Tree of Savior Forum

Is your body ready for THIS?

It’s an incentive to take a break from number-increasing I guess.

Tho when you click on it it does say Premium but not “not tradeable”
So I dunno xD

here both links:

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Quite a lot of people do. Maybe you don’t, but quite a large bunch do. All this item does is make the game go further down the path to being Tree of Solo Queue.

Behold, the key to class 7 within 2 weeks :joy:

Fair enough, edited my post up there xD.


Please…no more I don’t think my heart can take it. lol

But seriously the tokens are tradeable in ktos. There’s a possibility they won’t be tradeable now during early access until they can figure out what price they want to set them at or if the ones we get with some of the packs are just different and not tradeable because they want us to use them as a “free sample” type of thing.

Let’s hope that other thing is just an event item.

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If imc higher ups would just release details for their iToS cash shop items…

its tradable once only, so u can’t buy and sell

this item is already existed in krToS before iToS announcement made. what makes you think so special and surprise?

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Yeah, super p2w just like this item:

Now real talk. The above item may look like a p2w item offered in the cash shop, but it’s actually a one time item given away on the test server. This was given away when the Centurion class was removed and centurion characters had to be deleted, so players that had centurion for testing received this for their new character.

On dungeon reset scrolls. Those are not in the cash shop and were ONLY available via events.

That said, there’s absolutely no reason to cause a panic for items like either of these without knowledge of the circumstances of which they were available.


Moral of the story: Always do your homework before you think about starting a fire on someone’s lawn.

Preposterous item, defying the law of physics.

I had the same reaction as you too, since I played kTOS and knew about this items.

That being said, I think the topic is still important and the ‘fire’ stoked was warranted - we need to indicate firmly that people will oppose this kind of item from being implemented in the cash shop, before it’s too late.

The way the cash shop has been handled recently is too lackadaisical so it’s only sensible to play safe and be on the defensive.

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INB4 this item will be in random RNG cash-boxes for just 1$ each try.


In ktos, this item is only can obtain by event.

Having a dungeon cooldown: Community gets used to the idea
Having a dungeon cooldown reset: Everybody flips his ****. “There goes my commitment” messages, just drama for drama’s sake.

Could you close this thread? Its not meant for discussion, just to start a god damn flame war again.
Im sick and tired of these god damn 8 year olds making a fetish out of sticking P2W on everything and then dancing around it like a frikin may pole.

Here i am just wanting to play the game, and im watching all these people trying to collect as many reasons for not playing as possible.
Like… why the **** are you even here?
Endless discussions about whats p2w and whats not, because some guy might buy 2 or 3 more dungeon runs a day and progress a little bit faster than you.
I mean literally:


Seriously. About at this point, it would be welcome if the forum staff started to hand out warnings.


Thank Christ… Also probably should reply to the OP so people don’t jump to conclusions.