Tree of Savior Forum

Is having a Glass Cannon Wizard for PVE all that bad?

I was thinking about going full INT for PVE. Is this a bad idea? I’m currently level 68.

You can go, just be ready to be kicked of parties and be trolled in dungeons.

After some point, stuff will hit your so hard that even you will feel the pain.

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saw a archer with 5k health in 190 dungeon. dude kept on dying 24/7. if you like dying 24/7 it’s probably fun.


depend on build there’re those who has thaumaturge go full int and use transpose too

but for normal circumstance you need a lot of +HP hair accessory, good necklace, and 3 plate to survive. For party you may need to have party with someone you know maybe someone with cleric+druid to protect you.

If u know how to dodge attacks (except magic/archer mobs) it should be fine~ I have full INT wiz3>ele3 lvl 202 atm and its good… You have to pump ur dmg from attributes/weapons. Its a “Kill or be killed”… things do get harder so it really depends on how u control ur char+ur class path+ur ping~

You can just add a bit of con about 50 for survival. That will be enough for most contents.

even for pve you will need at least 15k or you will get one shot alot

you can probably manage til 200 maps but when you hit 230 or 240 maps and above youll easily die to a normal mob, and its very hard to 1 hit mobs on this maps due to them having hp of 120k and above (99999 is max single dmg right? ) .

from my experience, if you more than 7 level lower than the mob lv, having 15k wont help much.
full INT with full plate (Grynas set) set with lv5-6 HP Gem all socket, plus high upgrade top/bottom armor and upgrade accessory might work.

I remember saw a vid with 9k HP wiz in ET (kTos)

Archers mobs that defies the law of physics (with knockdowns and hits like a truck) and mage mobs that has heat seeking missile (which cant be block and dodge, also hits like a truck)

You decide what to do either you run or eat those with/without CON when you face this kind of monsters in 230+ maps

You don’t need HP. most FULL INT I saw i just lure most mobs, jump around them and place AOE DOT Spells. most party will be willing to party a AOE DPS wizard anyway. And you can solo most grind maps this way and people will need to have you as party because they can’t contend on the mobs you are killing because of your huge damage. But you might want some HP so accidents won’t come killing you very fast.

You can go Full INT and rely on gears.

You can put some CON as it’s very hard to get all the good gear needed for that and it probably won’t affect you much.

around 30~50 base CON is what most people consider as a “minimum”.


As early as lv 100 you might get one shotted often if you do missions everyday. Random party sometimes pit you against bosses 10-15 levels above you.

White wendigo searchers will find all the squishes!

Glass cannons are good in theory. But is embarrassing when it comes to actual parties. Imagine having two or three wizards (including you) in a party. You die in a wide AoE, the other two don’t. They notice. The other two rushes into and gathers mobs (especially without a decent tank), you hang back. You do excellent damage, the other two do decent. But nobody notice because casting effects and stacks are the same (and who go around looking at damage numbers during a battle anyway? Its a continuous stack of flying numerals most of the time). Most don’t really care about wiz damage anyway. Its archers who are the true DPS, particularly when it comes to bosses. Around mobs, a decent int can kill most monsters, not as fast as pure INT, but good enough for the purpose.

Dungeon situations are often times very confusing, and a bit of HP can help you to survive chaotic instances. Any party without a decent tank (pelt) or CC (cryo or kino) can cause all monsters to scatter away, pecking at the center from perimeters and chasing players. And certain dungeons have magic users. Bosses will also use powerful AoEs at higher levels. If you don’t mind shedding crystals every run, get some CON. Nobody notice when you do 200 damage less on your attacks anyway. But people love to tell you when you scatter your gems all over the floor.

Nothing wrong with it.

You will only die in mission and dungeon if you are underleveled or you get a bad party who don’t even defend their glass cannon.

After the level where you rely on dungeon, especially after 220 where you get the 220 white plate armor set, your HP don’t matter anymore. Mobs start to hit you for double to single digit damage with aspersio.

In ET, 6k HP is enough for you to survive to clear 5F.

Those mobs are dealing 1 damage anyway. Don’t blame the lack of knowledge of game on going 0 CON.

The full INT became more and more significant the higher level you go. Killing the mobs a few seconds earlier allow your party to find new mobs faster in grinding group.

That’s the thing, you are putting extra burden on others when you can easily solve this problem yourself at minor cost in damage. Plus, it leads to the dangerous thought that people should defend you, that you are the precious cargo. Most people wouldn’t really care, they can clear mobs without you. A lot of parties will still kill the boss while you are on your way to the field after dying.

[quote=“Mirarara, post:16, topic:313347”]
The full INT became more and more significant the higher level you go. Killing the mobs a few seconds earlier allow your party to find new mobs faster in grinding group.[/quote]

Why should they be in a hurry? I can’t think of a situation where killing fast (by a few secs) is a necessity other than ET, and that should be an exemption rather than a rule (most dont even ET anyway). A few seconds won’t make much difference when your skills are on cooldown anyway.

Maybe a full INT is justifiable, but it sounds like a very niche build at the moment. But really investing in a few CON has more widespread utility, i think.

Here’s the thing about silo’ing into INT.

  1. Int only does one thing - it increases MATK
  2. Int does no other thing - it only increases MATK
  3. All the MATK in the world doesn’t mean ■■■■ if you’re dead.

As a wizard, even if you are playing the highest multi-hit DPS spec (read: Wiz3->Ele3->WL1) - the difference between “Full INT” and “Mostly INT with some CON(50-100) for survival” - is about 100-175 MATK. This is at (current) level cap. That means you’re high-multi-hit skills (like Frost Cloud/Hail/Electrocute in this hypothetical build) - will deal a few thousand less total damage, but will really only deal 4-5% less total damage per skill in the grand scheme of things.

Not to mention that as the game grows and more levels, dungeons, world bosses and fight mechanics are added - there WILL be survival checks added that basically say “If you don’t have X amount of life, you gonna die.”

Also, again - if you are dead, you aren’t dealing ANY damage.

If anything, you are placing lesser burden on party compared to the non meta build, so you shouldn’t really worry too much about the burden part. Who cares about burden when many peoples are going for fun build which place more burden on the party.

Also, I never felt that I have need for any CON by soloing to 280 as elememe (I solo because I gain much more exp rate by partying). If anything, I wished that I could gain a free reset stat potion to reset myself into full INT.

Except they don’t. Most dungeon run can actually be faster if they allow the elememe to cast their spells on the mobs by not luring the mobs to elememe or luring them away from frost cloud.

However, there is no reason to compromise your build with the noobs because you will eventually play with the players that can cooperate with you at higher level.

It makes you able to find the next batch of mobs much faster, which is crucial in increasing exp rate.

I am able to steal most mobs in storage from another party, by soloing, due to I have higher matk and able to reach next spot before the other party does.

You will never die after 220 unless you are really bad in controlling your character, and the longest part of the game begin after 220.

4000 HP won’t help to increase your survivability.

Going full INT give you the choice to choose between HP gear or going the highest DPS gear. With the addition of card system (hp card), full int is becoming more and more viable.

A Pure Int wizard can, at best, get to about 9.1k HP, or 10.2k if they choose to use Max Petamion over Animus. This is assuming 3x700 HP accessory, 1700 HP from lvl 50 Plate Mastery, and 5472 base HP from lvl 280. This is not taking into account HP from gems and collection.

Assuming 39 extra stat points from quests/statues, you’ll have 678 INT by going Full INT, at lvl 280.

By investing 47 points into CON, you go from 3 to 60 CON, which is an increase of 4845 HP. You will also gain 57 Crit Resist from this. In return, you lose about 107 INT aka 107 matk.

107 matk, with QC attribute, is 240.75 damage per hit at 50% attributes, 321 damage per hit at 100% attributes.

At rank 8, assuming lvl 350 cap and around 10~ more bonus stat points from quests and no more points added to CON, the difference will be 120 INT, or 120 matk, which is 270 damage at 50%, 360 damage at 100%.

For a skill like Frost Cloud, that 107 INT is roughly 7680-10272 damage.
For a skill like Meteor, its about 963-1284 damage.

Its really up to you to decide if that extra damage is worth it more than 4845 HP/57 Crit Resist.