Tree of Savior Forum

Is it just me or is A3 completely garbage

Doesn’t Multishot scale better into late game though, compare to barrage? I thought that’s one of the reason why people stopped taking r3 after the steady aim nerf.

ive actually read your tests before posting this as well. I just thought since i wasn’t going to R3 and i already have a a2 r1 ill just make a A3 to see how strong/weak it is. Thanks for doing the testing btw. Really appreciate it.

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If you mean leveling Multi-Shot makes it scale better then yes, it is better compared to Barrage in that terms. But if you mean actual damage dealt, Lv5 Barrage actually has abit more damage dealt per arrow compared to per arrow of Lv15 Multi-Shot even at end-game.

Multishot 15 and Barrage 5 scales better than Multishot 5 and Barrage 15, that is correct.

Multishot 15 is actually a really nice aoe skill if you have enough aoe attack ratio and sorcerer buffs. It out damages Crossfire by a significant amount for less SP cost, but it does come with a 17 second CD.

It’s also much easier to attribute since it’s a C1 skill, so when you have 50% attribute that scales up to 16-18 hits of aoe splash damage (with multishot gems being relatively cheap), it’s definitely amazing for aoe grinding parties.

Seems late to ask, but how did you get to pass that Scout C2 without grinding? :open_mouth:

just use addons and do all quest. You can just quest til 210 and grind from 210 and above.