Tree of Savior Forum

Is your body ready for THIS?


Are the forums ready for THIS?


Is it known whether this is a cash shop item or an in game currency item (or a limited event item)?

It makes a gigantic difference!!

Please remain calm until we get an answer.

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Oh snap.

I can already see the RAGE

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Also token is not tradeable ;3; Byebye buying it with silver on market

Suddenly the Moon doesn’t seem so bad.


Is it known whether this is a cash shop item or an in game currency item?

It makes a gigantic difference!!

To all others, please remain calm until we get an answer.

well there goes my commitment

I meant to say wallet! Oh, oh well…

This was EVENT only in KTOS. So no cash shop till now~


knowing their appeal to casuals in iToS how do you know this wont end up on the Cash Shop within the next three months? I mean I guess it’s wise to stay neutral, but the existence of this item forecasts something terrible.

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Possible that this item could be bought with in game gold or silver?

…this already starts now 3 am sunday… don’t wan to be in the forums anytime soon anymore…

It was Event only from IMC atm. We don’t know anythign yet what is palnned for itos ^^. But expect this not to be a thing, they want to sell tokens over reset scrolls xD.

… should go to sleep already. But i was just rewatching overlord… again.

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It says premium.

Lies. Prove it.

they didn’t show us the cash shop for a reason and I was sure they were hiding something from us.

inb4 each scroll costs 20TP

Well, I don’t care. There’s a limit on how many dungeon runs you can take before your soul starts screaming. 2 per day is enough for me.

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it has the word “premium” it the description. that’s a hint.

But what about the hardcore guys ? :cry: the things that has no souls…