Tree of Savior Forum

Is having a Glass Cannon Wizard for PVE all that bad?

The thing is, unless you are going for a PvP build (which you shouldn’t as an INT based elememe anyway), you just wouldn’t receive any damage after 220.

I would argue that those HP won’t help you in any way.

If you have a 24/7 group dedicated making your life as easy as possible (pelt taunter + cleric) then I can agree.

Its a different story if you are trying to solo certain maps for quests, especially if there are a lot of magic damage mobs (which you can’t just rely on plate armor + aspersion to cheese). A pure INT at lvl 220+ with sub-optimal gear will have 6000-7000 HP at best. Magic Mobs will rip you apart before that extra damage from INT can kill anything.

Thing is, You have Dark Theurge to prevent damage from Magic Mobs. Most magic mobs’ skill can be dodged easily by utilizing both positioning and DT.

You have white 220 plate mail set + aspersio to prevent everything from physical mobs. Blue Spion Archer? Those mobs will attack you for 1 damage at most.

You just literally can’t die. I never have my HP goes below 1000 of my Max HP during my solo life as elememe to 280, except during my earlier day where I still can’t utilize the character properly and didn’t use aspersio buff. Even so, I can pretty much survive by just using DT, Energy Bolt and Sleep for safety purpose.

You DON’T need a dedicated group. You can easily solo as a full INT elememe to 280 once you became a warlock and gain your DT (and white armor set), and it don’t even require a big investment.

Getting 10k HP on full Int ele 3 warlock isn’t that hard either. Just max your plate mastery, get 3 cheap 700HP headgear, and health stone. You can eventually swap them out for a better headgear depending on what you need.

Alternatively I can just get 3x 30-42 Matk headgear and cover up for the loss of INT, pretty cheap as well. I can also use Animus instead of having to go with SIN necklace/health stone.

At the end of the day, as long as you are not doing something extreme like 200 CON or even Full CON, the difference in actual damage beween Full INT and 50~ CON-rest INT build is really not significant enough. If your team fails the DPS check for ET floors, its not going to be due to that 107 matk.

pretty much this, 100 dmg on your skills isn’t going to be noticable just get the con

You can always get HP equipment when you need more survivability, but you will never get back the DPS you lost when you decide to add points in CON.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only 280 Warlock that regret not going full INT, due to how useless CON is at this stage of game.

50 INT (or 100 damage) is alot when we are willing the spend few millions just to get that extra +5.

Not gonna have a good time past 5F with under 10k hp as main dps.
With >12k hp you can maximize dps much better by say… bursting down the remaining enemies with dark thurge.

Also con is very useful because it gives a lot of HP comparatively vs HP from gear. For example, a 700 hp head gear is worth about 8.2 con (~7 corrected for bonus con), while a 40 int head gear is worth 40 int (~12 int corrected for 500+ int bonus and class 7 bonus, ~10 int at class 10).
As you can see, int head gear is worth much more stat wise than con headgear. That is why its better to invest in some con and make up the int loss through headgear.
If you go full int AND full int headgear, youre def gonna have a bad time lol.

How does dark theurge work? Does it take a set number of hits before it disappears? Or does the protect last for as long as it’s up?

I believe someone mentioned each spirit has 10khp. It will dissappear after being hit that. They seem to have ridiculously high def though since enemies dont hit it much. (Spirits from invocation has 1 hp I think)

I fully agree with Mirarara with this point.

Due to the nature of scaling in this game, the benefit of going pure int is much more beneficial if you want to min-max stats.

HP can always be obtained from items and enchants, but you will never get back the amount of int you lose from the class stat multipliers.

The only real expensive investment you can get is maga rod which can always be counter acted by ditching arde dagger and grabbing a beetleback.

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Oh then im gonna use it as protection and only launch them right before it expires. It protect against both magic and range or just one of them?

Your spirit HP is scaled to your matk.

I can’t really test it well, but I do know that the DT has higher HP when the matk is higher.

Also, with the incoming card system where we can just wear HP cards, it’s probably much easier to reach the required HP and still maintain the best DPS value.

I do agree that if you want to reach certain HP amount above 10k, some CON is the most efficient as of current ToS.

why are you fighting a magic mob at lv 220+ anyway??? most of the time you should be grinding at alemeth/evac/storage anyway. and you have 24/7 party there, everybody love DPS mage…and you would be fighting 220+ magic mob when you have like 10+ lv gaps on them for the card which will deal puny damage with that gap.

the last part, that is pretty much what you do to kite mobs, jumping on top of them. i have seen elementalist do this when soloing

I’m talking about solo questing here, if you want to just grind at the main spots that’s fine. They have already started adding more quests to the higher level zones, and you can bet R8 + level cap increase means more questing zones as well. If you believe you will have no problems soloing these areas as a pure INT mage, go ahead.

Also I’m not even sure why people are arguing with me when I’m not on either side to begin with, lmao. I merely gave some numbers regarding how much HP you can hit with a pure INT at lvl 280 vs investing some points into CON, if you still feel INT is better or vice versa, go ahead. Its not that complicated.

no i’m still talking about why you are fighting a magic mob at 220+. it’s much more optimal to just grind up at alemeth at that level so by the time you are done with alemeth, quest will just be a breeze (or just grind at evac) and not waste time and hp pots (even con build will waste pots, more pots since they are a bit slower at killing). It’s not that i’m saying its better to be FULL INT, I’m just saying it’s not terribly bad and they may be better in PVE than those with 30% of their stat on CON if you consider that they would be in a grind party (since they will anyway) and ignore the dying part (which is rare and happens mostly when soloing, which is also rare if you are very good at kiting).

I’m not sure if you are even reading my post.

Did I say Full INT is bad?
Did I say 50 CON - rest INT is better?
Where did anyone even mention 30% stat on CON? What? 47 CON is closer to 15% FYI.

There are plenty of people you can argue with in this thread who are against Full INT. I personally don’t give a crap on either stat build. I don’t understand why this is so difficult to understand.:disappointed_relieved:

I’m solidly against glass canon builds if you really want to do post 190 on a more consistent (less dying) and ‘easy on the healers/other support’ play.

However you can go full INT but do learn how to jump-kite, but even then this is rather risky, if not pulled off properly you will fail and you will die.

I’m not so much against glass canon archers as I used to because they tend to be full DEX/enough DEX that their evasion handles their frail constitution (heh). And for the most part they do seem to know limits of when to what… maybe it’s to save face hohoho…

For solo play however, full INT builds are the masters of pretty damn fast progression.

Basically party play would be a no-no until one learns that jumping thing.

Easier for support players, tanks, and healers to deal with.

how hard is it to jump kite. all you gotta do is jump and attack. you land on the floor and repeat. with staff walk 2 steps after landing on floor and repeat.

Listen, I don’t know if I have terribad luck when dungeon queueing but a good majority of the eles I have seen that jump-kite failed miserably. The most pathetic incidents are in the Siau mission. Yes. Go on and jump into the clap or the apples (granted the apples seem bugged for me, I never end up seeing the animation).

even worse if they jump-kite so damn far away that a healer can’t keep up

although that is nothing compared to eles and basically everyone ever jumping out of the range of mass heal

i hope it’s just my piss poor luck here

yea slot of kiters don’t seem to circle around the boss. they like dragging the boss out of your aoe if they get the aggro. circling the boss makes the boss not move as much since most of the time the boss is going to have to turn to face your direction. i get bad luck too. alot of archers who got aggro kite straight into spaces with the most room because of that sense of security there.