Tree of Savior Forum

Is their any way that can we grind our stats or skills?

im just wondering if can we grind our stats or skills in this game

Yeah it’s most commonly known as ‘leveling up’.


no i mean like with out lvling up that we can grind a certain amount of stats alike or skill

You can find extra bonus stat points littered about optional questing maps (in doses of 1-2 for completing a quest), but that’s it. You can’t level your class level separate from your character level.

ohh ok thanks :slight_smile:

You can grind mats for the collections which give some stats :slight_smile:

what do you mean by mats?

Materials that are required for collections.

I found this post explaining collections…

Pretty much when you complete a collection it gives you stats that apply to all your characters for your account.

Thanks for the information :slight_smile:

there are also statues that give +1 stat point when you touch it… looks similar to a warping statue but it glows gold instead of green

is their certain limit on how much we can have for touching the statues?

Each Zemyna statue gives +1 stat point. there is 1 in West Siaulai woods, Lemprasa Pond, Royal Mausoleum Constructors chapel 2nd floor, Zachariel Crossroads, Saknis Plains, and Inner Enciente District. i might have the last two a map ahead of where they actually are though, can’t recall their exact locations off the top of my head. there might be a couple more as well but these are the ones i remember.

ok thanks :slight_smile: i hope to get a map soon for this :slight_smile: