Tree of Savior Forum

Is your body ready for THIS?

Eeh that’s nice… gotta go…

Cant even detect sarcasm? I think you read too much forum and it’s taking a toll to your mental health. Are you ok? You even selected a few words to make it im whining.

Ignore arguments -> focus on insults.
See this early warning system always tells whom i wanna have a civil discussion with. Those who selective read moaning exclusive… not so much.

Protip: Never try to be sarcastic with something people are serious about en mass. When 9 ppl out of 10 actually mean it, yeah… kinda makes sarcasm hardly detectable.

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To be fair, you didn’t exactly invite for civil discussion with your posts… What exactly do you expect people to do?

To be them self. I expect people to be them self.

It’s okay, nobody wants to argue with a child. You can go pretend to pick your battles somewhere else. c:

By all means do tell when it dawned on you that you just fell in your own concept of irony.
Git gud :upside_down:

you’re trying too hard.

No need to try when the opposition is unaware of the concept of hypocrisy.
Well played tho :smile_cat:

that’s why I’m not trying.