Tree of Savior Forum

Is having a Glass Cannon Wizard for PVE all that bad?

I should let you know that most elememe only start to get good after the dungeon and mission phase, and only if they tried to solo grind.

Most don’t.

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Umm so defense isn’t too shabby, huh? Nice to know. Time to farm Grynas set -and- befriend a Pardoner. :v

A white 220 armor give more defense (but lesser mdef) compared to grynas.

You can roughly gauge the amount of HP you need in ET, the hardest hitting content. Go by increments of 6K, the average amount of damage dealt by most mobs. Want to survive one hit? 7K. Two hits? 13K. Can incorporate things like the +32.5% max HP Squire food bonus for an hour as well.

I force the Elementalist in my party to push 20K+ HP beyond the 10th floor of ET. It gets very dangerous beyond that point.

You mean this guy?

Probably don’t need that much HP tbh when you exploit stuff.

His weapon would glow if it was +18. It does not.

Moreover, if he were the type to exploit, he wouldn’t have a Circle Rod with no potential left that’s only +6.

As up-in-arms as people are about recent drama in the game, I don’t exactly appreciate baseless allegations on my team members when we’re actively trying to fairly clear the endgame frontier while not paying heed to the pissing contests and fear-mongering on these very forums.

You can just ignore them.

As of current they believe that everyone who is better than them in game is either hacking or abusing some feature in the game.

You’re right. That reference deserved no place in this thread. Perhaps I should post that in a more appropriate place, where it matters. :slight_smile:

Careful there don’t associate too closely with innocent folk. You might get them banned too.

Alive full support character with garbage weapon does more damage than super dps build, BiS geared character who is dead. When I party with higher level guys and die all the time as Wiz Ele I feel less useful than a team member’s lv 15 pet. I’m going strictly 3 int : 1 con.

If you get one shotted often your weapon will break too. I’ve seen lots of broken equips on glass cannon archers in long dungeons like lv115.

I also just did a lv214 mission on my lv200 full plate mage (no aspersion nor shield). Got careless one time and a single apple throw from last boss smacked me for 17k health.

When you have enough CON for 17k HP you are gimping your DPS REALLY hard.