Tree of Savior Forum

Is wiz3 reaaaaaally worth it?

I used to play as a pyro 3/Sorc on CBT, but I’ve seen so many wiz3 builds that now I’m wondering if I shouldn’t just join the stream…
(I’m planning on rune/warlock and I don’t really like cryo. I don’t like elem either)
So here are my questions:

  • Why is wiz3 so necessary for full DPS builds? Is that 50% damage really that worthy or is there another hidden reason for that?
  • If I don’t really want to take any elementalist ranks, will wiz 3 still worth it?
  • If I take at least 1 rank of pyro wouldn’t be easier to solo? Or wizard skills are good enough?
  • Would pyro1 be a big waste on this case?

PS: What do you guys think of this build? Good? Bad? Awkward? updated

I believe for rank 7 purposes wiz3 > ele3 can outclass most DPS options due to being something close to a perfect combination of 6 ranks, made even better adding Warlock, but the same can’t be said for future contents, as Warlock doesn’t synergyze well with Elementalist, since the first only will most likely depend on CC and links, and Elementalists have none of both, only AoE skills mostly.

  • Wizz 3 is all about Quick Cast, -50% cast time and +50% magic damage seems like a dream to wizzards. Think about it, you have to take Wiz 1 by force, so getting Wiz 3 means you are investing 2 circles into it, since there is no way to remove the first from the build.

  • You can still go Wiz 3 for other DPS options, remember ranks won’t stop at 7, so probably elementalist skills will be outclassed and the best part of Wiz3>Ele3 might end up still being the quick cast for rank 10 damage purposes. (Think how good those skills will hit, now think with 50% more damage)

  • Pyro makes low level grinding easier, but despite being a multihit class, it doesn’t land all of it’s hits that often, doesn’t have CC and the only good buff does way less than Quick Cast.

  • It’s not necessarily a waste, if you can perform nice combos with other classes it can turn out good.

  • People who only see Wiz 3 > Ele 3 as DPS builds are probably too stuck to closed beta. Think about it, Ele 3 makes wiz skills look like ■■■■, it’s very possible that future DPS classes will make the same to Ele.

I too don’t like Wiz 3 > Ele 3 builds, I think it lacks the versatility and creativity this game lets us have.

I’m going myself for either

Wiz 3 > Link 2 > Sorc > Warlock (c3/taoist in the future), because link will always be OP and makes damage scalate pretty well, wizz 3 for quick cast sleep and magic missile, sorc for filler, but a good filler as it buffs dark property damage, AoE and can summon b*tches.


Wiz 3 > Thauma 3 > Warlock 3 > Taoist My idea of a supreme DPS character with fun in it’s gameplay, you can get around +540 atqm + 145 INT just from it’s buffs, not mentioning exp and drop boost which can’t get bad. This class is based on the fact that most Wizzards will end up building Linkers C2 in the least, so my party with them would be absolytely overkill.


Wiz 1/3 > Cryo 1/3 > Kino > RC > ??? This build is still unstable due to not knowing what future classes brings on ice content, it’s also possible that hidden classes have more ranks as no official announcement was made about they not having it.

These are just a few ideas, Wiz > Pyro 2 > Linker 2 > other things is also a good setup for dps, it’s just not really easy to make the best out of pyro skills and not having Quick Cast may (or may not) ruin your DPS build for future contents.


Thanks a lot for your thoughts, they surely helped me a lot!
Have you tried to level wiz 3 on CBT? How hard was it? I’m a bit worried since I’m probably going to solo most of times on early game…

I haven’t tried CBT that much, got lazy at wiz2 because of future wipes.

It’s probably not that hard, consider getting linker or something like that before closing the wiz3 circle, that might help you solo.

My thoughts are fruit of a few days of somewhat intense research and logic, it seems pretty obvious to me that ele3 for a DPS oriented character will end up having it’s skills used for filler in the time you can’t cast higher grade spells.

You can make many differente builds, if you can get Chrono 2 or 3 in your build, it’s one of the best branches from the skill tree, -25s cooldown every 50 seconds would be ideal DPS classes with intention to use narrow skill poolsm though you “lose” rank 7 if you want to go Warlock.

Wiz 3 (most common), Cryo 3, Kino 3, Linker 2 (3 not really that useful), Chrono 3 and Thauma 3 are some of the best support in the game, you need more of those classes than from Priests in terms of support for late-game dungeons. Also all of those scale pretty well future DPS classes, that’s why I believe if you think about going “hybrid” try to close as many of these circles as soon as possible so your rank 10 wizard have a good utility skillset to improve the usage of his future skillset.

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I think I’m going for this build: wiz3>linker>sorc>rune>warlock

Or maybe wiz3>linker2>rune>warlock

They seem kinda “future proof” to me

Thanks again!

You should always get linker 2 if you’ll get linker, it jumps from 5 to 8 monsters sharing damage (+60% damage).

Rune Caster is a nice combination for Cryo C1/C3 + Psychokino for the Ice Wall + PP combo, but hard to cast without Wiz 3 and very risky for future as there might be no more Ice Skills. It will be pretty useless for your class expect for Protection (which is not as good as a PD buff) and Destruction (which is a meteor), so if you have no intention of using Rune of Ice + Ice Wall + PP Combo you should probably not go for Rune Caster as it is right now.

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It took awhile before. Since then various changes have made it much easier to get to rank 4 quickly.

@moises_andre12 summed it up well already: just one rank of pyro or linker will be enough to make your early game a walk in the park (up to rank 6 or 7). On the other hand wizard3 will reward your patience with much better gains for every subsequent damage-based class you take later.

It really depends on how much you feel like planning for the future! Wiz3 alone should be easy albeit boring. Personally I’m thinking of running Wiz3> X >Chrono3 and yeah getting there will be a nightmare I expect lol

Wiz3>Linker2 isnt so uncommon in ktos either so its not like ele is indespensible, its just be best thing on the menu currently.

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I see I see, well at least now I know where to start with the whole wiz3 and linker (at least 1) thing. Then I’ll decided what else to do until I get warlock rank…

Currently: seems fine according to all the insights you guys gave me (thanks again)

Linker at least 2.

Wiz 3 can’t go wrong for DPS, which does not guarantee it will be the best for all cases.

Rune Caster has a need for Cryo/Kino circles, also wiz 3 for treir troubling cast times, this set takes 6 classes and you’d be stuck with only one good skill (Isa+Ice Wall+PP = currently best damage in game?) and the rest would not be so useful, though it may combo with future Ice damaging skills and get pretty good.

The build you made is ok about the classes, but you should search much more on wizard skills, if I simply tell you a skill build you won’t understand why and won’t be able to make good use of it.

The only reason to build wizz3 is because Quickcast help you with long cast skills and because you have a 50% of extra damage while it is active. So if you for a build with long cast like Elementalist or Rune Caster it is a good idea, now if you are going for a build with no cast like Pyro/Sorc then it is a waste.

As more ranks are added to the game, quickcast will only get better and better due to its nature as a damage amplifier ( its a T1 buff after all).

Take a look at stady aim , only by making it a T1 buff of 45% , they made rangers 3 one of ( if not ) the strongest option to start off as an Archer.

What deals more overall damage?
Magic Missile 5 or Fire Pillar 5? Considering cds, number of hits and stuff…

PvE? Fire Pillar is probably better and easier to use.

PvP? Magic Missile is better even if you hit Sleep, with Sleep it’s a higher burst damage. Without Sleep people will just move out of your Fire Pillar, and that CD…

Both are still “bad” at higher levels.

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I think is worth it at all. 50% is just absurd amplified damage for any class, and late game -wise may me a must for DPS wizards. I was actually beetween wiz 1 - pyro 3 - linker 2 - featherfoot and wiz 3 - linker 2/3 - psychokino - featherfoot.

But after some theorycrafting i decided to go with wiz 3 - linker 2/3 (still deciding) - psychokino - featherfoot. I can share surespell and quick cast buffs, link mobs and use quickcast to deal crazy damage with magic missile/featherfoot skills and stuff. Pyro would give more much easier early game but i’m not sure about if at level 300+ pyro will have any utility (it should has though)

Ps: just took a look at ur build and it seems similar to mine, the difference only in rank 6-7 xD. Sounds fine, if i went warlock i think i would go for Ele 3 just to max out DPS, but its just me. As featherfoot spells are single target, i got linker to synergize better.

good luck cya

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Despite the worth I like sorc2 and featherfoot so there goes 50% damage, althougj quick cast is useless for me anyway since I dont have a charge skill :T

What about Mastema? It seems to have a really nice damage, but since I used to be a WoW player I’m worried about the “enemies attacked can take you as a prior target” part. Seems to me that it kinda increases my “aggro”. I mean, in a group situation, wouldn’t it be troublesome for tanks or they can easily surpass that “aggro” gain?

Actually any multi-hit skills , despite having cast time or not, has the number of “ticks” increased with quick cast besides the damage iirc, e.g frost cloud, PP, Flame ground or any other DoT/multi-“ticks” skill. And i can easily say most people pick wiz 3 JUST for the +50% matk atribute, the cast time reduction is just a bonus actually. Say for elementalist for example (the only big cast time is meteor but u can just sleep mobs and cast it anyway). That’s why people discuss building a pyro 2 - elementalist 3 instead of wiz 3 - ele 3 sometimes.

If u take away the +50% atribute from quick, i’m sure u will see 99% less or maybe none wiz 3 at all. That’s why it’s such a common build right now despite u going ele3 or not.

Mastema is Warlocks poorer skill as it hits only one time and without a high multiplier like meteor (even meteor actually gets weak in pve pretty early believe it or not). It does make the target take more damage from holy property for a time so maybe it will have situational use with a cleric? It can be skipped in favor of Invocation/Pole/Dark Surge. Dark Surge is really good; every spirit gains 1 hit per skill level

As a general rule of thumb skills that hit multiple times are the ones you really want in your arsenal (they scale better). I know its kinda counter intuitive since the skill simulator doesn’t always list the number of hits lol.

Update on linker: dataminers found that they raised the cd on joint penalty by +7 seconds for international release. c1 used to be good for general pve, now if this stays the same it’ll be less viable than c2 :c


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Is sorc c1 alone worth it? would it be fine without “hold” ?

I heard the AI is really shtty so

RIP Linker. At least 20 characters.