Tree of Savior Forum

Is there a minion master type build?

i always loved summoning minions to do my dirty work for me. is there any builds that is more minions focused?

@Sixaxis is the one youre looking for.

The Bokor (a mid-rank Cleric class) and the Sorceror and Necro (both high rank mage classes) can have minions.

Bokor requires killing monsters to raise them up as zombies. You can get a ton of zombies. Unfortunately they’re also very slow, and they die easily to bosses (whereupon its hard, but not impossible, to find things to kill to raise up some more in the middle of the boss fight)

Sorceror gets two real permanent fighting minions (one of which is not too good, and the other which is good and the class is generally focused around), a minion that’s really just a glorified buff, and the rest attacks that just look like minions. I’m not sure if that’s enough to qualify as an army, really.

Necromancer gets one strong permanent minion, one turret minion (technically two but the other is just a glorified debuff that’s terrible), and five resummonable weak permanent minions (but they still die too easy vs bosses. At least you don’t need to kill something to resummon them)

Unfortunately necromancer and sorceror are both high rank classes so you can only go half sorcerer + full necro (which means less utility and control on the one strong sorceror summon), or half necro + full sorceror (which means no turret or 5 weak minions!). Someone looking to make an army will likely choose the half-sorc full-necro route.

End result is one DPS character who probably links enemies together so they all take damage whenever summons hit one of them and does some DPS (you) + one strong perm sorc minion + one weak perm sorc minion + one glorified buff minion + 5 weak necro perm minions + one strong necro perm minion + one turret minion. Which isn’t too bad, I guess. (reports on this one are that it’s… um… okay? One big issue is that minion AI is incredibly dumb)

Or one support cleric with various support and/or heal spells (you) with a whole truckton of slow cumbersome zombies. (alas reports on this one is that it’s just mediocre at best, sadly, unless you’re running around like a choo choo zombie train rather than letting your zombies fight on their own. Zombies are sloooooow)

I’m only good for the Cleric tree! :c

I can’t give any detailed build advice for a Wizard summoner sadly.

you can go sorcerer 2 + necromancer

thanks for the info! ill probally go full necro and hope they update minion AI later on. if not ill end up maing a high dps warrior

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id like to hear what you have to say about the cleric version @Sixaxis

Sorceror comes before Necro does, but just not early enough that you can go full sorc and full necro at the same time. It is wholly possible to go half sorceror while still going full necro at the same time (technically only 33% sorc but that final tier of the sorc is pretty lame anyways. If you pretend it doesn’t exist, it’s half-sorc!). But of questionable value as the two classes don’t have much to offer to each other beyond minion quantity lulz. Then again, most mage classes don’t have much to offer to a summoner necro besides linker anyways, and you can go linker (2 out of 3 linker ranks at least, which is enough) and sorc AND necro all at the same time easily enough.

ill end up trying that :slight_smile: thanks

It’s not as flashy as the others but Paladin can also convert monsters to fight for them , up to 10 at once whit C3.

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that sounds sweet, do they last until they die after they are converted or is it timed?

They last until they die or change map, if you lay down heal tiles the monsters will move on them to heal themselves if they have Low hp.

The monsters will also use any skill they know and can be buffed whit party buff. You also get a attribute that increase the monsters attack by a value equal to 50% of your str.

Just adding on this, if you use conversion try to never convert flying mobs because if you lay down a heal tile they will try to move over it to heal themselves but because they are flying type they can’t trigger the tile and will be stuck above it until it runs out.

Bokor, a Vodou Sorcerer, is an offensive class under the Cleric tree made available at Rank 3. Bokors make use of Voodoo magic to curse enemies, assist allies, and summon the undead. Zombies, which are weak at the beginning, can be supported through the use of Veve’s (Symbols) and used as mediums to activate other skills, making Bokor a valuable ally or fearsome adversary.”

Hexing: A targeting debuff that reduces your opponents magic defense and stops their (natural) HP Recovery, and enables you to use Effigy. A Zombie that kills a target afflicted with Hexing, will turn that target into a Zombie too.

Effigy: A non-targeting damage skill that automatically hits all targets within medium-range that are afflicted with Hexing. Like Voodoo-doll cursing. The Attribute for Effigy will enable you to ‘Blind’ enemies with a 25% chance, which makes monsters stand still if their target isn’t right next to them, and does this to players:

Tet Mamak La: A skill you use to direct your Zombies to a location, and the Zombies will instantly eat it once they reach it. It’s actually a pseudo-minion itself, and although it can’t move from where you throw it, it deals poison-element, strike-attribute damage to any target that’s touching it at a rate of 0.5s. You can spam throw them too, so it’s a good strategy on Boss monsters and certain maps for grinding, as long as you keep your Zombies away from the skulls.

Zombify: A small summoning-circle that you cast on the ground, and any target that dies inside of it will become a Zombie. Zombie Defense is scaled off your own Defense, Zombie HP is scaled off your SPR, and Zombies can be buffed by certain skills in the Cleric tree.

Mackangdal: An AoE buff that makes you and your allies invulnerable to damage for the buffs duration. Once the duration hits 0, you take all of the damage you accumulated all at once. Can be avoided by standing in Safety Zone or using the Priest skill Revive before the duration hits 0.

Bwa Kayiman: A physical damage skill that makes all of your Zombies gather in a line behind you and quickly follow you while you move. Any enemy they touch in this state will be dealt physical damage.

Samediveve: A Flag that buffs you and your Zombies with HP and Movement Speed. The HP buff is negligible, but the Movement Speed buff is useful for both you and your Zombies. Only half of the buffs apply to you though.

Ogouveve: A Flag that buffs your Zombies STR by 50% of your current INT. It also increases your Zombies AoE attack ratio (Allows them to hit more targets at once), but that doesn’t make it worth leveling the skill past 1.

Damballa: A damage skill that summons an orb. Zombies that come into contact with the orb will explode, and deal very high damage (For a C5 skill) to nearby targets. Zombies that die from Damballa have a chance of spawning one or even two more Zombies in its place. Although hard to actively pull off, detonating 15-18 Zombies at once will deal upwards of 50k.

Zombie types:
Normal Zombie: Slow movement speed.
Wheelchair Zombie: Average movement speed. Strike-property attack.
Scale (Large) Zombie: Very slow movement speed. AoE attack. Tankier.
All Zombies: May anger your party in dungeons if you have too many out, because they lower FPS.

never realized there are more than 1 type of zombies lol. so funny, i love this part of ToS.