Tree of Savior Forum

Is wiz3 reaaaaaally worth it?

Ya i saw this, linker is a DEAD class for sure, no more useful disable, more cd’s, less utility, WELL DONE devs, u made it. Investing 3 circles wont make it better at all.

My build is officially dead and i dont know what to do actually.

Yes it is.


Osht yep there goes my build

there goes mine too -.-

It still depends, Classes that have high number of hit on skills, applied with linker, will have much better efficiency with linker, even with the nerfs, simply because the link duration is enough to take down to take 5/8/10 enemies down at once, the problem is it not stacking with AoE damage, which makes Ele and most other low ranked classes useless, also Hangmans was pretty OP to begin with, you could get 100% CC on linked tartgets at higher levels, a lot for a Rank 3 class don’t you think?

So if your intention is to take Featherfoot or Warlock, Link might still be the way, though I’m still considering Thauma3.

Oh yea my mind wasnt processing after getting a little pissed. Forgot about it not really mattering. Btw do pierce skills hit more times against linked enemies like temple shooter’s attack assuming theres 1 linked mobs behind another in front of temple shooter, does it hit once or more

Wiz 3 now? No, there are better classes
Wiz 3 at max class Lvl400/600? Unsure, most likely a Yes

Why would you plan for beta content instead of building for the future?

I took this vid last night when my test wiz reached C3 on KTOS

That’s with only 10% damage increase on quickcast. It’s a lot of fun :slight_smile:
Still not great at boss fights though.

I’m still torn between pyro2 and wiz3, but the sheer carnage of magic missile and the scaling of quickcast have me leaning towards wiz3.

That said, steady aim just got nerfed, and it was not 100% uptime and only 45% damage increase.

Quickcast is 100% uptime and 50%. I expect quickcast to get nerfed at some point.

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Thanks for the video. What are you going to be? Elementalist?
I’m seriously considering elem c3>warlock after linker nerf…

No prob. I was comparing Pyro2 to Wiz3 for Thaumaturge - Necro. Maybe not a meta build, but it looks like fun to me and great party support.

Honestly I’m still undecided between the 2. Pyro2 is a boss killing fiend. The fireball skill is amazing, plus I love having access to bonus Z attacks. It’s a good party support buff, which combined with arm inflation could be good.

Wow… Reading this , i think linker c1 isn’t viable anymore for soloing / dungeon right ?

Before it was great because of the imba aoe joint Penalty and hangmans knot CC. Even with aoe Nerf i still thought it could be great later on and secure a Dungeon slot…

with 2 seconds “hold” at lvl 5 it’s not worth the circle imo and ppl are gonna be like " linker c1 ? Gg reroll"

… am i missing something? ?__?

Honestly speaking, wiz3 will be more useful than ele3 at level 600, the only good skills you will have will be eletrocute (with the combo, many hits, might be useful) and frost cloud, even metero stops being great at some point, is damage is no bigger than skills with a few multi hits used in linker situations. Remeber that if you are a good pyro+linker, only because of multihit purposes you can get more damage done than wiz3+ele3.

The nerf didn’t change joint’s cooldown that much, the main problem is hangmans, that was too much of a CC before, and now is only a CC good enough to cast like 1 or 2 spells, if you can make profit of that, it might be useful though. :wink:

(I’m still wondering what to make for myself so I like debates)

PS.: Linker C2 have always been a must, not for hangmans 100% CC, but for +3 enemies on JP, which makes a huge difference, any Linker1 builds not fully PvP oriented are just bad.

But thats the thing, The game doesnt have enough high single target bursts that make great use of linkers in pve and now Hangmens got a huge nerf ( lasting 2s on level 5 Oo). Linkers will still be needed for basic attack parties and some including archers.

well you’re lucky if you have even one rank of cryo in your build, because ice bolt works over stacked enemies hits x2 and has a hidden multiplier (150% instead of 100%). Between that and ice pike it seems like they intentionally made linker synergize better with cryo now that hangman needs the extra cc. Honestly pyrolinker had it easy.

Mhm i thought about going pyro>link>necro.

  • Pyro for early DMG
  • Link for CC + Dungeon slot plus the fun it is to play - necro because I think it synergizes well with linker if done right.

To be honest i tried wiz3 before in cbt2 and I stopped at wiz2 because it was no fun at all. And for me I like the game to be enjoyable. I don’t want to rely on a skill from wiz c3 that could easily be nerfed later on. (Omg imagine the shitstorm for a sec…)

I want to evade planning months in advance for a game and classes that are not even close to be balanced . let alone other circles that are not announced yet. but I will take linker c2 into consideration. Thanks moises :slight_smile:

Good to know. I should dig into cryo a little . maybe I just try the build and reroll if not satisfied. Don’t need to be ‘top 10’ :smiley:

That’s for sure, but dont u think 1 + skill level*0.2 is a little bit too much nerf? i mean if u wanna nerf the CIRCLE 1 u should put some c2 or c3 atributes to increase disable duration or so, cause now we have 3 circles nerfed, with level 1 compared to level 15 (yes, 14 more points) to HK meaningless for sure (14 points for barely 3 more seconds and nothing else).

And we cant forget the +50% increase on JP and HK cooldowns.

I would say 1 + 0.5*skill level would still ok, cause level 5 = 3 seconds disable, while level 15 = 8 seconds (half it was before, cause 15 seconds was really too much, i would not call OP cause u didnt even need the full duration of it).

But some linker combos are dead with this changes (pyro fireball/flame ground which was a really popular build). Pyro class just looks bad now (pyro 3 linker 2 was pretty standard to cover AoE issues.

I’m maybe going wiz 3 - ele 3 - featherfoot reagardless having synergy or not, it is still better than wiz 3 - linker2/3.