Tree of Savior Forum

Is it allowed to cheat now?

Are you really comparing shitposting to botting?

Lets be real here. You know you’re shitposting. I know you’re shitposting. GMs know you’re shitposting.

You aren’t fooling anyone.

huh? my fact is now a shitposting now?


if anything, we are all “leaser” to the game called Tree of Savior.
if anything, botting is against IMC’s TOS

if IMC don’t do anything, well… everyone, lets get on the hack/exploit/bot trend~

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If people want to bot that’s their own prerogative. If you’re willing to pay $20 a month to use their shitty scripted hack programs be my guest.

The amount of bots that actually make it past level 75 are rare and they get more and more rare the higher up you go. Aside from Battle Bracelet (Which I’ve expressed my opinion on above) It’s pure risk for virtually no reward.

If you have access to a level 230+ pet with leveled up attributes you can outearn the Dina Bee Farm AFK Warlocks. (Logout timer anyone? I think 10 minutes of AFK is enough before the game logs you out completely) That will outearn any bot.

And if you bot on your main account and get caught? The loss of your character far outstrips the amount of effort you saved from botting to begin with.

The highest tier of content will never be accessible to bots because of the risk involved. So who cares?

thank you.

now we can all start to bot ~

no1 cares is the bot can get to lv330… this is not RO or WoW bot…

Bot in TOS is just silver/matts farming, a disposable fleet of mindless slave alts…

game is coming into 6months now, we starting to see more than 20 high lv 200+ bot, even more lv100~lv200 bot, lv100 below is a disaster…

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Do you think silver drops/costs aren’t going to go up dramatically with each circle added? Do you think 1 million silver now is going to be a meaningful amount when circle 9 rolls out? Low level slave bot farms are going to be able to spend a full day with 20 bots earning what a real player could in 30 minutes.

That’s if they don’t get reported and banned before they are able to cash out their earnings.

My adventurer score rank is 780 and I’ve never seen a level 200+ bot.

disposable alt… ban me as frequent as u want…

ban is not the key solution , anticheat-bot is… but we haven’t got it in TOS yet…

so , its free to cheat/bot until TOS implement the anticheat-bot.

for now, its the race between how fast can a GM ban versus how fast I can make another new bot account~

all these while hook64 players still walking around like nothing happened.

never seen a lv200+ bot? good for u… good for u…

@everyone please, there is no lv200+ bot in TOS, this is a great news!

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Don’t worry. Anti-cheat-bot-hack programs are 100% successful. Just look at Counter Strike: Global Offensive. No hackers running rampant on that insanely successful game. No sir.

a locked door doesn’t prevent thieves from breaking in, but, might as well open my door wide~ Right?

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Bots do nothing but earn chump change in this game and they’re highly exposed to being reported and deleted. Bot all you want, but don’t cry on the forums when you get banned from it.

guys, what are u waiting for~

come on, subscribe to your preferred cheat/bot now~


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Alright. Name a place in this game you can bot at besides Tenet Church with it’s Battle Bracelets and earn more overnight then a player making one trip through a level 230+ zone.


its botting-industry-confidential info yo~
competition is harsh even among botters~

you don’t get to it until you subscribe to the bot and its botting community~

eh, juz wondering, have u been into any botting ?
wow honorbuddy?
RO modkore/openkore?

do u even know how the botting world works?

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That doesn’t change the fact that pre-level 100 there are only a handful of super lucrative items like Battle Bracelet. The regular drops, (Silver, equipment, etc.) Are trivial and only become more and more trivial with every bit of content that’s released.

Getting your bot farm up to the level where the lucrative stuff resides only increases your chances of getting caught… Dramatically I might add as people will rage report you with everything they have. That ends up costing you everything. You’ll never get the time back your bot spent grinding, it just means you left your computer on for nothing.

As for botting myself? Not since the Diablo 2 item market.

Coulda sworn I saw a emo kid from some movie, a mutant, that had a similar name…acts the same too…hmm…

botters don’t bot for something in return

we merely bot because we can.

getting anything is just a side-income…

think of it this way, some people create addon for hobby
some people botting for hobby as well

well, atleast, that’s how I see from the years botting in wow/ro

botting is another kind of fun to us, and as modern as we are in 21st century,
I’m curious why haven’t mmo incorporate botting as official helper…

imc could sell official bot etc…

oh well…

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Eew, dude no, keep them closed. >.>

tell IMC, don’t tell me, lol~

People create bots because unintelligent people will pay you $20 a month to use it lol.

Til people make a bot that isn’t identifiable as a bot after looking at it for no more then 15 seconds I’m really not concerned. They won’t make it to high level regions.


but most botter i hangout in the bot forum r clearly smarter than people here.

bot is for the lazy n idiot <- common misconception.

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If I’m not hunting battle bracelets It’s just not worth the time and risk to bot in this game. There’s barely any reward to it.