Tree of Savior Forum

Is Map Viewer Addon allowed?

So you say they did not understand me very well… I don’t know what to say. I truly feel uncertain…

@STAFF_Ethan, what would you think about this? If you have time, could you please confirm the Map Viewer Addon by Excrulon is allowed or not? I’d really appreciate your reply. Thank you very much!

The addon is absolutely necessary to play ToS.
Running 3-5 times all over an entire map just to get the last 1%, which isn’t even visible is not fun, it’s obnoxious.
It doesn’t give you an ingame advantage over other players. It’s just a time- and sanity-saver.


Agreed with @liantis24 .At first I thought it was another element that made the game funner and more rewarding…until I found myself staring at maps that looked completely solid with no idea where to go.When it happens with so many maps in a row,it’s no longer fun or a good idea.

I think that response was about as generic as the rest,so I wouldn’t worry too much about it and use it if you want to.


But… but… Staff_Julie way back then said she got word that Fog Viewer (Map Viewer) wouldn’t get you a ban, thus we can understand that it was allowed at that point?

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Added a question about addons to the QA thread. maybe they will give more info or a list of apporved ones. Im not sure about what mods there are since i dont use them, but if someone tells me what all there is or a page with them all listed, ill add that in the question…

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This should be included in the game, it is absolutely ABSURD that we have to GUESS where we missed while exploring. Especially since a lot of exploration requires you to HUG the wall, for some dumb reason.

There’s no way in hell any sane person would think this was “exploiting”, so I doubt IMC will ever say it is not allowed.

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well i mean technically it -is- in the game. that’s what the black fog is doing. however, the black fog expands far too generously when you approach it, resulting in “invisible” fog off the edge of the visible map.

like when you have a red square of fog, and only the very tip of a corner even touches the side of the map. the original black fog, half that square of fog would already be transparent… making it nearly impossible to identify without scraping along every wall in the map.

I totally agree.
Something like the fog viewer should have been included in ToS in the first place.

Wow, I haven’t seen that post!
Now I truly started to change my mind… It makes me happy lol

But even so, I’d like to see the answer of @Gringe’s question or any Staff member’s reply here. The ticket still concerns me, so I’d like someone of them to come here and make things clear once, so no one else shall fall in this situation anymore.

So we are allowed to use it, after all. Glad to hear that.

So thank you everyone. I would have been confused even today if you weren’t to help me :blush:

I have open a ticket and the team says addons are not allowed :frowning: