Tree of Savior Forum

Is it allowed to cheat now?

Still waiting for proof that teleport/range hacks are a real thing. There’s actually evidence for hook64.

That lets you teleport but only from zone to zone. Not the warping around within a zone that people describe.

hook64 allows you to teleport to specific maps.

channel crash (enchant) doesn’t work since IMC patched that. If you crash a channel all gear is same (not reverted back to previous state).

Exactly. The ‘range’ hacks people describe are just laggy Chinese bots. That’s the point I"m trying to make. There’s many real problems to complain about without inventing new ones.

the range hacks is TOSkore’s feature

That’s the distance that the bot will seek out new targets, it doesn’t allow you to exceed the maximum range. Exceeding the range value is just a side effect of players playing with insane latency using these bots (Like playing on the US servers from China.)

Show me a video of an archer “range” hacking that doesn’t fire at a dramatically slower speed then a normal player.

Exactly. Just google it. Or Viperbot or Ownedcore forum or whatever. There you get reliable intel on what hacks and bots can do, how broken the game is and things that work at the moment. I probably shouldn’t post the names but most people already bot and hack anyways.

or got blasted elsewhere…

not gonna convince or proof anything

everyone know it can be done

latency wise, yep, I do agree with u.

china bot or bot feature, I thought the main issue still bot itself

oh well… bot runs hand in hand with mmo for more than a decade…

What’s so threatening about a bot in a low level zone earning 75K silver a day when we can hop in a level 230 zone and outearn it entirely in 40 minutes?

Aside from items like Battle Bracelet what is a bot going to accomplish in this game? The higher level you get it, the more chance it has of being exposed and deleted.

Report it and get a grip. People have been botting in games for years now.

nope, bot is not the major threat here…

idiotic quest that require x amount monster killed, monster kill vibora exp card, RNG and DPK drop rate, low monster spawn…

bot interfere with those.

yep, you can go to lv330 no problem, but only issue is when you tried to farm certain matts

bots is just a part of the issue…

since the thread topic is “Is cheat allowed?”

I would say “just don’t get caught…”

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If you can get your bot up to 330 without being exposed that is.

I dunno how it is on other servers but the highest level bot I’ve seen on Orsha was grinding the lizardmen in Manahas. I also noticed their name on the most recent bot report ban list that IMC puts out from time to time.

So what did they get out of doing that? Maybe a few blood stones stealthily transferred to their main account. Again, that’s like an hour or two of effort from actually playing. Plus they lost the character they did it on.

What did they gain?

The only bots that bug me are those fuckers in Tenet Church. Items as valuable as battle bracelet should not exist in a zone I can get to in about 40 minutes on a new character.

Real life and in any game cheating of some sort happens every where. just how people are…
just dont get caught and its all fine until ur trails become too long to hide.

now, IMC is an exception; they dont punish when some1 is revealed / reported with solid evidence. instead the person has to come right out screaming “ban me fkers” lol
example: Bluehound just trolling and mocking IMC straight up in forums.
same abuser, SovietHammer, more subtle about his taunting; keeps it only in-game and posts random youtube music vids lol

this. I laughed to this.


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To be fair, if I was an employee of IMC I wouldn’t read these forums either. All you see are out of work NEETs posting troll ■■■■ all day til they get muted and forced to make another forum account.

“Home Sweet Home”.

On one hand, the obvious neglect led to this, almost characterized when the home game has ties to Nexon.

But on the other, would it really change if IMC treated us better at this point? People would still be hueing, doomspelling, and ignoring what actually goes on all the same, just at a lesser volume due to bliss.

I know right…

but, u cant sue me…

or, u can?

so a convict will never had a chance to voice their opinion, anyone who been to jail should have their voting rights revoked, right?
I don’t deserve to eat in a fine dining cutting 100usd steak, right?


I been muted twice, this my 3rd account.

on topic, yes, you very much can cheat as long you don’t get caught~

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I’m glad you noticed that was aimed at you.

What’s going on in your life that you have the time to spend throwing it at a small population MMO forum? You seem to have nothing better to do then hate on it even past the point of being muted.

I’m assuming if we compared in game playtime your time would quadruple mine as well.


so next thing to attack, how I spend my time… is that it?

wait, are we even attacking each other now?

huh? have I said anything provoking ?

what are u getting triggered over for?

wait… just because I was muted, twice, my words suddenly become trash?


Oh you got that backwards. Your words were trash therefore you got muted…twice.

ok, so… what, the fact “you can cheat as long you don’t get caught” <-- anything wrong with this statement here?

something similar to “not guilty until proven”

huh, I merely stating facts, so a facts can be wrong too if its written by a convict?

if I say 1+1 =2 , its wrong?