifull and well made. If we have monthly releases of amazing cosmetic stuff, I’m pretty sure most of people’ll feel like buying costumes, more people than the ones that feel like buying tokens nowadays.

I know this game have a lot of problems and some people hate the gacha system and other stuff, but I would like to hear what you guys think about the Token vs Cosmetics battle only.


How about remove token in tp shop and sell at 30m on item merchant.

The dream would be no tokens, no pets and no cubes from TP SHOP, but it’s a dream. It’s like they are kr and are running a F2P game so they feel forced to do that kind of atrocious items.


What the problem with pets?

Gacha system is what brings money, we can’t blame developers for trying to make a living. I think everybody has a tolerance over some pay2win stuff, but the token is pretty stupid overall. Now that we have beauty shop, it looks even more stupid because we need to chose between token and cosmetics.


It’s not really a problem actually, it could be better. For example they could make a new system where everyone has the same pet but you only buy skins for this pet.


Isn’t it time for you to get out from that cyber cafe you been playing and go get a job rather than here complaining about tokens again and again?

All that college diploma your parent has spent on you/whatever job that you are doing right now and If you still cannot afford a monthly token from TP shop or even bother spending time farming to buy it off market, you shouldn’t be gaming, seriously.

For all the flamers and social justice warrior offended by my post (aka i don’t understand ###/token is immoral/MMO must be free /blablabla), you download the game for free and get to enjoy 80-90% of the game contents for also free. I thought Beggers can’t be choosers. Maybe different in your neighbourhood?

I bet if investors hand over to you 1 million dollars to make a game from scratch, the best you can come out with your current programming and game design knowledge after 3 years is probably a tetris online 2D (+without color). With debts and investors chasing after you for ROI, dont even bother thinking of charging us 20 cents a year for whatever dingdong you have created.

*already wearing +40 legend robe with additional 2k defense anti fiya property.


No one will get offended don’t worry, you’re so far away, far far away in the out of topic space that nobody could care about your post.


Started great but disappointed when you started the pre-emptive defense. Try harder next time :+1:

Attribute learning time should be abolished, its the only reason i ever bought a token the last couple times, and then the remaining 29 days just tick away being useless.


Yeah, time to end the token system.

Implement actual subscription model of 10-11 US a month.

Heck, even RuneScape charges 11 a month


Seriously guys? They already reduced the penalties for playing without a token.

You actually have full dungeon runs now.

:tired: God forbid having to actually pay something.

I am pretty damned sure that price of a token is within 1-2 mcdonald’s meals in your country, given Steam’s regional pricing.

If you can’t afford that per month, you can play without one, or you need to re-evaluate your priorities.


Not to add fuel to the fire but what would be the suggestion in the Token purchase be? I too want the attribute time be completely removed and ever forgotten but what are the benefits? Maybe increase the exp buff and give a 100 Loot chance? Lessen exp penalty in 2 - 4 match dungeon?

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I don’t think Its time to end token, because, if everythings ok with you right now without using token then why end it? Just dont buy tokens if you dont need it. Thats it.

The only time I buy token is whenever there is a rank reset going on, So I can learn Attributes instantly. When there’s no Rank reset event, I don’t mind not buying any.

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same, I hate that attributes already learned cant be quickly re-learn…

but to me token = attribute spam


not everything. For example, you cant really use market without token because of a silly 1 market slot restriction and a 30% tax compared to token users (10 slots and 10% tax). Changing that to 3 slots and 20% to non-token users would have been a nice start.

An idea of adding 100 loot chance when token is active is a decent one.

Ahhhh. I think the 10 market slots are worth it for token users, but for free users 1 might not be enough. 3 slots would be good plus lowering the tax for non token users to 20% is a good compensation IMO.

Token system is fine as it grants comfort to players. However, the current benefits clearly need to be rethought.

Along with the rest of the post: completely irrelevant. The point is not to afford or not to afford a token, it’s to pay for something meaningful.

Here’s the real problem. You want to learn attributes? You need a token. You don’t need to learn any? You don’t need a token. If you’re a token user, you get +3 speed, market discounts, free trades, faster xp learning… It’s nice, but not mandatory to play. If for example you change attribute learning time to something like 10% discount on attribute price, you make token way more meaningful, without being mandatory for anything.

Then you lose 90% of the F2P playerbase. People like me, and I’m sure I’m not the only one in this case, play for fun and just to spend a good moment with a game. If I want to purchase something like character slots or a costume for a character, I go to Steam webpage and purchase some TP.

Exactly. And this shows why current token is flawed…

Veldt, it’s not that we cannot afford it, but the bonuses are pretty lame. As people say, we mostly take Tokens for attribute learn spam. Remember what IMC said about tokens ? It’s a way to stop goldsellers right ?


I never bought Token from TP shop, only from Market or obtained it from events… now they are at 8m each as a casul I can’t afford it with silvers, and I don’t spend enough time into the game to buy something I’ll use for one day anyway, no matter if I play a lot or not actually.

The token is fine, gachas are the devil, and you have been brainwashed to prefer gambling over a monthly fee.

God. Just reading posts like your makes me feel old. I remember what these games were like before loot boxes and gachas ruined them. I’m old enough to have watched the fall, start to finish. Things are bad, and I know this because I experienced them when they were still good.

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I can’t play without token honestly just because of the Silver Storage LOL
I can’t live without it and a big Team Storage


Playing the old card when the forum is full of players who started at CBT1/2 :tired:.