Tree of Savior Forum

Is Linker C3 worth it if you want be mostly support?

As @greenfoxy21 pointed, RS is really good on a SPR build, i had it on iCBT on my sorc as Wiz C2 > Linker C2 > Sorc C1 > Alch (due to summon SP consumption), when i used RS, and i had around 50-80 SPR, it did decreased the damage nicely, on a dungeon group, i only used summon at the bosses or when a group of trash gone out of control and i had to avoid damage and help on clearing a bit, using SC i could help on the buffering and using PL + RS we barely took damage unless it was a squish char on party, most of times the healer barely touched the heal skill, with UC it may give more leeway to be bold during a dungeon run.

If Sorc summon was changed as i do hope it did, and there is no more SP consumption or at least there is SP recover enabled during its use, it may be viable, but Feather Foot seem a better choice.

I donā€™t know about others, but for me, Unbind is useless, i mean, i didnā€™t even bothered removing the links, so that point could go to JP for the 8 links.

As for stats SPR:CON 3:1 i think its ok, if Feather Foot skills depend on INT for damage you can try balance it, go CON up to 100 then add to INT.

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Physical link make every one get hit. That mean equipment durability will burn very fast. Your armor will broke in the first few group of mobs in dg run.

Umbilical Cord is ultimate late buff imo. Higher level higher stats share.

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C1 or C2 linker will be enough, some preferred Chronomancer for mspd buff and the OP reincarnate which can be use to bosses :sparkles:

And for the love ofā€¦ that Physical link is cancerā€¦ Oh my gawdā€¦ I just remembered my horrible encounter of that skillā€¦

Unbind is only for two reasons in there.

  1. Emergency unbind to save yourself and the group from a heavy spike. PvP and PvE Wise.
  2. It deals damage to natural ending links. too.

1 point fo rutility.^^

Lucky me. Weapon (i will use) and skill atk of featherfoot are high xD, i will only mis sout on 700 matk if i donā€™t have someone with full int build or near that in my party ^^ (1400 matk damage for attribut maxed skills without modifiers).

RS 15 ā€¦ hrhr. I did that in cbt2.
And tested full spr at level 130 ā€¦ itā€™s nice as it spreads to party too xD.

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Ohh rightā€¦ i forgot that.
SQUIRE in need then ā€¦

I too found Unbind rather useless. Admittedly I focused mostly on INT with some SPR. Early information led me to believe that SPR wasnā€™t that great, but you, along with @greenfoxy21 have brought up some great points about it.

I feel more confident in my decision to go Linker C3. Iā€™m not sure if I will touch Sorcerer though. Iā€™ll do more research. I really do like the Linker class and when the open beta comes out in North America, I will most certainly roll one again.

Probably without any support skills to render hits from actually interupting you xD.

I feel that what happened is that the NonLinker-Wizard (Likely them) did not stop dying because of it due tot heir low HP pool.

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Atleast lategameā€¦ physical attackers and everyone fighting status spamming mobs ā€¦ will cry that they didnt invest some points in spr.

In pvp blocking is hardcore xD.
Some chars can have 600~1k blockrate.
Even with full spr buildā€¦ you would only hit them half of the time.

I need to search for the restance increase mathā€¦ i think it was 10% chance per 100 sprā€¦ to resist harmfull rank 1 and rank2 debuffsā€¦

I have to agree on point 1, but point 2 i did had that attribute and in all honesty i didnā€™t saw any significant damage, be it at full INT or not, it was basically the same if any difference it was insignificant, well i donā€™t know how the skill is now tho.

It still a + for the build, i just wonder if the healing effect from FF skills can be shared, that would make a nice alternative healer lol.

At level 10 it was already a beast lol, and i did with 100 SPR, almost invincible with hit and run tactics.

After some thoughts i think FF is better than Sorc, specially for the survivability.

Unbind is for safe a guy that got linked with monster. ( eg. dg run with a member from your enemy guild).:sweat_smile:

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I really hope that it is shared xD ā€¦ but if not. It would make me still a good tank (after getting some con and dex from umbical ā€¦ for that time frame of 30 seconds atleast).
As i could be an offside tank, catching stragglers or takeing the beating while the natural tank is getting healed or ressed.

I have seen a video where a linker1>feather healed on 5 enemysā€¦ 30% of the dps he deals.
Itā€™s really goodā€¦ sadly only works against certain types. But lucky ff ā€¦ many mobs are beast, insect or demon.
(he only soloedā€¦)

(Only Mutants and plants are his bane xD ā€¦ no heal there.)

The really good thign about shared con is.
When you have 30k hp then and it ends ā€¦ even if you took 20k damage without a priest healing you. You will go back to your normal 6~8k hp. It should work really well on partys xD ā€¦ just hope that they increase the uptime to 45 seconds someday.

RS 15ā€¦ 9 reflects hrhr!

Ohh. Does it unbind these too?

Never tried to be actualy truhtfully speaking ā€¦

I just kept running off screen to break links on meā€¦

I think it has some goodā€¦ But it maybe more practical for a support wizard to do LinkC2, ChronoC3 for DPS support with Quicken Attack + Pass. Or Thaum for a mix of DPS/Def buffs and control(shrink body). LinkC3 I feel is something you do when you want a WizC3 and you have zero interest in NecromancerC1.

Interesting. I looked up Pass and I have to say, it does look quite good. Chronomancer is very tempting as well. There are supposed to be a total of 11 ranks in this game, correct? I wonder if I could pull off a Linker C3 and Chronomancer C3 build. Beyond Linker C3, I actually have no idea where I want to go. Maybe Cryomancer C3?

You mean post 280? There will be new classes which should have their own synergiesā€¦ It maybe worth it to fill out younger classes like Linker. Or it maybe notā€¦ Depends I suppose how they setup the later ranks.

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Yeah, that is the fun on the classes mechanic, an off-tank to hold trash that may go after paper DPS or healer is nice to have, and if they ever add Raids to the game, which i do hope they do, it will be even better.

Well, at least we have the option of check maps/dungeons before venturing into them lol. Planning ahead never hurt anyone.


They added guild raids just last patch.
But havent seen videos of them yet.

Some mechanics are ā€œnot so well knownā€.

Letargic +100% striek +100% earthqauke damage
Sntchings + 100% slash/striek bonus.
Bounceshot doing +100% damage on bounced shots.
Featherskills shareing trough JP, not only the dps.
Int bonus applying to hoplites finestra for 10% (actually worth around 70 or so atk, when uc is on you and you have a mate with max int).

And many other synergies.

Heck people became google eyedā€¦ when they found out multishot can be an aoe skillā€¦ with some aoe atk ratio and circling (or hangmansknot, not only JP).

xD i bet we still missed many,

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Man that is some awesome stuff, canā€™t wait to test all kinds of builds lol.

The one build i want for pvp is Archer>QS3>Ranger2>scout1 xD.

Just saying. Level 8 running shot deals 320% bonus dps on auto attacks (gem+dindle corssbow).
An AA is then 420% Atk worth. 460% if you get some divine might in ā€¦ (too rare).

But then add 30% more atk to that from ranger buff +100 dps bonus.
546% Atk on a AA with an bonus 546 damage to it.

On level 280 you can easily have 1,5~2k natural physical atk (with good equip and buffs more).

Meaning an AA will deal around 11k damage xD on non crits. And Around 17k on crits.
(who needs snipe of musketers, it deals 28k damage (with 2k base atk) on a non crit with max attribute. But pvp outside of tanks ā€¦ only has people around 8~20k hp anywaysā€¦)

That kind of build is useless against high density of high level mobs. As you donā€™t do AOE damage with bowsā€¦ even if you have aoe atk ratio. But together with Pavise, StoneSHot (10sec stun) and teardown. QS3 is a pvp powerhouse~

And who cares for Mobs of enemysā€¦ if you can spam bounceshot if it gets to moby (if you decide to not take scout) ā€¦ That build is for pvp use mostly xD.

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